Chapter 9

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"Are there any lights down here?" I whisper.

"Take it off." She says.

"(Laughs) Excuse me?" I giggle. Only to be forced against the wall.

"Mmmm.. I said.. Take.. It.. Off.. All of it.. Now strip Mrs. Lockwood."

"Why don't you take it off."

"You don't listen to well."

"Maybe you should make me listen."

"Maybe I should." Her hand is now around my neck and her other hand is going for my underwear.

"(Gasps) Careful Agent Haught.. You're making me wet."

"Yes you are." She says and hand is now in my panties.

"(Moans) Are you going to fuck me down here?"

"Do you want me to fuck you down here?"

"I want you to take me in the roughest way possible.. I want you to give me everything you got.."

"You're something else."

"Make me scream." I whisper.

"I'm going to make you do alot more than scream."

"Mmmm.. You promise baby." I smile at her.

"Take off your clothes.. I want you naked when I come back." She says and it's still dark as fuck down here.

"I ugh.. I can't.." I try to say I couldn't see but she finished it.

"Fiona.. Lights please." She says and the lights come on. "Naked.. Completely Mrs. Lockwood." I'm so fucking wet right now from the view of this place.. I would say room, but it's so fucking big down here. I'm completely naked and waiting for her sexy ass to come back.. This room is so..

"Sexy." I hear her say. "Come here." She demands.

"You're still dressed.. Now that's not fair."

"Life isn't fair.. Follow me." She says and we end up in the room on the other side and damn.. This is a sex room.

"What in the hell is this? Have you lost your mind?" I ask her.

"No ma'am.. But you sure is about to... Pick one." She points to several vibrator, but they're much more like dildos.

"Nicole wait I'm.."

"You're not scared are you?"

"Hell no."

"We'll see.. Pick one."

"Blue." I say.


"What's funny?"

"Pick another one."


"You can't handle that one."

"I'm pretty sure I can."


"What is?"

"Here I thought you was going to pick the green one."

"Why.. That's way too small for my taste."

"I thought you like it that way."

"You don't know what I like."

"I love your smart mouth." She pushes me against a wall but it is soft.. Yet cold at the same time.. "Hands up." She says and she cuffs my hands above my head.

"Mmmmm.. It's like that now.. I can't touch you?" I ask.

"Not this time."

"Not ever." I say.

"Never say never baby." She's now kissing my neck..

"(Moans) Fuck.." I can't keep still.. So she cuffs me legs as well.. Leaving them as far apart as possible.. "Fuck.. You make me so fucking wet." I say and she's on her knees.

"I wanna see how times you can cum without passing out." She says and I'm scared as fuck right now.. What tha fuck is she going to do to me?

"Nicole I'm.. (Gasps)." Her mouth invades my other set of lips.

"Mmmmmm.. So good." She moves her tongue up and down side to side and she repeats it.. I'm lost for words.

"(Moans) Yes.. Right there.. Don't stop.. Mmmm.. Ah!! Ah!!! Don't make me cum fast."

"Mmmm.. No talking." Out of no where she gags my mouth and I can't talk. "You taste so fucking amazing."

"Mmmmm.. (Moans) (Groans)." Oh my God what's happening.. I can't control what I'm feeling and.. "(Screams)." I try to scream but fuck..

"You said you can take it." She holds the vibrator up to me and teases me with it before she pushes it in.

"Mmmmmm.." My toes are in a ball right now.

"Mmmm.. You look so sexy taking it.. Look at me." She stands up and says. "That's right.. You're a bad girl.. No one has ever taking this one before.. Damn baby.." She just holds it inside of me and the vibration is very strong.. My eyes are rolling to the back of my fucking head. "Oh no.. Don't pass out on me now.. The fun is just beginning." She's kissing my neck and that's when I lost it.. My body went to start shaking and she pulled it out.. When she pulled it out of me I was lost.. "Open your eyes baby." She whispers as she takes the gag out of my mouth.

"(Panting) Mmmmmm.. What the fuck did you do to me?" I ask as she uncuffs my legs.

"Nothing yet." She then picks me up and puts my legs around her waist.. But my hands are still tied up.

"What are you.. (Panting) What are you doing?" I ask.

"Shhhhhh.. Lock your legs around me." She says and I instantly feel her wearing a strap on and she forces it inside of me, but this is normal.. It's not as intense as the first one. "I'm going to fuck you now." She says before she kisses me. "I can hear how wet you are." She's teasing me by fucking me slowly yet hard at the same time.

"(Gasps) Ahh!! Fuck baby.. (Moans) You make me.. (Gasps)." Her thrusts are much more aggressive and rougher now.

"Mmmm.. Ahh!! I want you to cum.. Look at me when you do." She's moving so fast.

"Fuck!!! Don't stop.. Please don't stop.. I'm.. (Gasps) I'm coming!!" I came so hard.. But she doesn't stop.. I know I've came like four or five times now.. "I can't.. I'm.. (Gasps) FUCK!! Mmmmm.. You fuck me so good." I whisper against her lips and she kisses me, but yet she still fucks me harder.

"(Panting) I can feel you." She whipers.

"Mmmmmm.. Yes baby.. Ah!! I want more." I say an she stops to look at me. "I want..  (Gasps)!" She thrust into me one hard time.

"I heard you." She says and she goes back to fucking me. "Cum.. Right now." She bites down on my neck.

"Ah!! Mmmm.. Fuck!" I came again.. So fucking good.

"I'm going to uncuff you, but don't try and walk.. You will fall." She smiles at me and when she uncuffs me I can't feel my legs.

"What did you do to me." I ask.

"I fucked you." She picks me up and carry me to the bed.

"Damn right you did."

"Lay down." She says.


"Don't question me.. It will only be worse for you.. Lay down please." I lay down and she leans over me and then kisses me again.. She takes her shirt off and mane.. She was beautiful.

"You're so fucking beautiful."

"Mmmm.. You're just saying that so I can make you feel good."

"Oh baby you've done enough to last me a long time.."

"Mmmm.. I'm not done yet.. We're just getting started.. Spread your legs."


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