Chapter 4

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The next day, (well what you assumed to be the next day since the room had no windows) when you woke up you found your mysterious kidnapper already in your room.

"So you finally awake, huh?"

You looked at him weirdly when he asked that.

"How long were you in here watching me sleep, you creep"

He only laughed at your rude comment.

"Long enough to know that you talk in your sleep"

You blushed a little at that.

"n-no I don't!"

He laughed even more.

"You're right, you don't, but you reaction was funny to watch"

"Asshole" you muttered

"What are you doing In here anyways?" You questioned him.

He shrugged." I kinda figured you wanted to take a shower"


"Yes, seriously, this room is starting to stink."

You blushed a little.

"well it's your fault for not taking me to shower earlier!"

"Whatever, try anything while I lead you there, and your dead" All playful tones in his voice left in an instant and you gulped out of nervousness.

You stood up, acting strong even though you were a little frightened by his threat.

"Whatever, I'm not stupid I realize that your stronger than me, so trying to escape would be pointless."

He smiled a little at that, and then he ruffled your hair.

"See, I told you you were a smart girl.lets go then" he said while unhooking your shackles, so you could walk, and move your hands again.

You looked down to see angry red marks around your wrists where the handcuffs had been just seconds earlier.

"Well, do you want to take a shower or not?" He questioned in an irritated tone.

"I'm coming" you replied quickly while following him out of the door.

You emerged In a bright hallway, after climbing up the stairs from your room.

It was clearly midday, that much you could tell.

The brightness hurt your eyes, seeing as though you hadn't seen the sun in a few days, maybe more.

With no windows you couldn't exactly tell how much time had passed.

When you walked down the hallway, you noticed there were many windows, just not windows big enough for a person to fit through.

You sighed, you should have known he would've been smart enough to figure out windows would be your first escape option.

When you finally reached the bathroom, which was colored in a deep midnight blue, you noticed that it was windowless, just like your room.

This guy really had thought of every possible escape route, in the whole time walking here, there had been no sign of a door except for your room door, a creepy looking red painted door, and the blue bathroom door.

No sign of a front door anywhere.

'maybe that room with the red door has a window big enough for me to fit through' you thought to yourself.

But knowing that this guy thought of every possible escape route as far as you could tell, you were positive if there was any means of escape through that door, it was going to be locked.

Plus how were you supposed to get there without him noticing?

"are you getting in the damned shower or not! You've just been standing there for the past two minutes looking lost" your kidnapper snapped at you.

Quickly thinking of a retort you replied " how the hell am I supposed to get undressed if your standing there watching me!"

"You think I'm stupid enough to leave you in here alone, knowing you, you'll try and escape"

"First of all, you don't know me, the only way we know each other is because you ducking kidnapped me! And secondly How the hell am I going to escape if you stand OUTSIDE the door! There's no windows in here you Baka!"

He sighed, admitting in his own way that you had a point.

You may have won this battle, but you felt like this was only the first of many.

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