Chapter 43

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Author's Note: Wow, you guys have added 2,000 reads to "We Found Love" in three days... absolutely incredible! I hope you guys like this chapter as much as the others; let me know what you think, because I LOVE hearing your opinions. Vote, Comment, Follow me Twitter, etc. :) --Ekat =)



Harry’s P.O.V.

            Alex and Niall are so lucky I love them, because I would have killed Niall by now. I know he missed Alex, but he’s just being difficult. Zayn made him a sandwich an hour ago, but he refused to eat it. Instead, he just sulked in his bunk, and cuddled into Lexi’s favorite shirt, and the onesie that we got the baby for Christmas. Just looking at him makes you feel bad. I was about to get up, and force him to eat it, but he fell asleep. Normally, that wouldn’t have stopped me, but he desperately needed a good night’s sleep. When I talked to Alex the other day, she informed me that Niall has been having a terrible time staying asleep; so tonight, Zayn and I are staying up all night. If Niall wakes up, we’re here to comfort him, and get him back to sleep. We had the next two days off, so we didn’t have to worry about falling asleep for any events.

The good news is that Lexi’s coming home to us tomorrow. Niall was obviously really excited about this, and was jumping around, acting like his normal self today. Then when we got back to the tour bus, he remembered that Alex wasn’t here, and got back into his depressed mood. It’s really hard to watch one of your best friends go through this, but at least things would be back to normal tomorrow.

Liam’s P.O.V.

            I woke up early this morning, excited about seeing Alex again. When I walked into the kitchen and dining room area, I noticed that Harry and Zayn were starting to nod off. I told Zayn to go sleep for a few hours. Usually, I would have told Harry the same thing, but since he was determined to keep a promise he made to Alex about keeping an eye on Niall, he stayed. Since we had a few hours before we had to be at the airport, I decided to make everyone breakfast. While I was cooking, Harry told me about Niall’s lack of sleep and eating. Well, that settles it, Niall is eating this breakfast sandwich whether he likes it or not.

            Louis, Zayn, Harry, and I got settled at the table, just as Niall crawled out of bed. He started to march over to the couch, but I grabbed onto his shirt, and flung him into the booth. He looked down at the plate in front of him, and shook his head, signaling he wasn’t hungry. Really Niall? I’m really not in the mood for this today.

            “Niall, you’re not leaving this table until you eat what’s on that plate,” I informed him. When he tried getting up, Louis pulled him back down. To respond, Niall huffed, and crossed his arms across his chest.

            “Come on Niall,” Louis begged. “You don’t want to disappoint Lexi do you? Just eat the sandwich for her.”

            “I’m not hungry,” Niall mumbled, looking down at his lap.

            “Just eat the fucking sandwich, before I get up, and shove it down your throat,” Harry yelled across the table through clenched teeth. Everyone turned to him in shock; everyone except for Niall that is. He just started crying silently. Dammit, I hated seeing him cry. Even Haz realized he screwed up. “I’m sorry Niall; I just haven’t slept in almost twenty-four hours. But please, you have to eat something. You promised Alex that you would eat, and if you don’t, you’ll have lied to her. You’ll have let her down; is that what you want Niall?”

            He shook his head, and whipped his tears. Then, he put on a determined face, and picked up the sandwich taking a giant bite out of it. Way to go Harry; he knew the perfect thing to say to get him to eat again. We all knew how he wanted to be strong for Alex. Granted, he did need a little bit of help along the way, but he made it through this week a lot better than the last time she went to London. I looked up at the clock, and decided that we needed to get ready. We didn’t all get up from the table; someone had to make sure Niall finished his food. Man, those two are the definition of love.

Niall’s P.O.V.

            I’m so excited, that I can’t stop bouncing around. The boys and I are waiting by the terminal, for Alex’s flight to come in. Luckily, there weren’t any delays with the flight, and it was able to land on time. When I saw the familiar head of hair that belonged to the love of my life, I stopped bouncing, and started running. When our eyes met, we both stopped, dead in our tracks. There was just something about seeing her again that made me shiver. She looked amazing, and had a certain glow about her. Alex is back, and she’s all mine. I took off running again, and made my way over to her. She had tears running down her face as I enveloped her in a tight embrace. I’m never letting her go, ever again.

            “I missed you so much,” we both said at the same time. We let out a soft chuckle, and pulled back a little. I tucked my finger under her chin, and made her look up to me. She looks even more beautiful than when she left. I took a minute to examine her, and then I smashed my lips onto hers. I put every bit of love I had into that kiss. She means the world to me, and I wanted to tell her with my lips, not words.

            “Finally, maybe now it won’t be a pain in the ass to get you to eat,” Louis said, as the boys made their way over to us. She hugged all of the boys before turning back to me.

            “I thought I told you to eat more,” she said sympathetically. I just looked down at the floor, ashamed. I knew I let her down, but there was no pleasure in eating without her by my side.

            “I’m sorry Lexi, I tried,” I admitted. “Really, I did. If it helps, the boys made me eat breakfast this morning.”

            She sighed, and wrapped her arms around me. She just held onto me tight, and then she sniffed me, causing me to laugh.

            “Did you just sniff me?” I asked, still chuckling.

            “What, I can’t help it if I like the smell of my sexy Irishman,” she replied, winking at me. I started blushing when she said that; it was really good to have my Lexi back with me.

            “I missed you so much Lex,” I told her, kissing her forehead.

            “I missed you too Nialler,” she added. “Oh, I bought you something when I was shopping in London.”

            “Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy,” I said, jumping up and down. “What’d you get me?”

            “Someone’s a little excited, aren’t they?” she teased. What, I like presents. “But before I give it to you, I have two bags of Nando’s here, with your name on it, and you’re going to eat it all, because you’re like a twig.”

            “Okay,” I replied quickly. Now that Alex was back, so was my appetite. I opened the first bag, and it was empty. “Alex, what happened to the food?”

            “Oh, I forgot,” she said blushing. “I got hungry in the middle of the flight, and seeing as how I’m carrying Niall Horan’s baby, I had to consume a buffet just to keep your child fed”

            “That’s my boy,” I laughed, patting Alex’s stomach. She just rolled her eyes as I opened the second bag. Thankfully, there was untouched food in there. The food touched my lips, and it was heaven all over again. I didn’t even care that it was cold. “This is so good.”

            By the point, we made our way to the car, to head back to the tour bus. We still had concerts for another two months, and then Simon is giving us a break. The boys and I will be off for four months, so I could help Lexi through the last month of pregnancy, and then be together as a family for three months. After that, he said we’ll have to head back to the studio to start working on the third album. The good thing was that Alex’s house… I mean our house, is that it’s only about a twenty minute drive from the studio, so I wouldn’t be too far away from my family.

            When I finished my Nando’s, I turned to Lexi, and shot her a mischievous smile. She looked back with a playful, confused look, as if she didn’t know what I was grinning about.

            “What?” she asked, trying to hold her smile back.

             “Lexi,” I whined. “You know what. Where’s my present?”

            “Oh, you mean this?” she asked, pulling out a box from underneath her seat. How did I not see her put it there? I was probably too caught up in the fact that I had her back. Plus, me having a bag of Nando’s might have played a small role in distracting me.

            My face lit up when she handed me the box. It’s like it’s Christmas all over again. The top to the box went flying over my head, and I accidently ripped the tissue paper to shreds. The boys were scolding me, and Alex just sat back laughing. When I looked at the contents of the box, I couldn’t help but smile. I picked it up, and hugged it close to my chest.

            “I thought you’d like it Nialler,” Lexi commented, noticing my actions.

            “What is it?” Louis asked, taking his eyes off the road, causing the car to swerve a little bit.

            “Eyes on the road!” everyone shouted at Louis. The force from the swerving sent Alex into me, joining our lips together. I snuck my tongue into her mouth, right before she pulled away. I felt her laughing, and then her tongue danced with mine. Fireworks every time!

            “See what you did Louis,” Liam fake scolded. “It’s going to take forever to pry them apart.”

            When Alex pulled away laughing again, I sent a fake glare over to Liam, who cracked himself up.

            “Sorry Nialler,” Liam said. “So what did Alex buy you?”

            I started ripping off the shirt I had on, to swap with the one that Alex bought me. She decided to let her cheeky side show once my shirt was off.

            “Niall, I thought I told you to wait until we got back to the bus to take off your clothes,” she said, adding a wink at the end.

            “Alex Marie Styles!” Harry shouted from the row middle row of the car, who was sitting next to Zayn, while Alex and I sat in the back row. I decided it would be fun to play along.

            “Aww, but babe, I missed you so much,” I replied, trying to keep a serious face. “Wanna hop in the back; we have time before we get back to the bus.”

            I wiggled my eyebrows up and down, and Alex just looked at me with a shocked look her face; impressed, but shocked.

            “Niall James Horan!” Liam yelled from the passenger seat.

            “Okay, that’s it,” Louis said pulling over on the side of the road When the car was in park, he turned around to face us, trying his best to put on an angry face. “There will be none of that in this car. It’s bad enough you two defaced Betsy. For God’s sake Niall, put your fucking shirt on, and keep it on.”

            Alex and I were laughing so hard, and the others just shot each other confused looks. I pulled on my shirt, feeling it against my skin made me feel all warm, and fuzzy inside. Those feelings only doubled when I reread the message on the shirt: ‘Proud to be a Dad’. When I showed the boys, they all smiled, and gave me looks that showed that they were happy for me. I wrapped my arms around Alex, and brought her body into mine, just enjoying the feeling of our bodies physically touching.

            “I love you Alex,” I said, kissing her forehead.

            “I love you too Nialler,” she replied, snuggling closer to me.

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