Chapter 3

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        Tension filled the room. Tension only the three friends could feel. No one else seemed to notice. The same was for the first two previous classes. Since then the three had been very silent.

"It sounds so quiet... And the air feels thick." Scar quietly whispered to Grian, finally breaking his silence. The boy in the red sweater nodded.

"It feels like you could cut it with a knife." Grian replied.

"-So if x equals 39, and 39 times y equals 1248, what is y?" Ms. Avrone asked. One of the students shot up their hand. "Yes Oliver?" she asked.

"Is it 55?" Oliver asked. Ms. Avrone made a face.

"Incorrect, but good guess. Use your papers. You can't always use your hea-"

"It's 32." Mumbo stated, looking up from his scribbled paper.

Ms. Avrone blinked and smiled. "You're right again." she said. Some of the students groaned.

"Why can't I be smart like him?" One student asked. Mumbo rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"I-i'm not that smart, I just think fast I guess." Mumbo said.

Grain raised an eyebrow. "I can think nearly just as fast as you- yet you're still smarter than me." He chuckled. Mumbo smiled.

"Alright, alright, class. Let's continue. You've only got five minutes left of math!" Ms. Avrone said. A lot of the students perked up, suddenly more awake and focused.

"Sweet! I can't wait to get out of this dumb class!" One boy shouted in the back. Quickly the teacher hushed him, half of the other students laughing.

At least now the room felt a lot more lighter for the three friends.

Off to Spanish they went- one of Grian's least favorite classes. Spanish simply did not come easy with him. Plus his accent didn't help.

"¡Hola, mi amigos! ¿Cómo estás?" Asked Mr. Delario.

"Hola Señor Delario." The class responded.

"H-hola.." Grian stuttered. How do people do it?

Mr. Delario smiled. "Good job, good job. Alright! Today we are going to have a couple students come up and ask some basic questions for practice. Mumbo! Why don't you come up first?" He asked.

Mumbo blushed slightly. Stammering slightly he stood and moved to the front of the room. "U-uh.... Hola- mi nombre... Nombre es Mumbo... Um... ¿Como te llamas..?" He asked, staring deeply at the ground.

"Hola, Mumbo. Mi nombre es Elenore. ¿Cómo estás?" Elenore asked.

Mumbo blinked slightly. "U-uh... B-bien, Bien." He said. Elenore smiled.

"Okay, gracias Mumbo. You may sit down now. Grian! Why don't you give it a try? Since you need the practice too?" Mr. Delario said.

Grian's face went deep red within seconds. "A-are you sure? I'm so bad at it!"

Elenore chuckled. "Grian, that's what practice is for! Go on up, I can ask you a question first." She smiled.

"Well- alright then..." Sucking in a deep breath he stood and moved to the front. Moving his hands behind his back nervously, he looked at Elenore.

"¿Dónde está la puerta?" Elenore asked.

"Um-" Grian looked around quickly, searching through his brain for what puerta meant. Then he spotted the door, suddenly remembering. "Uh- L-la... La puerta? La puerta es... Esta ahi. La puerta esta ahí." He said, pointing to the door.

Mr. Delario smiled. "¡Muy bueno! That was better than last time! Thank you again for your help Elenore." He said.

Elenore grinned. ¡De nada!"

Grian quickly sat back down, watching as the teacher called on more students, one at a time. Elenore kept helping- asking questions or correcting when needed.

"She sounds so fluent." Mumbo said from behind Grian.

"How does she do it?" Grian asked. "I can't speak a single Spanish word without it sounding british." he said. Mumbo chuckled and nodded.

"And.. Scar! You're up. Answer my question in Spanish." he said. Scar nodded. "Where am I supposed to sit down?" he asked.

"En tu... escritorio?" Scar half asked. The teacher nodded in approval.

And then the bell rang. Quickly a lot of the students hurried from the room.

Grain stood and gathered his few things, placing them in his backpack. Him and Mumbo chatted for a moment or two, then parted ways. Mumbo was off to another class- redstone. While Grian now had lunch. Sometimes he wondered to himself why he never signed up for the class. Redstone was simply not in his vocabulary.

Food. Food... Oh how he missed food. He hadn't realized how hungry he was 'til the food was sitting right there in front of his face. Elenore sat next to him, rolling her eyes and chuckling. "You're drooling!" she said.

Grian jumped and laughed slightly, wiping his mouth. "I had not realized!"

"Do you ever?" Scar asked, rolling up to join the table. The three of them laughed.

Quickly Grian dug into his food. Scar ate more slowly though, enjoying his food. Elenore did the same. All until a food fight somehow started amongst the entire cafeteria. Don't worry, everyone helped clean it up. Well- sorta. Scar couldn't do all that much, and Elenore and Grian just kept throwing food at each other, laughing the entire time.

"That- was the last time I'd ever do that again!" Elenore laughed. "I've still got food in my hair!"

"And I don't think I got all the ketchup off..." Grian said, examining his red sweater. Elenore laughed again.

"You two sure had a blast, didn't you?" Mumbo asked. Leaving the college building behind them, they were all starting home. Scar rolled along beside them.

"Absolutely! Grian's still got lettuce in his hair!" Elenore said.

"Wait- I do?!" Grian asked, his hands suddenly going through his hair. The other three laughed as they watched, Grain's face slowly turning red upon realization. "You guys are mean!"

"‎¡De nada!" Elenore grinned.

Grian smiled. Things seemed by far much better today than he thought they would.


"They've all seemed to have forgotten..." The Queen said.

"They won't forget for long. We've still got games on the way. For now... let's build on the suspension. They'll start noticing things are off soon..." Zeqain said. "Soon. Soon they'll discover just how much they're being...watched..."

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