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Crossover -
HP and Merlin

" So you never told us about you, I mean apparently you know about us but we don't know about you, for all we know you could be bad " Gwaine says

" You guys wanna know about us"? Lily asked
" yes " They all said
" okay "

" My name is Lily Potter used to be Evans but I married this Git, His names is James Potter and it used to be Potter too" She says twirling her wand.

" Well you heard her and um, Well were dead " He said with a small sad smile
- author: I just wanted them to dead because it makes more sense then being alive ✌🏻

" What do you mean your dead" Gaius asks
" we died 1981 on Halloween" Lily said and James then added " And to think, Halloween was my favorite day "

"But if your dead how are you here?" Merlin asked them curious
" If there dead how are they here " Lily said with a smile
" well you brought them here "
" yes and if I brought them here " she trailed off
" then someone brought you here and your- husband" He finished
" exactly "

" Why would they bring you back just to show use these" Arthur questioned
" Idk, they just said show you guys these videos" She said. James then said " I think it's because there bored as hell to be honest "

" ok, okay, tell us more about yourselfs " Merlin asked
" alright " Lily smiled
Arthur thought how she smiled a lot and how she was like Merlin, with the 'always smiling/grinning'

" Well " James started
" Im a Marauder, it's my Friends group name well Ex-friend and friends " He corrects him self.
The other notice this.
" One was Sirius Black, he was my brother, he ran away and lived with me, I used to date his Brother in Fifth and Six year, but we broke up for, well...reasons " he paused, no body interrupted him and then he started talking again
" Sirius Boyfriend, Remus Lupin, or ex, Im not entirely sure, he was another Marauder, he was a werewolf actually but a nice and kind man, he was sarcastic all the time, everyone thought he was innocent, he was not, he was the mastermind for most of our pranks "

" Pranks " gwaine said confused
" Yea like doing a joke on someone but not hurting them and making people AND yourselves laugh " He answered
" mmm pranks, I think I've done those " he smiled saying it looking rather proud then he should. James smile at him a bit " What did you do" he asked.
" Well one time we made all the Slytherins robes Red, Slytherin is a house in our school "

They all nodded

" Peter Pettigrew, another Marauder all though Ex Marauder now, he betrayed us that's why me and Lily are dead and why we don't get to see our son grow up " he said with a tear running down his face

" why did he betray you " Leon asks
" he wanted power, he was scared and wanted to live, he could of chosen to come to us and we would've helped him, but no he choose the dark side " Morgana nodded her head a bit understanding what he must've felt like.

Morgana thought he and this Peter are alike, wanted to survive, wanting power, scared of all this and choosing the dark side.

" And Well, that's all really, there's more but I don't really want to say more about my childhood " He explained
Lily placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
They all Nodded.

They sat in silence for a minute

Merlin cleared his throat awkwardly " Well, um Should we get started on the Videos again then."

" Well of course " Lily said cheeky and The screen started back up again.

Sorry If it's bad, kinda rushed threw it at night.

I had the Idea of a HP and Merlin crossover that's why I did those names in the beginning but then I was just like I'm not gonna do it and then they:

Said I should do it, Thanks for the motivation to do this really.
And sorry I wasn't responding to your comments I can't comment for some reason. But I will use your Ideas :)

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