Take it slow (Z. C.)

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A day, a new chance, but why do I care if I will fail in the end anyway!?


Heyyy, my name is Zhong Chenle and I am overworked. Yes, I know that this is not good for me or for my fellow human beings, but I have to train a lot. Because I'm the worst in the group. I don't have a good voice like Renjun or dance as well as Jisung. I'm just ... me and that's why I practice so much, day and night.

Last night I didn't get home until 11 p.m. because I was still practicing my part on our new song and it's now 4:30 a.m. I'll go to the studio at 5 a.m. and practice my singing. This is actually my daily routine.

I get up and get ready. Then I go to the kitchen and eat my cereal. I'm so tired. I only got 4 hours of sleep and that have been for six days now. I'm so tired. But it doesn't matter. If I want to continue to be a part of NCT Dream, I have to get better and that can only be done through hard training. So let's go.

I sneak out of the dorm because nobody knows about my daily routine. They always think that I already sleep at night and come home from jogging in the morning. But I just think that my members don't even notice when I leave, because everyone is struggling with their own problems here, but I really don't have time for that at the moment.

I walk into the SM building and straight into the studio. Then I just practice my singing for four hours. When I've had enough, I look at the clock ... 9.45 a.m. I sigh and think that's enough for now. I should go back to now. Go back to the dorm before Jisung makes another storm call or goes to Taeyong Hyung again.
He is the only one in the group who can still hear something, for which I am grateful to him.

As I walk through the dorm door, I see Jisung walking up and down the living room. "Hey Sungie what's going on?" I ask him. Only when he turns to me do I notice the bandage on his hand.
"Ah, Chenle, there you are. We have three hours of training. I think you want to sleep a while longer. If you are still hungry, I have something in the kitchen for you," he says and smiles at me. For a moment I forget everything and would like to start crying, but then it grabs me again.

"Okay thanks. What happened to your hand?" I ask him. "Ah that ... I cut my finger while cooking," he says, a little embarrassed, while stroking his wrapped finger. I just nod and then go to my room, because I really should get some sleep before we have training.

As I lie in bed, I think a little.
Jisung is really the only one in the group who is 'normal'. Despite our problems, he is supportive and takes care of us. I'm kind of sorry for him because he's the youngest.

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