Bluestar's Reunion

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Special thanks to JadenWoodard for suggesting This short! I hope you like it!
I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in StarClan at last. I jumped to my paws and looked around for any cats. A cat up on top one of the hills was staring down at me. It was a white cat. With blue eyes. My spirit skyrocketed and then I began to charge up the slope.
"Snowfur!" I yowled at last. She yowled in return and started down the hill, running hard. We met halfway up the hill, Snowfur crashing into me sending us rolling down the hill. When we stopped we were both laughing.
"Oh Bluestar, I've missed you so." Snowfur whispered in my ear. I stood up and set my head on her neck and purred.
"I've missed you as well." I whispered to her. I felt her began to purr. I stepped back and rubbed noses with her.
Snowfur looked me in the eyes. "Do you want to see Moonflower?" she asked. My heart soared.
"Mother. . ." I whispered hopefully. Snowfur smiled and bounded back up the hill she'd just ran down. I followed in hungry pursuit. When Snowfur stopped, I looked down to see an empty ravine. It looks like the one we had in ThunderClan. Snowfur leaped down and started to walk across the dirt floor. I followed not so gracefully. Snowfur laughed as she waited in a patch of grass ahead. I stopped next to her and looked around. Cats were everywhere. I looked hastily through the cats trying to spot a gray pelt with stripes. And pale yellow eyes.
Then I spotted her.
She was standing next to. . . Mosskit! Mosskit was alive! Well, sort of. I bounded in their direction. When I was about two fox-lengths away I slowed to a stop for dramatic effect. Cats started whispering around me as I approached my mother and daughter. It had been so long, too long. They finally looked up in unison, their serious expressions quickly changing to disbelief and then great excitement.
"Bluestar!" Mosskit yowled. She came bundling into my chest fur and rolled around trying  to look up at me. Her eyes sparkled.
"Mosskit." I said warmly.
"Bluestar." Moonflower said. I looked up and nearly bumped into her muzzle. I rubbed noses with her and licked her cheeks. "I'm so glad to see you again."
"Me too mother, me too." I whispered between licks, my voice choking up. Moonflower laughed and finally broke away.
"I'm so glad your here. I've missed you so." Moonflower went on. Her yellow eyes were misty. I felt mine tearing up as well.
"Oh Bluestar. You made such an amazing leader."
I turned to see my father, Stormtail, padding up towards me.
"Father," I whispered.
"I'm sorry I didn't pay much attention to you while I was alive." Stormtail apologized.
"It's okay father, I love you." I stepped forward and licked his cheek. He smiled and followed. Snowfur practically had to pry me away from father when we hadn't stopped licking.
"Come see the territory. It's full of warm sunlight and the prey is plentiful. You'll love it here." Snowfur suggested, walking ahead of me. I walked slow, taking in everything. Trees sprouted like blades of grass in all directions. It was a forest. A real forest. You could hear the prey practically calling out to you in turn.
"What would you like?" Snowfur asked, pulling me out of my funk.
"We get to choose?" I gasped, looking around again.
Snowfur nodded. "StarClan's full of every kind of prey. You don't need to search for any certain one." Snowfur explained as we padded into the forest's front. Immediately I knew what she meant. There was all kinds of prey everywhere.
I turned to Snowfur. "Let's get started."


I licked my full belly's ruffled fur. Hunting was a success. We had caught a squirrel, a mouse, a vole, and a robin. It was a meal. A good meal. As I cleaned my fur, a mew caught my attention. A familiar mew.
I looked up into the amber eyes of Oakheart. He took my breath away.
"Oakheart?" I gasped. He dipped his head and padded towards me. He sat down next to me and licked my cheeks and purred. I followed.
"Oakheart. I missed you so." I whispered into his ear. He purred louder, the noise enveloping my purr.
"Bluestar, ours kits finally know who their real mother is. The strong ThunderClan leader." Oakheart's eyes darkened. "I'm sorry they're in RiverClan. They should be in ThunderClan-" I lifted my tail over his mouth, shushing him.
"Oakheart, that doesn't matter to me right now. All that matters is you." He smiled and licked me up and down.
I forgot to add this before but, has anyone noticed in the Bluestar fact how she chased Thistleclaw out of StarClan that he died before she did. . . So therefore how could she of chased him out?

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