Chapter 50 || Nico

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Nico didn't really do well when it came to the emotions department. He didn't do any better with the explaining facility either. He also didn't really have a social life as he was normally staying away from people. So you could guess his surprise when Jason Grace, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez came walking up to him

"Hey, Nico..." Jason trailed off, giving Piper a look that Nico couldn't read.

"We just wanted to talk for a bit."

Silence. Finally, Nico answered. "You wanna talk... to me..."

He had every right to be suspicious. But at the same time, did he need to be?

"Yes," Leo confirmed. "We just wanna maybe take a walk outside on the deck? It's night time, so... the perfect time to see stars, right?"

"I wish the sky was pure black," Nico muttered before deciding it wouldn't hurt to say yes. "Fine. I'll go with you."

The three demigods were shifting their postures every second, which Nico found... weird. He knew that every demigod except for Frank had ADHD, but they normally didn't fidget as much as they were as they walked along the deck.

"You do realize monsters could make it onto the ship, right?" Nico asked, giving them looks.

"Well, it's why we're in the air and I invented an air monster repellent I put on the ship every two days," Leo replied.

"So is that why this whole ship smells like a poop party?"

Leo looked slightly offended. "It's vanilla lavender..."

"Listen, Nico..." Piper sighed. "I know emotions have never been your forte... but I noticed something."

He was silent as he examined the daughter of Aphrodite, trying to figure out what was going on.

"There's no easy way to put this, but know that it's totally fine," Jason reassured. "We know you're gay."

Nico felt like time had stopped and a cactus had been rammed through his torso. His breathing quickened and he felt his hands grow clammy. The whole world was spinning as Nico reeled. Gradually, the blackness he was feeling for his secret spilled out over his vision and he reached the floor.


"...Jason, I told you it was a bad idea!" Piper hissed as Nico came to.

They were still on the deck, but the three demigods were now standing over him.

"I wanted to be upright with him! That's a pretty big secret to tell!" Jason defended himself.

"Guys, he's awake!" Leo pointed down to where Nico was laying flat on his back.

"You okay?" Piper asked, worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." Nico muttered. "But... how?"

"Well, when we were asking your dad for the Underworld dirt, we were trying to convince him and suddenly... I just heard this voice..." Jason murmured. "Turns out, it was Eros."

Nico cursed. Eros... That awful little shithead.

"He dropped hints that lead me to the point he was trying to make, which was, you're gay."

"No..." Nico muttered. "NO!"

"Nico, it's okay!" Piper soothed. "It's absolutely normal--"

"No, it's not!" Nico shoved his face into his hands. "Now you're gonna tell Percy and he's gonna think I'm a freak and I'll be a loser. Again."

"You are not a loser," Jason said firmly, pushing Nico's hands away from his face, which was now red. "You are probably one of the most powerful demigods I know. And if Percy thinks you suck, which he won't, he wasn't worth your love. You should be proud. Defeating Eros is something many deal with and fail. You did it, Neeks. And we're here for it."

Nico found himself tearing up at this point. "Y-You are?"

"We all are. We were from the beginning," Piper reassured. "But you have no reason to hide it. I mean... it isn't 1930. People finally gained some sense. If you ask me... being gay is pretty cool."

A small smile touched his lips before he realized that there were two beings incased in the shadows. Before he could say anything, Hazel and Frank emerged. "You're gay?"

Nico was red again. "Yeah..."

Hazel had a mixture of emotions on her face that Nico couldn't figure out, but there were tears in her golden eyes. He was about to apologize because he thought she was disappointed, but Hazel engulfed him in a hug. "Nico... Nico, I'm so proud of you!"

Surprised, Nico returned the emrbrace when it was almost over. Looking over at the buff Asian dude who dated his sister, he felt tension slicing through the air between them. Frank rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Listen, I know it's really awkward because we don't hang out a lot, but trust me when I say that I care for you and I'm really supportive of this. You're a really cool guy and... uhm... I hope you find that special someone someday."

"Uh... thanks," Nico mumbled.

"No... problem..." Frank looked away, holding hands with Hazel.

Before anyone could say anything else, Nico had entered the ship and rushed to the room where Percy was sleeping. His wounds were all patched up and he looked somewhat peaceful. Nico took a seat next to him on the bed, looking down at his crush. Percy's messy hair was in his face, telling Nico that Percy needed a haircut after staying in the bed for so long. But Percy was perfect.

"Neeks?" a cracked voice whispered from below him and Nico glanced down to see half-open sea-green eyes. When Nico didn't say anything, Percy repeated his question. "Neeks, is that you or am I seeing things?"

"Percy!" Nico snapped out of his shock. "Uh... shit, you must be in a lot of pain. I'll get you some pain meds and--"

"No, no, no," Percy's hoarse voice stopped him. "Can I just... have a glass of water?"

"Oh... right," Nico said, rushing for the Dixie cups sitting next to the sink.

Filling one with water, he held it to Percy's lips as the son of the sea god drank it quickly, draining the cup in two seconds flat.

"Thanks," Percy whispered.

"I'll... I'll get Annabeth," Nico hurriedly said, rushing for the door.

"No." Percy stopped him again. "I mean... I don't need to see Annabeth too quickly... I actually would probably like it if you could stay."

"Oh..." Nico trailed off. "Uh... sure."

Say it, Nico... Say it!


"I like you."

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