Chapter 2: Dating and Dining

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Mia shoved her far too worn backpack into her locker, looking fondly at the man of her dreams as he carries his math textbook and chrome book in his left arm. She looks at herself in her locker mirror one last time. Fixing up her hair and making sure her purple tank top is adjusted perfectly. She wore ripped acid washed jeans, purple (more of a mauve really) tank top, a light brown jacket, and dirty black converse.

Feeling a wave of anxiety rush threw her she shuts her locker and begins making her way towards the boy with buzzed on the side curly coil hair.

"Hi" she says cheerily, winning smile adorning her face. "I'm Mia Anchorage, yes like the city in Alaska, I don't know if you remember me we had English and bio together last year." She holds out her hand, which he grabs and shakes with a confused look on his face.

"I'm Aaron," he chuckles, then smiles back "and I already know who you are, we were in the same class for like 6 years"

"Oh" she didn't think this plan through "I was just wondering if you wanted to eat lunch together sometime?"

His gorgeous brown eyes friendly and beaming "Yeah, sure I'd like that." The light from the hallway windows made his teeth shine like ivory.


Josh hides his face in his locker, using the breathing technique Mia's aunt, Ms. Keller, taught him. The sound of beating hearts and pumping blood rushed through his ears. Regaining some semblance of control, he took one last deep breath and began taking his textbook out of his bag. Getting through another school day without losing it and biting someone felt near impossible.

As he turns from his locker, Tina Cho, his girlfriend of 5 months, wraps her arms around his neck and leans her head forward pressing her mouth to his. Josh could feel the blood pumping beneath her lips. They kissed for far longer than appropriate at school. As their lips mashed he tried desperately to focus on anything else but the scent of red, delicious blood coming from her.  After a few seconds more she breaks away from the kiss but keeps her arms around his neck

"Hey baby" she says, brown eyes meeting brown eyes "if you want we can do that some more at Tim's today after tryouts".

"I'm not doing tryouts this year" he unwraps her arms from his neck "I just don't feel like football's my thing anymore."

She frowns "you keep saying you don't feel like yourself anymore, maybe being back on the team would help?" She says sincerely.

"I'll see you. 5 at Tim's, ok?"

She nods. He kisses her cheek and begins walking towards first period. Just as he begins walking, Mia makes a sharp turn at the corner of the hallway, running with her arms moving back to front and hair blowing behind her. She nearly crashes into Josh, though he swiftly veers out of the way last minute. She takes all but one moment to catch her breath before jumping up and down with excitement.

"Guess what?" She asks immediately as they begin walking, but doesn't wait for a response. "I'm having lunch with Aaron Jackson today" she ends with a light squeal.

"Holy Crap! Mia that's great" he hugs her with his textbook free arm "I knew you'd be perfect together." He's so excited he might jump too.

"It's not a date for sure, but it basically is. This is so awesome! I can't believe it's actually happening".

"How are you going to, ya know, deal with your thing if you date him?" He asks.

"Projecting much?" She nudges him with her elbow "how's that going anyway?" The tone suddenly shifts somber.

"I'll talk to you later. Get to class, act like your life depends on it." Just then the bell marking 1 minute until classes begin rings.

Mia begins dashing to the other side of the school. She knows she won't make it to political science in time, but she has to try. As she's dashing she bumps into Ethan, he flinches as if their collision caused him a far greater amount of pain then it caused her. He looks back and Mia catches a rare look at his light crystal green eyes and they almost look yellow. He quickly turns away and keeps on walking, bowing his head down and turning into a nearby classroom. Just then the last bell, announcing the start of class, rings.

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