Chapter 6

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It had been two days since you last saw your weird kidnapper.

And you only knew how much time has passed based on how many times you had woken up, and how many times you found food next to you when you did.

You were kinda starting to miss him, even though you hated to admit it.

Yeah sure he was an asshole, and had no manners, and he had kidnapped you, but even his company was better than going crazy because of the eerie silence in this so called "room".

You sighed thinking of Meiko, you knew that she would be totally freaking out.

You and her had never gone an entire 24 hours without talking since you two had met.

And knowing her she had contacted the police the first day when she got no response from you.

Unless someone had gotten to her too...

You shook your head not wanting to think of the bad thoughts that were invading your mind.

Nothing could've happened to her, she may have seemed tiny, but the small girl you called your best friend had been in martial arts classes for most of her life.

Plus, why would anyone target her?

Then again, why were you targeted?

You sighed, trying once again to clear your thoughts.

You had no knowledge wether or not you were targeted, for all you know, you were just chosen because you were the only one around when you were kidnapped.

But if you were targeted, how long have they been watching you, watching your every action, stalking you.

You didn't like the thought of that, it absolutely disgusted you.

You breathed in a big breath of air, in an attempt to calm your nerves.

Finally after a few more deep breaths, you were completely calm, and any and all thoughts regarding your kidnapping were out of your mind, leaving you in a state of Faux peace.

You heard the door creak open, and you also noted the heavy footsteps of your kidnapper.

You noted that the footsteps stopped a few feet away from where you were laying.

"I see your actually awake for once" he muttered

And you scoffed internally, not in the mood to pick a fight with him today.

How could he blame you for being tired?

You were mentally and emotionally drained, you couldn't think straight anymore, and you honestly didn't care.

And those two facts scared you, it scared you to know that you had changed so much in so little time.

You breathed in deeply once again, and decided to change the subject.

"What's your name, anyway?" You questioned the white haired male who stood in front of you.

He had an eyebrow raised at your sudden question.

"And why would I tell you that?" He questioned which got on your nerves because you hated when people answer questions with other questions.

"You might as well, unless you wanted me to call you 'kidnapping Asshole' for the rest of the time I'll be staying here" you replied, which caused him to smirk.

"It's kaneki" he responded emotionlessly

"What do you not have a first name or something" you asked

"I do, but not one I'm willing to share with you, besides everybody I know just calls me Kaneki" he answered back.

Kaneki. You played the name over and over again In your head. You had heard it before, but where.

Who had you heard it from in the first place?

Why couldn't you remember.

Kaneki chuckled seeing your confused face.

"Here" he said while throwing another sandwich and a water Bottle at you. "Don't die on me" he called over his shoulder as he walked out of the door.

You looked down at the sandwich, it was bland as usual.

"You could've at least made a better sandwich you fucktard!" You yelled at him through the door, and in return all you could hear was laughing.

'He really doesn't have any manners' you thought

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