Chapter 2

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You woke up in an unfamiliar room, on an unfamiliar bed.

The room was all grey, and you looked to the around to spot your stuff spread out across the nearby bedside table.

Your cell phone blinked on with a picture of Meiko on it.

You squinted to see better, and noticed that she had sent you 34 text messages, called you 12 times and left 4 voicemails.

'how much time has passed?' You thought to yourself

You attempted to reach for your phone, only to hear a clink of metal, and feel handcuffs digging into your skin.

'Where am I.... What is this place?'

You looked down to try and find a weak link in the chains that shackled you to the bed.

You noticed a bandage that was seeping through with blood on your forearm.

Curious as to what kind of wound it was and how it got there, you peeled the bandage off with your other hand, only to notice the irregular shape of the wound.

It was a bite mark.

That meant only one thing, you had been attacked by a ghoul.

They only ate a small portion of your arm.

Had you been kidnapped by the binge eater the community had been raging about the past few weeks?

You dismissed this thought, seeing as though you were still alive.

But one question remained in your mind.

'If I was really kidnapped by a ghoul, then....why am I still alive?'

You heard the door begin to be opened and your entire body tensed up.

You looked up to see a white haired male enter the room, it was hard to see his face in the dim lighting but you could see his one blood red pupil staring at you, and that was enough to scare the crap out of you.

"How are you feeling?" The male asked.

His voice sounded vaguely familiar, but you couldn't place your finger on exactly where you had heard it before.

You didn't answer his question, ignoring him because he dared to kidnap you.

You heard him audibly sigh, most likely he noted your stubbornness, and gave up after barely trying.

He was a smart guy, that much you could tell.

But you seriously doubted he was smart enough to be able to keep you here.

'This boy doesn't know who he's messing with'

There was an awkward silence hanging over the air.

It was swiftly broken by a short 'here' coming from the boy, and a sandwich being thrown into your lap.

You glared at him for throwing it at you, and he just stared back, completely emotionless.

You hated him already, you did have a few good reasons for that though.

He had just kidnapped you, went through your things, handcuffed you, and then on top of that he was rude enough to throw something at you.

not to mention the painful bite mark that made it self known to you with every movement.

You could feel the irritation mark forming on your forehead.

You finally chose to be bold and speak up.

"How the hell am I supposed to eat, if my hands are handcuffed, and I can barely move them."

He just looked at you, an eyebrow raised.

"you can figure out something, can't you? Your a smart girl" he said coldly

You glared at him.

"You monster, do you have no regards to life? I'm not just some snack that you can lock up and save for later! I am a living breathing, human being!"

He got up from the chair he was sitting on, making it slam against the floor loudly.

"Regards to life! Don't make me laugh, if anything humans are the ones who have no regards to life, mercilessly slaughtering pigs, and cows, and chickens! But yet we are the monsters! Just because, like you we need to eat! We have families, people that we care about, too!" He yelled, before walking out of the room And slamming the door, shocking you and leaving you speechless.

All you could do for now is wait, even though it killed you to be a 'sitting duck'.

But what other choice did you have?

Sighing, you laid back down and close your eyes, hoping for a dream to come and take you away, even if it was only for a second.

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