Win, Lose or Ty

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To help gain more customers for the dojo, Rudy asked his students to help him promote the dojo.

In the parking lot Jack, Kim and Abigail are showing off a karate routine that they just put together the other day, while Jerry held up a sign and Milton held up a box with jock straps.

"Wasabi!" They said, as their routine came to a finish.

"All right, guys. Who's ready to sign up?" Jack Asked, as the crowd fell to an awkward silence.

"Who's just here for the free jock strap?" Milton questioned

The crowd of people all ran towards Milton and grabbed ever jock strap off the tray then walked off.

"They took every jock strap in the box." Abigail Says

"I think they even got the one I was wearing." Milton Says

"Every month, Rudy forces us to do these lame promotions down the street from the Black
Dragons to drum up business, but it never works." Jack complained

"He's probably preparing his latest desperate attempt to spread the word about, The Bobby Wasabi Dojo." Kim Says

They all heard the sound of an engine revving, a large monster truck parked in front of them as they looked up to see Rudy in the drivers seat.

"Behold Wasab-a-Saurus!" He shouted into a blow horn, "If you think this thing's awesome, well, come check out the monster deals at The Bobby Wasabi Dojo! Dojo... dojo..." Rudy Says

"That is awesome! Rudy, where'd you get this thing?" Milton Asked

"I rented it at Bed, Bath, and Monster Trucks." He answered, "And by parking out here in front of the Black Dragon Dojo, people will be talking about us instead of them." Rudy explained

"Nice way of marketing I can admit that." Kim Says

"Ooh! Ooh! You guys want me to rev this baby up, get some attention?" Rudy Says

"No!" They all said

"On it!" Rudy Says

He stepped on the gas pedal and the monster truck took off, meanwhile inside the Black Dragon's Dojo Ty is giving a tour to a potential customer.

"I got myself a gift for dealing with my midlife crisis so well. That car outside it's half Jaguar, half Lamborghini, It's a Jag-a-Weenie." Ty Says

Outside in the parking lot Rudy drives The Monster Truck over Ty's Jag-a-Weenie, the five teens mouth dropped as they see their sensei is approaching the black dragon's dojo.

The woman looked past Ty and saw the giant vehicle approaching, she lets out a scream before running away. He turned around to see what she's looking at only to see the monster truck crashing through the dojo, destroying everything.

"Look what you did to my dojo!" Ty yelled out

"You should see what I did to your Jag-a-Weenie." Rudy Says, as Ty glared at him angrily.


The next day after hearing about the incident, Bobby arrived to speak with Rudy.

"Rudy put his foot on the gas, lost control, and destroyed their dojo." Sam explained

"Sam, why don't you go play with your friends?" Rudy Says

"I don't have any friends." Sam Says

"Then do what I do and make some up." Rudy Says, shoving him away.

"Okay I've heard just about enough, look it's going to take two weeks to repair the Black Dragon Dojo.
So, in the meantime, you are going to let them train here." Bobby insisted

"Absolutely not." Rudy shook his head

"Fine, then you can pay the $50, 000 in damages.

"I love company." Rudy smiled

"Good." He opened the door, "Come on in." Bobby Says, as the black dragons entered.

"Ty." Rudy sneered at Ty.

"Kai?" Jack Says, looking at his cousin.

"Hi." Frank Says, smiling at Kim.

"Why?!" Kim cried out

"Dragons! Drag-ify!" Ty ordered

The wasabi gang watched on as the Black Dragon's "Dragfied" a side of the dojo.

"Milton, what are you doing?" Abigail Asked

"What are you talking about? I'm trying to...holy Christmas nuts! I've been drag-ified." Milton Says, looking down at the red gi he's wearing.

"Hello there, Kai. I haven't seen you since you cheated in that tournament and almost killed me." Jack Says, approaching his cousin.

"Eh, I'm back in town I heard the Black Dragons
were your mortal enemy. That was good enough for me." Kai Says

"Yeah you won't ever hear me complain about my family problems." Kim Says, as Abigail nodded.

"This shelf is the perfect place for my ant farm,
I just have to get rid of this stupid weed." Ty Says, he went to place his ant farm down but Rudy stopped him.

"Hey! This is an ancient Bonsai Tree given to me by a Tibetan Monk. It's a symbol of patience, calmness, and peace. And if you so much as touch it, I will use it to break your face!" Rudy Says


The next day in the court yard Abigail was seen sitting at a table by herself doing homework. Jerry is shuffling with a smile on his face, she looks to him with a brow raised.

"What are you so happy about?" Abigail Asked

"Oh Hey Abs, I just came from my grandmother made some of her empanadas last night and she just gave me leftovers." Jerry Says, waving his plastic bag.

"Ooh I loved your grandmother's empanadas, can I have one?" Abigail Says

"Sorry Abigail there's only enough for me." Jerry Says

"There's three in there aren't they?" Abigail questioned, as Jerry looked lost for words.

"Yes, how'd you know?" Jerry Says

"Because your grandmother always gives you three, which means you can spare one of them." Abigail Says

She reaches over the table and tries to grabs the bag, but Jerry snatches it from her.

"Oye, consigue tu propia mujer de empanadas." Jerry Says, then walked towards the dojo.

Abigail sighed then rubbed her stomach as it started rumbling a bit. "Man I'm hungry."

A pair of hands wrap around her eyes, as Milo leans down near her ear.

"Guess who." Milo Says

"Milo I know it's you cause I can smell your cologne." Abigail Says

"Glad to know you enjoy it so much." Milo Says

"Yeah," He leaned down and gave her a soft kiss, "Hi." Abigail Says, smiling.

"Hey, are you hungry?" Milo Asked, sitting down.

"Yes I'm starving." Abigail Says

"Great because look what I just bought." Milo Says, then places down a plate with two churros on it.

"Churros?" Abigail Says

"Yep I got them from that new churro stand, oh but what makes them even more delicious..they're filled with chocolate." Milo Says

"Churros filled with Chocolate pfft you don't have to tell me twice." She picked one up, and took a bite out of it, "Mm you see that's delicious." Abigail Says

"Isn't anything filled with chocolate delicious." Milo Says

"True." Abigail Says

Milo looks over in the wasabi dojo and notices some black dragon members practicing inside.

"Uh Abs." Milo Says

"Yeah." Abigail Says

"I know I may be new into the whole karate world, but there's black dragon's in your dojo right now." Milo Says

"Yep." Abigail Says lamely

"Aren't they you guys' rivals?" Milo questioned

"Yep." Abigail nodded

"So why are they training in the wasabi dojo?" Milo Asked

"Because our sensei thought renting a monster truck would be a cool way of getting attention from people, hoping they would join the dojo." Abigail explained

"Awesome." Milo Said

"Thought so to until Rudy destroyed Sensei Ty's car then crashed into the black dragons dojo." Abigail Says

" how is it so far sharing a dojo with them?" Milo Asked

"It's weird but I keep my distance from most of them especially Frank, but I've been keeping my far." Abigail Says

"Well at least you're trying." Milo Says, then kisses the back of her hand.


Later on everyone was at the dojo for practice, Jerry walks in from the back carrying an empty container.

"Somebody ate my empanadas!" Jerry Says

Abigail who was stretching, stands to her feet to face him.

"What?" Abigail Says

'My empanadas they were in the refrigerator with my name on them. My grandmother made them for me and somebody just ate them. Did you-" Jerry Says, pointing to her.

"No, no you made it loud and clear for me to get my own empanadas." Abigail Says, holding her hands up.

"I'd tell your grandma a little more empa, a little less nada." Kai Says, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

Jerry angrily glared at the boy then tosses the container in the garbage, Milton storms out in his bathrobe.

"Cute bathrobe Milton." Abigail chuckles

"Haha, the Black Dragons have been hogging the shower so I had to bathe in the fountain." Milton Says

"The fountain where everyone throws their coins?" Jerry Says

"Yeah! Don't ask me how but I just coughed and
made change for a dollar." Milton Says, walking back towards the bathroom.

Abigail and Jerry shook their heads as Kim groans out looking at her locker.

"Frank is creeping me out I mean, just because we're sharing a locker, he's acting like we're married." Kim Says

She slammed her locker shut and looked up at sign which reads "FRANK AND KIM'S LOCKER SWEET LOCKER"

Ty stands up with his kick pad and Kai proceeds to kick at it, but Ty groans out every-time the boy kicks it. Rudy rolled his eyes and stood to his feet.

"Jack, get up here and demonstrate a proper dragon kick." Rudy Says

He stands behind Ty holding up his kicking pad for Jack to kick it, as Jack and Kai would repeatedly kick both sensei's would groan out. Ty and Rudy turned around facing each other, then started fighting each other. Jack and Kai both stepped in to pull apart their sensei's.

"Stop! Come on, guys, you're Senseis." Jack Says

"You know he's right, we shouldn't be fighting in front of the students." Rudy Says

"Parking lot of Jones Beach?" Ty Suggests

"You're on." Rudy sneered at him

"Can I get a ride? My car is in the shop." Ty Says

"So is mine. We'll take my bike, but you're riding in the basket." Rudy Says

"That's how I like it." Ty Says, then they both run out the dojo.

After their sensei's left for the afternoon everyone took breaks from practice, Milton stormed out the bathroom carrying his soap on a rope approaching Dennis.

"That's it, Dennis! you used my soap on a rope." Milton Says

"No I didn't." Dennis Says

"Yes it is that's your pit hair I know it's not mine. I checked, all three are still there. Let's go!" Milton Says

Kim and Jack are talking to each other while sitting down, as Frank walks in the dojo.

"Oh, hon!" He approaches Kim with a dress, "Mother wants you to wear this dress when we go antiquing." Frank Says, giving her the dress.

"It's lovely." Kim Says

She smiles at him then walks over to a garbage can, shoving the dress in it as Frank looks hurt. Over by the dummy Abigail is helping Jerry with the Bo-Staff, he takes a swing at it then Kai approaches them.

"I want to use that dummy. Step off." Kai Says

"Um no I'm helping Jerry with the Bo-Staff." Abigail Says, looking the boy up and down.

"Yeah and what makes you think I'm just gonna step aside because you want to use this punching dummy?" Jerry Says

"Because with one kick, I can make you gargle your kidneys." Kai Says sternly

"Okay, we understand each other." Jerry Says, walking away from him.

Kai snatched the Bo-Staff from Jerry as Abigail snatched it back from the boy.

"Look he may be scared of you but I'm not." Abigail Says

"Abigail is it? Yeah I'm not sure you would want to step to me." Kai Says, Abigail scoffed then get in his face.

"Why shouldn't I? from what I'm looking at," Abigail shakes her head, "I'm not so intimidated."

Jerry walks back over to Abigail and pulls her away by the waist. "Okay, Abigail okay let's go over here."

Kai smirks at her then picks up the staff and goes to hit the dummy then Jack approaches him.

"Hey, what are you doing? Jerry and Abigail was using this dummy." Jack Says

"I can do what I want. I'm the best student in the dojo, Jack." Kai retorted, as Jack scoffed.

"Oh, you think you're the best student in the dojo, huh?" Jack Says

"Yeah yeah." Kai Says

"You want to prove it." Jack Says, getting his cousins face.

Everyone soon starts arguing and speaking over one another, then Rudy and Ty enters interrupting them all.

"Big news, everybody me and my new best friend Ty,
have decided to join forces and combine our dojos...
Permanently!" Rudy Says

"What?!" They all said, shocked.

"Which means we're all one big, happy family." Rudy Says, then Milton collapses on the floor.

"And now, popcorn for everyone." Ty Says

He and Rudy opened their pants then all of a sudden popcorn started popping out.


"I can't take this anymore! I'm getting mail addressed to "Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bickle" That's me Mrs. Bickle." Kim Says, as Frank approaches her taking the mail out her hand.

"We should probably keep this with our phone bill, hon." Frank Says, before he walked off.

"Calm down, it's only a matter of time before Rudy and Ty remember that they can't stand each other." Jack Says

"Yeah well it needs to happen sooner before it gets worse." Abigail Says

Rudy's office door opened and out came him and Ty laughing and getting along, but dressed up as cowboys.

"Dios mí just got worse." Abigail Says

"Uh...please tell me there were other people in there dancing with you?" Kim Asked, as the two men stammered over their words.

"No." Ty and Rudy Says, then laughed.

"We were practicing for our square dancing
date with the Delmonico twins tonight." Rudy Says

Jack pulls Kai aside, "All right, we have to work

together to drive our Senseis apart."

"Nothing on Earth could ever make me team up with you." Kai Says

"All right, bring it in, people. Because we are one dojo now, we got a new wall mural. It's half Rudy and half me." Ty announced

He and Rudy walked over to the wall where there's a sheet hanging over it, the two of them pulled it down revealing a new mural this time with a disturbing picture of their faces meshed together.

"Hey, Jack." Kai Says

"Yeah?" Jack Says

"I'm in." Kai Says

After brainstorming ideas of how to make Rudy and Ty hate each other again, the teens gathered near the Bonsai Tree.

"Ty's ants are Chinese wood-eating ants and they love Bonsai Tree's. But it makes them sick." Milton Says

"Great, so when Rudy sees his beloved tree's been destroyed, he'll blame Ty." Jack Says

"And when Ty's ants get sick, he'll blame Rudy." Abigail added, as Jack nodded.

"Then Ty will want us to leave this smelly dump." Kai Says

"Uh, excuse me? Okay, this place happens to be..oh, no, you're right." Jerry Says

Kai opens up the ant farm and pours them all over the Bonsai Tree, they all gasp as the insects devour the tree then Kim rushed back into the dojo

"They're coming." Kim Says, as Frank runs in behind her.

"They're coming, they're coming! They're coming!" Frank Says, panicking.

"Franklin." Kim Says

"Sorry, dear." Frank Says

They all get into positions and acts normal as their two sensei's walks in both laughing.

"Hey, what's up, guys? You guys have a good time dancing with the Delmonico twins?" Jack Says

"You know, we were so excited about the dance, we forgot to pick 'em up." Rudy Says, as they both laughed.

"I don't know." Ty Says

Rudy looked over at the table where his Bonsai Tree once stood and let out a shriek.

"Ty! Your ants got out and ate my beautiful Bonsai.
You must not have put the cover back on when you fed them." Rudy Says

"Look how sick my ants are they're swelling up with gas, they got the Bonsai Bloats." He turns to Rudy, "You...You! You have suffered an unimaginable loss." Ty Says

"Huh?" They all said

"As have you. You know, it's times like these that make you realize how important it is to have such good friends." Rudy Says, patting Ty on the shoulder.

"My poor ants their little ant bodies have no holes.
So eventually they'll just..." He mimicked popping noises with his lips, "Pop!" Ty Says

They all soon hear the sound of popping coming from the ants, Rudy and Ty takes off their cowboy hats.

"It's starting." Ty Says


The next day Rudy and Ty invited everyone out for dinner to celebrate. One side sat The Wasabi warriors while on the opposite side sat The Black dragons.

Rudy raised a glass clinking it, "Excuse me, everybody to celebrate our first week together,
Ty and I will be right back with a little surprise."

"Although now it's not as much a surprise
because we just told you about it. But you still don't
know it's a cake. Ha!" Ty Says, as he and Rudy walks off.

Both sides both sat in silence all glaring at each other, until Milton spoke up.

"I'll say it. I'm not crazy about the company. But Krupnicks love their crab legs." Milton Says

He picks up the giant crab leg and as he meant to crack it open, Milton accidentally hits Kai in the face with it.

"Ah! You just hit me with that crab leg. You're done, dork." Kai threatened

He went to go punch Milton in the face but, Jack catches his fist and stops before doing so then stands up.

"You probably shouldn't have done that. But I'm actually glad you did." Jack Says

Kai pulled his fist away and blocked Jack's punch and before you knew it a fight broke out between the two sides. Kim and Frank watched on as everyone was fighting and looked to her.

"Let's just stay out of it." Kim looked to the boy, "Hon?" Frank Says

"That's it." Kim Says

Kim grabs Frank's arms and slammed his body on the table then tossed him off it. Jack and Kai were
still fighting and dodging each other's attack's while standing on the table.

Milton was fighting off Dennis with his crab leg but he smacks it out the Ginger's hand, Dennis picks up a plate and goes to hit Milton but he punched the plate knocking the boy down.

Jerry and Abigail teamed up to fight Nick. He grabbed the boy's arm pinning it behind him, she went to hit him but Nick kicks her in the stomach.
Jerry sees a red napkin and grabs it with his other hand, and smacks Nick with it.

He brakes free from Nick and smacks him again with the napkin, Jerry knees him in the gut then tosses Abigail a napkin and they both take shots hitting Nick with the napkins.

Each of them wraps their napkins around his fist and lifts Nick into the air, sending him crashing into a table. Abigail looks to Jerry and smiles impressed.
Jack and Kai are still taking shots at each other, Kai goes to punch him but Jack dodged it then side kicked him off the table sending him crashing into another table as Rudy and Ty come back.

"You know, I thought the kids were going to have a hard time getting along, but I think they're really
following our example." Rudy Says

"Surprise!" Rudy and Ty Says, but Frank crashes face first into the cake.

"They started it." They all said, pointing to each other.

"I have never been so disappointed." Rudy Says

"You people should be ashamed you're going to pay for every bit of damage that you caused." Ty Says

"Does anyone have anything to say?" Rudy Asked

Frank raised his hand, "I do. This raspberry lemon
chiffon cake is to die for. We should have this
for our wedding, hon." He smiled, licking his hands.

"Why wait?" Kim Says, shoving his hand back in his face.


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