Chapter 31

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I almost decided to be evil and make you guys wait for this chapter but I got too happy while I wrote it cause I was listening to my favorite japanese band called Frederic. oh and also starting today I will be editing every chapter I've written so far. I'll be adding all kinds of beautiful pictures for time skips and stuff so yeah... it'll be awesome when I finish. If any of you love me enough to help me edit just message me.
Anyways here's the chapter, it's longer than usual.

You had always hated your dreams.

They were always awkward or embarrassing, and most of the time they were nightmares.

Right now was no exception, you currently dreamed about your life before Kaneki, when all of your days were spent at Meiko's house and life was simple.

You saw the car crash that killed your family, and even the time you spent living in depression before you finally decided that it was okay to let go of all of the pain, resentment, and guilt.

You couldn't believe what you had heard earlier.

You were part ghoul.

You wonder which one of your parents had been the ghoul, and how you had never realized it before.

You also wondered how they died in The car accident, because ghouls can only be killed other ghouls or ccg members.

Maybe..........your parent weren't even your parents.

At this point your mind went blank, and in your dream you were surrounded by nothing but darkness.

Slowly the landscape around you molded into a beautiful blue that reminded you of the sky.

You looked around you and stared up at it as you took deep breaths to calm your thoughts.

It was funny how you had to calm your thoughts inside of a dream, you'd never been able to do this before now.

"If your looking for answers, you must stop searching" a feminine voice spoke from beside you.

You turned around quickly to see a woman with purple hair next to you , you'd never seen her before but her beauty was other worldly.

"What's that's supposed to mean" you said to her

She let out a humorous laugh and looked you in the eye " Children these days are more and more curious, curiosity kills little kittens like you, especially if they wander into my territory"

" Who Are you?" You questioned her, while looking at her skeptically and taking a few steps back

"My name is Rize, and I'm here to, guide you, I suppose"

You had heard that name before somewhere, Kaneki had mentioned it.

"Guide me to what"

" The answers to all of the mysteries that surround you, you see your story didn't come to be by it self, like origami it was patiently and carefully crafted."

"I don't understand what is that supposed to mean, and why and how are you here"

Another laugh bubbled out of her throat, it was beautiful yet sinister at the same time " oh sweetie, that's just it, I'm not here at all"
You woke up gasping for air and sweating.

When you looked up you saw that you were in Uta's shop surrounded by the people you had previously been eavesdropping on.

"(name)!" you heard from the side of you and you turned to see Kaneki staring at you worriedly with his hair disheveled as if he had run his fingers through it a thousand times.

"Finally the bitch woke up, it would've sucked ass if she would've died before we could get her killed in the battle" Ayato said snidely

Kaneki looked angry as if he was about to strangle Ayato to death, so being the amazing strong and independent woman you are, cut him off and replied "Do the world a favor and drink bleach"

"As much as I would love one of you to die so I could try a rare steak," Tsukiyama said before licking his lips "Now is not the time for fighting"

"The old creep has a point, I wouldn't want to get my clothes dirty from your disgusting blood" Ayato said to Kaneki who sent him a deathly glare.

"So I'm going to assume you heard the conversation earlier" Uta said to you, which caused everyone else to look at you.

"Yeah" you said simply

"And how do you feel about it" Kaneki asked you softly his grey eyes swirling with sadness like a midsummer storm

"I'm confused, how exactly did I not realize this, I've never once had a craving for meat."

"You are part ghoul, but your quinque and your appetite won't come until you've had a traumatic experience" Tsukiyama said

"Excaly how traumatic are we talking? I was in a car accident and watched my family die when I was younger and nothing happened" you explained

"So traumatic, that you won't even be your self anymore" Ayato said with a smirk

"What?" You asked confused, "Kaneki what is he saying "

Kaneki (originally it was autocorrected to Kamsiniki for some reason)looked at you with tears in his eyes and he hugged you and kissed your cheek softly.

"I'm so sorry about this (name), I'll take care of Kaede, I promise" Was the last thing you heard before you felt a needle go into your neck, which made you for the second time today go to sleep.

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