Chapter 3

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"Don't play with me Mrs. Lockwood." Nicole says as she takes a bite of her salad.

"I'm not."

"Eat." She says and I pick up my fork and eat.

"Are you happy now?" I ask.

"I would be even more happy if you eat all of your food."

"I'm not that hungry now that I think about it." I say getting up from the table.

"And where are you going?"

"To the little girls room.. Would you like to join me?"

"It's best if I stay right here.. Fiona could you guide her please?"

"Yes ma'am.. Mrs. Lockwood go upstairs and turn to your right.. The bathroom is the second door on the left." Fiona says.

"Thank you Fiona." I smile at Nicole.

"Don't be gone too long.. I don't want your food getting cold." Nicole says.

"I bet." I say before walking off.


"What is this?" I ask myself.. I was never going to the bathroom.. I just wanted to get away.. This bedroom makes me horny.. I know I should feel this way but.. It's so sexy in here.. The bed has poles all the way around it.. And it has chains and handcuffs.. Are those blindfolds? This Chick is into some kinky shit.. I see this button and it a I'm ready sign on it so I push it.. Only to find myself trapped and handcuffed to the wall behind me..

What the fuck!!!!

"How the fuck do I get out of this?" I ask myself and a alarm goes off. "Shit!! Shit!! Shit!!" I whisper.

"Mrs. Lockwood, I thought you were going to the little girls room?" Nicole asks.

"I.. I was but.. I.. Nevermind.. Could you get me out of this?"

"Something tells me that's exactly where you want to be."

"Very funny.. Come uncuff me."

"And if I don't?" She ask.

"Excuse me?"

"Well now you know how it feels when someone doesn't do as you say.. So.. Are you going to follow instructions and learn to listen?"

"Sure whatever.. Uncuff me." I say and I reach for this other button and something comes up out of the floor.

"I wouldn't push that." Nicole says and I do it anyway and this hand like back massager comes out and it's right between my legs.

"What the fuck? Nicole can you.. (Gasps)." I was cut off by the vibration that is on my clit. "Nicole stop."

"I'm not doing anything." I whispers and it looks like she is lost and in a whole new world.. She's enjoying this.. It's like my body has her under a spell.

"I.. (Gasps) (Moans) make it stop."

"You're about to have a forced orgasm."

"I can't.. (Moans) I can't.. I'm.. Ah!! Ahh!! Fuck." Nicole walks toward but she doesn't make it stop she just touches my lips as I moan in pleasure. "(Moans) Oh!!! Ah!! I'm.. (Gasps) Ah!! Fuck!" My eyes are now rolled to the back of my head.

"You're so beautiful." She whispers and the vibration stops.

"Ah!!! (Panting) Get me off of this thing." I say and it releases me.

"Next time do as you are told and go to the bathroom." She whispers in my ear.

"What's that?"

"It's a trap Mrs. Lockwood."

"A trap?"

"Yes.. I have a lot of them.. This one isn't so bad.. Good thing you didn't go in the room next door."

"And why is that Agent Haught?"

"Because in there.. You won't be able to speak." She says.

"Why not?"

"Because your mouth will be force to close.."

"And if I refuse to close my mouth?"

"I'm hoping you do." She whispers against my lips.

"(Gasps) I.."

"Let's go get you cleaned up." She reaches for my hand but I don't accept it. "Fiona Mrs. Lockwood needs to get cleaned up.. She had a little bit too much fun for the day.. Can you take her down the hall please." Nicole says and a lady taps on my shoulder and guides my the way.

"Follow me please." She says.

"Good to see that you're really a person."

"(Laughs) nice to finally meet you.. Here is the room you will be sleeping in.. Everything you need is in here.. And I mean everything.. Just say my name and I will be here.."

"I'm sorry did you say I was sleeping here?" I ask her.

"Yes ma'am.. You're.."

"Thank you Fiona.. You're dismissed.. I can take it from here." Nicole says.

"I'm not staying the night in this.."

"In this what?" She asks.

"This house."

"Take you a shower and get ready for tomorrow.. It's going to be a long day."

"Did you not here me?" I ask.

"Trust and believe me.. I heard you, but that's not important.. What's important is.  Did you hear me?"

"(Laughs) You're full of shit."

"I've been told.. Goodnight Mrs. Lockwood." She then shuts the door.

Middle of the night 1:26am

"What is that noise and why is the music so loud?" I ask my self so I decided to go and find out.

"(Moans) More.. I want more?" I hear a girl say.

"What the fuck?" I say and I peek through the door to find Nicole and this other chick having crazy sex..

"Please can I have more?" She begs. "(Moans) Yes.. May I come?" She ask.

"No." Nicole says and she stops.

"Please don't stop.. I promise I'll behave."

"You promise?" Nicole asks.

"Yes ma'am.. I promise." She says and Nicole goes back to fucking her with this huge ass vibrator and she is also finger fucking her.

"You may come." Nicole says.

"(Moans) I'm.. Ah!! Ahhh!! Yes.. Right there.. Don't stop.. I'm coming.. I'm coming.. (Moans) (Passionate Screams) Mmmmm.. Thank you." She says.

"Good girl.. You're welcome.. Get cleaned up and get to bed." Nicole demands.

"Yes ma'am." She says and Nicole walks toward the door and I go running back to my room.

"Shit!! What the fuck was that?" I whisper to myself and I hear footsteps so jump in bed and pretend to be asleep.

Door opens..

Door closes..

"(Signs) Shit that was close." I say to myself.

"Not close enough." I hear Nicole say and she's standing right at the foot of my bed...

Fuck!!!!  Fuck!!!! Fuck!!!!!!

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