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Brake was sitting down on his seat, the palm of his hand was on his chin. He was bored out of his mind and he was at the point he might fall asleep, but having the girl who always teases him or piss him off can be hard especially when she's throwing crumble up paper ball at him.

"Psst" she whispered. Brake didn't bothered to turn around to face her, she would just say something really stupid to him that would make him confused or angry. She would sometimes make no sense sometimes. "Psstt Brakeee" he look down on his notebook and started pretending he was reading notes.

"I know your not reading anything.. Look at me" Brake rolled his eyes and closed his notebook to put his head down. He was tired and annoyed by now. "Brake! Look at me. I need to tell you something" "Tell me later now leave me alone" he responded still not looking at her. She pouted, "No" . Bella started throwing more paper at him knowing he was getting angry.

"LEAVE ME ALONE BELLA!" he yelled out as he got up from his seat giving her a glare. She didn't say anything, but just give a sly smile.

"BRAKE JOJO! GO TO THE PRINCIPAL OFFICE RIGHT NOW!" the teacher yelled out at him. "What? Why? I didn't do anything bad!" he said defending himself. "I don't want to hear any excuse. Just go." the teacher gave him a purple slip sending him down to the office. Brake gave a look at Bella before he left which hurt, but made her laugh her ass off.


"Great! I just can't wait to be yelled at by my father. Why does she always got to bother me? She's such a bitch" he whispered underneath his breath. brake open the doors to the office seeing the secretary's looking at their computers or writing something down. "Uh.. I got send down here" he said showing the slip even though none of the ladies was looking at him. One of the secretary's finally notice him and pointed to the back of the rooms.

Brake nodded his head and started walking to the back where there was many different rooms of teachers inside. he felt like he was going to get lose, he didn't know what room she was in. "Brake! I'm in here." Brake turn around to where the voice came from. Brake walked in the room seeing the principal writing some papers down. She put down her pen to put all her attention to the student who barely gets in trouble. "Sit down." she told him. Blake listen right away to the young lady.

"Tell me why your in here Brake, it's really rare for you to get in trouble. What happened?" she ask taking a sip of her tea. "Miss Angel I swear I didn't do anything. It was Bella she-" Brake got cut off right away when he mentioned her name. "Ahh, I see now. I understand Brake."

"You do?"

"Yes. I know Bella, she's always causing some trouble with somebody plus I'm not surprised she bothers you. Your not in trouble, I won't call your father."


"What? Do you want me to change my mind?" the principal raised her left eyebrow confused. "N-No, It's just I didn't think you'll believe me." he said. "Your a good kid, I know you wouldn't get in really big trouble unless it's worth it or is a good ass reason." she put down her drink and shrugged her shoulder. "Just go back to class." Brake nodded his head and thank her before fully leaving her room.


Brake walked down the halls to be heading back to her classes. He was surprised but happy, but his mood change fast when he saw 'her' outside the classes leaning against her locker blowing a bubble game. "Hey there Princess peach" she said waving at him with a smirk. Brake walked right pass and went to his locker to get his notebook for his next class.

"Hey Don't ignore me!" She said walking up to him. He slammed his locker and continued off walking not making a single eye contact with her.

She stopped from walking behind him and stared at him walking away. She was..

Hur- Triggered

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