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"A family is a risky venture, because the greater the love, the greater the loss...that's the trade-off. But I'll take it all." – Brad Pitt

The entire week didn't go as I expected. I am so stressed out at the moment due to a whole lot of factors taking place all at once. I had a pretty stressful project at work that took most of my closing hours and Isaac wouldn't stop trying to get a hold of me but I ignored him as usual.

It is Friday already with nothing much to do. I closed early today so I went straight to the apartment. I needed to relax my feet because it was aching so badly from all the standing and movements.

I sat down at the desk I had placed at the corner of the living room for working as I prepared tea and switched on my computer to check for new mails. As I was scrolling through my mails, I received a mail from Esenam, and she asked me to get ready by five so we go to the club. I picked out my favourite gold backless Shein outfit with a pair of sneakers. I finished up my tea after picking out my outfits.

Since it was not time yet, I grabbed my towel and drew a bath. I sat in the tub for at least twenty minutes before getting out. I grabbed my towel on the towel rack and wrapped it around myself and I went into my room to go through my mails for any update from my gynaecologist but I had no response so far. Now to fill you in, I have a condition called endometriosis, in which the kind of tissue that normally lines the uterus has grown elsewhere other than my uterus. It is a condition that I have had for two years without any solution but my gynaecologist told me he has good news thus my eagerness to hear from him.

I shut down the computer when I didn't receive any mail and I decided to get ready instead. I put on the outfit I picked and put on a bit of perfume and released my hair from the ponytail I placed my hair in, leaving it to fall over back.

When I looked at myself in the mirror, I realised the dress was short and tight just the way I liked it. I put on a bit of makeup and lip-gloss to compliment my look.

You look smoking hot, Nichole.

I picked my purse on my bag shelf and wore my sneakers to finish up my look. I checked my mails again and realised I had a mail from my gynaecologist. I quickly opened the mail, and he asked that I came to his office the next day. At that moment, I felt like crying because I knew just then that God had come through for me even though I didn't know what he wanted to say. I just had a strong hope that everything will be better. Just then, Esenam sent a mail that I shouldn't leave yet because she had a stomach upset and needs to visit the washroom before we leave. I quickly replied with an 'okay' and refreshed the computer before switching it off.

Five minutes later, I heard the sound of the bell and rushed to open it since I assumed it was Esenam at the door.

Oh, hell no!!!

"Isaac..." I looked at the man standing before me.

I looked at him closely and I noticed he still looked ravishing even after all these years. He was in a business suit and a pair of shoes with his hair trimmed and I could see a bit of beard growing on his chin. Then it came crushing down to me immediately that he is the reason I went through depression for years now. I tried closing the door on him but he refused to move.

"Please hear me out Nichole." He placed his foot at the door to prevent me from closing the door again.

"What are you doing here and how did you find out where I live?" I asked.

"I followed you today after work." He replied.

I looked at him dumbfounded. How could he even think for a second that he could just up and follow me around.

That is next level stalking. For Christ sake.

"So even after stalking me online now you had to try other alternatives, huh?"

"I'm sorry for stalking you. I just needed you to hear me out that is all."

"I don't want to hear what you have to say. Please leave." I gently pushed him but he wouldn't budge.

"I know you don't want anything to do with me but we need to talk about the divorce and what happened."

"Excuse you. What do you mean talk about the divorce? I signed my part and sent you the document two years ago. So, what now?"

"Actually... I didn't sign the divorce papers..."

"You what!!!"

"So...erm, technically we are still married." He added.

"Say again? How is that even possible? In fact, why didn't you sign the papers?

"I couldn't sign it."

"Wait a minute I'm confused. You couldn't sign the same divorce papers you requested by yourself?" I looked at him as if he was crazy. "You need to leave right now. This is too much to take in." I tried removing his feet from the door.

"I said move!!! Else I am calling the cops on you."

"Okay fine. I'll leave but I'll be expecting a mail from you soon so we can talk about this properly. I am sorry for spoiling your day."

He finally removed his foot, and I banged the door in his face. I dropped on the floor and I finally let go of the tears I had been holding. I just couldn't gather myself to even get up from the floor so I lay there for some few minutes before getting up to grab a glass of water.

I heard the door open and close which startled me but when I turned I saw Esenam at the doorway and she immediately dropped her bag and moved briskly towards me when she saw my face.

"What happened, Nichole?" She asked me whiles hugging me.

"Is... Isa... Isaac came here." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"What...t!!!" She gasped.

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