Chapter 18

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You woke up in a basement, handcuffed to the bed, in the darkness, for the second time.

You didn't even struggle, you just sat in the same spot staring at what you believed  to be the ceiling because it was dark and you couldn't see.

"Stupid idiots, can't guys find other ways of finding a girlfriend than kidnapping people! I swear boys are so fucking thirsty these days, I might as well walk around with a damn spray bottle for christs sake" you mused quietly to yourself.

"Look at this I'm going insane and talking to my self. Great, just fucking peachy. Kaneki you better hurry your ass over here an rescue me, and these fuckers better not feed me plain ass sandwiches!" You ranted until you heard the sound of someone opening the door.

The light came on and you instantly shielded your eyes while letting out a shrill squeak due to your eyes having to adjust to the bright light so quickly.

"Gahhhh! That freaking hurt you know!" You yelled at the person whom you still could not see because your hands were covering your eyes.

"Oh sorry, Princess" the person said sarcastically.

You scoffed and replied with a curt "whatever"

You were so over kidnapping asses who thought they could have an attitude with you after they kidnapped you.

What the hell kinda logic is that? You steal someone from their life and then expect them to be nice or even a hint of like-able towards you?

Boys these days, they needed a few reality checks.

"Okay, listen up bitch-"

You cut him off right there, your first though was to curse him the hell out because no one- and you meant no. one. Called you a bitch and lived to tell the tale.

But  after your last kidnapping, you learned that bad mouthing led to worse shit happening so you replied with a smartass remark which would probrably confuse the hell out of the person in the room with you, but not insult them.

"A bitch is a female dog, dogs bark, bark is in nature, nature is beautiful, so thanks for the complement douche"

Okay, well maybe you lied about the whole 'wasn't going to be insulting to the kidnapping bastard part' but whatever.

"No wonder Kaneki likes you, your entertaining as hell" the person said while laughing.

This made you move your hand away from your eyes, and who you saw wasn't a surprise at all.

It was that purple haired dude...

What was his name again Aytoe? idaho? Ohio?

You finally found it: it was definitely Aya- the hoe.

You knew that wasn't it but it was funny so that's what you were gonna call him.

"Kaneki likes me because unlike you- I'm fabulous and your pretty" you said smugly

"You do realize that you just complimented me right?"

"Ah ah ah, you didn't let me finish what I was going to say was Kaneki likes me because I'm fabulous and you - well your pretty ugly."

His face became shock and as you looked at you you couldn't help but giggle.

"What's the matter Aya-the hoe? Human caught your tounge?" You questioned before falling into a fit of laughter once again.

He simply walked away and out of the door.

"Bye sir eggplant the third!" You called after him, knowing that he'd hear you.

Who knew that he'd be so funny to tease?
You didn't that's for sure.

Once again bored you stared at the ceiling which was pastel blue, now that you could see it.

The room was actually quite luxiourious, and it did have a window, but it was currently covered by back shutters so no one could see neither in nor out.

You sighed once more before curling up in a ball, and thinking.

'So I guess this is my life now, get kidnapped over and over again'

You wouldn't let this slide so easily though.

'when he comes back in here, I'm gonna tell him that he looks like Barney'

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