Chapter 22

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As you fell, it almost felt as if everything was moving in slow motion.

Of course due to your eyes being closed you couldn't see the roof that you had just fell off of.

Nor could you hear anything other than the wind.

You felt no sadness as you awaited your demise.

Only regret.

What if when you fell, Kaede died?

What if Kaneki went on a killing spree because of your death?

What if Kaede watched you die?

So as you fell, tears came out of your eyes, not of sadness but of regret.

You felt Kaede's little hands hold tightly to your shirt, and for what you assumed to be the last time you opened your eyes and gazed at the night sky.

You wished that you could go to the beach and watch Kaede play in the water.

You wanted to spend more time with the little family you had acquired.

You never even got to tell meiko good bye.

In the next moment you fell your body make impact with something, and although your quite sure it's the concrete, you look and are surprised to find yourself in someone's arms, and it's not kaneki's.

Though the purple hair you spot leaves you shocked.

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