Friendship or Hatred

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Spottedpath and Mapledawn were finally relieved of their punishment. Spottedpath wandering out alone as the moon started to peek upon the hillside.

She felt anxious that something was to happen, Mapledawn had been giving her nothing but a look of hatred. Spottedpath never really understand what the point was for the warrior hating her.

Spottedpath never really did anything to Mapledawn, all she knew was that they were destined to battle again, like Spottedleaf and Mapleshade had done.

"What's the point of this though, why be in the same cycle as them?" The newly made Medicine cat apprentice would mutter. "I just can't see why.."

She glanced up at the changing sky. I should get back to camp. She thought to herself as she grabbed the bundle of herbs she had. The tortoiseshell  padded down the slope and slipped through the brambles.

She padded down to the medicine den and pushed through setting down the herbs she collected. Jayfeather looked up from his sorting as his ears perked.

"It's about time you got back." He exclaimed, making Spottedpath scoff. She didn't say a word to him, in fact ever since she came back to camp with her thoughts with the prophecy she hadn't said a word to Jayfeather.

"You need to stop sulking about yourself being a Medicine cat now." He said, with a slight growl. Spottedpath just rolled her eyes.

"So your allowed to be all crabby all time? While I can't even sulk for a day?" She mentioned which Jayfeather didn't respond as he sniffed the herbs Spottedpath brought.

"Where is the Dock?" He lifted his head, as Spottedpath noticed she forgot it.

"There is still enough light for me to go collect some." Spottedpath offered. Jayfeather twitched his nose slightly, then nodded.

"Fine but get back here as soon as you can." With that Spottedpath left the den and walked towards the bracket. Stormcloud was guarding the entrance as he notice the newly made medicine cat apprentice was walking towards him.

"Greetings Spottedpath." He started dipping his head. "Where are you headed, the sun will be setting soon." He asked as he glanced to the sky.

"I forgot dock leaves, I'm going out to collect some and I'll be back after that it won't take long." Spottedpath explained. Stormcloud nodded letting her continue through the brambles.

Spottedpath walked towards the forest and the winds picked up speed. Leaves fell from the trees soon the weather would get colder. They were always low on dock for Lionblaze's new found clumsiness in falling in thorn bushes.

She smiled to herself remembering how he would come into camp with thorns stuck into his fur like a porcupine. She tried to make a joke about it one day an the other cats seemed confused what a porcupine even was.

Spottedpath turned after she thought she heard a rustling. Who was that? She shook her head an decided it was the wind. She continued on her path before another rustling was heard and she stopped.

"Mapledawn?" She called out, feeling as if the cat was following her again. Mapledawn stalked out her fur fluffed, and claws unsheathed. Spottedpath sighed backing up.

"Mapledawn I'm not fighting you. What is your point of this?" Spottedpath was defensive but swore she wouldn't attack.

"Revenge." The she-cat growled.

"For what?"

"For my past life of course." She snarled as Spottedpath seemed surprised. "What, Twoleg, did you not think I didn't know about Mapleshade? I've had dreams of my life as her, right to the very end where you killed me."

"Spottedleaf killed Mapleshade, I did not kill you, and I won't." Spottedpath pointed out. "Mapledawn, we don't have to fight because our pass lives did."

"In my pass life I lost my Clan, and when I tried leaving across the river, I lost my kits. Even then my mate left me and I became a rogue. With no where to go." Mapledawn started to circle Spottedpath, who backed up again.

"Your pass life doesn't define who you must be in this life, you could have been reborn to have a better life." Spottedpath tried to reason with the warrior.

Mapledawn narrowed her eyes. "Maybe I was reborn to take my revenge again on ThunderClan." She snarled, watching the Medicine cat.

"Don't you want to be happy Mapledawn? Instead of being stuck in this endless cycle of life? I don't want to be defined who I was, but who I am. In fact, it seems that I'm living the same path as Spottedleaf did. A heartbroken Medicine cat who loves but knows she truly can't." Spottedpath looked away.

"If you wish to follow the same path Mapleshade did, I will not stop you, you can kill me right here, and have your revenge on the Clan. Just know that revenge doesn't always make a cat happy." She continued looking at the warrior who had stopped and observed her.

"If Mapleshade had a second chance to change her path, I'm sure she would have chose a happy and loyal one with her clan instead of breaking the code." Mapledawn finally said with a slight annoyance. "Though if she got an opportunity after the fact of her clan abandoning her, she would have taken it and got her revenge. But I see it more important to follow your own path and make your own choices." She looked to the Medicine Cat's eyes.

"Let's go get those dock leaves and get back to camp." Mapledawn finished, as she wandered away. Spottedpath smiled to herself, she may not like the Medicine Cat code, but she'd obey it if she was destined to. Spottedpath was just a step closer to becoming friends to Mapledawn, who decided to change her destiny after all.

Spottedpath followed after the warrior with speed, as she took the lead to the herb. This is just the beginning of the Twoleg who turned into a cat, and not one can say that she didn't become loyal to her clan. After all, why else would a Twoleg want to join a clan of cats? That's insane!

Book one is finished and I hope you enjoyed this! Book two is on its way an this time I'm going to add the allegiance so I can keep track of the cats XD anyway thank you all for the support on this book. I am glad you love it and that you stuck through it to the end. Thank you all and see you next book!

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