Chapter 41 || Nico

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Nico was in the dark space where he couldn't escape. But it didn't smell like the sea like it did whenever he was seeing Percy. It smelled of wilting roses.

"Eros, stop!" he called out into the darkness. "Stop doing this all the time!"

"Not until you admit what you know," Eros's mocking voice called out as his wings became visible.

"NO!" Nico cried.

Eros sighed before snapping his fingers. A body was now dangling from his hands. Percy. His shirt was tattered, his sea-green eyes lifeless and murky, and his skin was pale, not tan.

"NO!" Nico screamed as his body fell to the floor like a rag doll. "NO! NO! NO!"

Eros laughed, his cackles bouncing around the space. "And you deny it..."

"No..." Nico whimpered.

"So?" Eros stalked around Nico. "How is it seeing the love of your life--"

"SHUT UP!" Nico yelled, glaring up at the gorgeous red eyes of the love god. "Stop it!"

"No," Eros whispered as he pushed Nico away from Percy's body, which just lay there, still and silent through the torture. "You know what your emotions are. You know everything, Nico. Only you refused to accept it. You cannot defeat me."


"Big promises for a small boy," Eros mocked. "I didn't think you would last this long. But you will never defeat me. All that hate... all that love... all those emotions bottled up inside of you? That's me. I stay with you as long as you keep them there. But you refuse to let me go."

"Fine..." he whimpered. "I have a crush on Percy. F**k you."

Eros's eyes narrowed but he relaxed. "It's okay to be gay, Nico."

Nico looked up. "Then why are you making fun of me for it?"

"I'm not making fun of you because you're gay, Nico. I am bisexual. What I find interesting is that you refuse to admit it. That's why I chose you to pick on." Eros sighed, respect shining in his eyes. "But you have defeated me, young Nico. You've finally defeated love."

Nico awoke on the floor, spluttering as a cold towel was pressed on his forehead. He looked at the girl next to him and remembered everything that had happened. Europa was still passed out cold.

"Good, you're awake," Annabeth said, moving on to fanning Europa. "We need to get to Phoenix's palace, but I think we can get an Uber or something."

Nico stood, taking some nectar in a small sip. Frank carried Europa like a rag doll, as if he was a father carrying his little daughter. Getting in a cab, they ignored the stares from the driver and told the driver where to go.

"So... what's with the girl?" he asked slowly.

"Oh... this is my sister," Frank lied. "She fell asleep at the movie theater earlier, so we're taking her home."

"Where is your home? We're in the middle of nowhere!" the cab driver exclaimed.

"Well, we are camping in a cabin nearby."

The cab driver said nothing as they approached the upcoming hill. Well, until a hydra burst through the trees.

"AHHH!" the cab driver screamed as a jet of fire burst towards the door and it caught on fire.

So much of a cab driver... He just dashed from the car and ran in any direction.

"Hydra flesh!" Nico exclaimed. "We can get hydra flesh!"

"IF WE CAN KILL IT!" Frank yelled, getting his spear out.

Annabeth was already out of the car, her dagger drawn. Nico got his Stygian iron sword out and raced into the battle. Europa was still asleep in the car as the hydra relentlessly swiped at it. Frank turned into a dragon and flew up into the air.

"Nico! Help me cut this head off!" Annabeth yelled, climbing onto the back of the hydra.

Nico followed, shadow-traveling and beginning to slice at the neck of the first neck. The other two heads began to attack, but Nico fended them off while Annabeth tried to quickly slice the head off.

"Here!" Nico handed her his sword, taking her dagger. "It'll be faster."

She began to saw at it while Nico stabbed the hydra's eyes. Roaring, they almost fell off, but the head plopped to the floor as they leaped away. Frank blew fire straight at the head and the hydra shrieked with protest, flinging Frank backwards.

"FRANK!" Annabeth screamed as he hit the tree and turned back into human form, groaning and winded.

"We've gotta keep the hydra from getting to him!" Nico exclaimed. "You good Frank?"

Frank nodded, groaning as he stumbled to his feet. A small trail of blood was spreading across his shirt from the claws of the hydra.

Nico took his chance and chopped off another head. Frank blew fire just before the double heads grew. The last head... Well, that wasn't necessary because the taxi cab caught fire with Europa inside.

"SHIT!" Annabeth screamed, racing for the car.

"Go take care of Europa!" Frank exclaimed. "I'll get this last one!"

He flew up into the air and began to slice at the hydra, blowing fire. Nico raced for the river, assuming that his rain jacket could provide a place to store it. Throwing it onto the cab, some of the fire subsided as Annabeth dragged Europa out. She was spluttering and coughing from the smoke, but the hydra was gone. Frank sliced up some of the flesh and plopped it in a trash bag.

"Let's go!" he exclaimed, scooping Europa up and racing down the hill.

Phoenix's palace was visible as they marched through the forest and towards the trail. The moment they reached the doors, the guards raised their eyebrows.

"Is that--"

"Europa? Yeah."

The doors opened and the trio raced in. Phoenix, who was bored, playing with his grapes, looked up at the commotion. His eyes widened when he saw his sister in one piece, her beautiful eyes gazing back at him.

"E-Europa?" he whispered, tears in his eyes.

"Hey, Phoenix."

"EUROPA!" Phoenix's voice cracked as he rushed forward and engulfed his younger sister in a huge embrace.

"Phoenix..." Europa sobbed into her brother's shirt.

He lifted her up, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm sorry..." Europa whispered. "I'm sorry..."

"Ahem?" Nico cleared his throat awkwardly.

Both heads whipped up to face them.

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