(9•~•)9 fite me

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Okay I'm sorry for all my bullshit and not updating, but I'm doing a birthday special cause my birthday is Saturday and I'll post it then.

For now, well I got tagged by fendi-googles so here goes

Okay so...

1.) Tokyo ghoul or no game no life?
Bruh like is that even a question, Tokyo ghoul
2.) Netflix or Hulu?
Lmao, Netflix. Hulu has those dumbass ads and only has 3 Norgami episodes like tf
3.)gta 5 or mine craft?
Gta 5 cause it's funny when you kill someone and they get mad and go on a rampage
4.) phone or computer?
Phone cause it's smaller and I use it more often
5.)South Park or futerama?
South park ftw
6.) love or hate?
Love I guess
7.) Japanese or Chinese?
Japanese cause I can speak it
8.) are you a Lenny fan?
Hell yup, I use him all the time lol
9.) wierd?
10.) would you live in an anime world or have all the money in the world?
Have all the money, cause what if they put me in attack on Titan. I'd only live half a life (rip marco)
11.) do you support Donald trump?
Hell nah I don't support Tronald Dump
12.) movies or tv?
Tv, adult swim shows anime after 12:00
13.) birthdays or Christmas?
Birthdays one cause mine is in 3 days, and two cause my moms birthday is Christmas so we celebrate a day late.
Okay so I'm gonna tag my 13 people now.

And my questions are:
1. Favorite Japanese song
2.claude or Sebastian?
3.) tsunderes or yanderes?
4.) k-pop or j-pop?
5.) Sasaki or Kaneki?
6.) how's life?
7.) Arthur Kirkland or Alfred jones?
8.) foot ball or football(American)?
9.)Haikyuu or Free?
10.) would you rather there be a zombie apocalypse or aliens came to destroy earth?
11.) live in the woods or by the beach?
12.) be the richest or smartest person in the world?
12.) why'd you answer these questions?

Okay bye now

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