Chapter 8

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"I suppose you're wondering why I've gathered you all here," Superstar began ominously, scanning the small crowd of cats who had assembled before him.

After far too long of a silence, Oaktail sighed loudly. "Why, Superstar. Why have you gathered us all here."

"Because this is a meeting you idiot, that's why," Superstar retaliated snidely, and Oaktail growled in irritation. "Anyway, it has come to my attention that we seem to be at a deficit for fighty-fight cats, so I had to come up with a plan. Everyone meet our new warriors - Solarlight, Emberstream, Silversoar, and Aspenblade."

"What?" Oaktail asked, looking over at where four cats seemed to have randomly appeared. "Where did they come from?"

"They've always been here," Superstar shrugged, which was completely possible for a cat to do. Shut up.

"No they haven't-" Oaktail objected, but Hotpaw had already rushed past him to greet the new cats. "No but really where did they come from this is distressing-"

"So, why don't you four tell us a bit about yourselves before we begin preparing to vanquish our enemies?" Superstar asked in a polite tone, curling his tail around his paws.

Emberstream began to speak, then Solarlight suddenly cut her off. "I'm a supercharged solar panel don't even talk to me."

The SuperClan cats clapped awkwardly at his statement, and Emberstream opened her mouth, only to be interrupted a second time. "Hi," Silversoar purred, ducking his head shyly, "I have the power to fly, it's really nice. Aspenblade is nice too but she doesn't love me back, so that's... I'm cool with that."

"Stop talking," Aspenblade snapped.

"I'll be not talking then," Silversoar murmured quietly. 


"I'll be not talking over there then," Silversoar corrected, and trudged off to go sulk in the corner.

Aspenblade cleared her throat, physically shoving Emberstream to the side as she introduced herself. "I'm Aspenblade, and I can control plants. I do what I want."

"How charming," Superstar remarked.

Another long silence followed and all of the cats stared at Emberstream, the only cat who hadn't spoken. After a few moments of awkward staring, Superstar gesture for her to speak. "Oh!" Emberstream exclaimed, quickly scrambling to compose herself. "I may not know you all, but I like you anyway."

Emberstream grinned, and Superstar sighed in exasperation. "And your powers are...?"

"Yes! Right!" Emberstream nodded, then blinked and suddenly sneezed. A plume of blue fire scorched the ground between her paws and Aspenblade hissed and leaped back in surprise. "I can create fire. That happens sometimes."

"Can you grow herbs?" Herbfeather inquired, having approached the somewhat displeased Aspenblade.

"Of course I can grow herbs," Aspenblade snorted, as if the question were absurd.

"I think we're going to be good friends!" Herbfeather chirped far too enthusiastically.

"I don't have friends," Aspenblade retorted, then suddenly recoiled as Herbfeather leaned in closer to her face. 

"I will make you my friend," Herbfeather whispered threateningly.

Superstar frowned. "Can't you intimidate cats on your own time?"

"NO!" Herbfeather screeched, punching Hotpaw in the face when he came up to tap her on the shoulder. 

Superstar groaned in irritation, pushing through the crowd of cats and avoiding Herbfeather as much as possible. He turned to look at the four newcomers. "Why don't you guys go get settled down? I built you all nests using my mind powers while you were arguing."

"I guess we should go do that I love you," Silversoar meowed to Aspenblade as he sat down beside her again, staring fondly at the side of her head. Aspenblade's ear twitched in annoyance and she growled under her breath.

"Fine," Solarlight spat, angry for absolutely no reason, "We'll go and sleep then. I hope none of you get mURDERED!"

"Goodbye, angsty solar panel!" Emberstream replied enthusiastically, then after three seconds, walked off in the exact same direction as him.

The cats all dispersed, Oaktail still looking utterly confused as to where the four cats had come from. "Goodnight everyone! Tomorrow we attack!" Superstar called out.

"But Superstar-" 

"Goodnight Oaktail!"

"Superstar I am concerned for the safety of-"


"He threatened to murder us-"



Hope you enjoyed my first SuperClan chapter! It's about to go down.


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