Chapter 39

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Ivypool and Rustypaw followed Hawkfrost into Tigerstar's den the next day where he was waiting. Once they were all inside, Tigerstar faced Ivypool with his usual glare.

"I know you've been taking Rustypaw out hunting with you." Tigerstar began.

Ivypool gasped and Rustypaw took a step back.

"We've been discussing it, and will allow you to continue." Hawkfrost said.

"Really?!?" Ivypool was shocked.

"Yes... If he also hunts for his siblings." Tigerstar growled.

"I will!" Rustypaw blurted out.

Tigerstar narrowed his eyes, "very well."

"Don't want you rotting away in your den when you could go some good service, would we?" Hawkfrost said.

Ivypool hissed at Hawkfrost.

"Hey! I was the one who wants to let you do this! If it was up to anyone else in this camp, they would claw your face off!" Hawkfrost growled.

"Don't act like you're doing me a favor! Don't you dare act like a hero for one second because all you are is a liar, dungface, and traitor to the all clans!" Ivypool hissed.

"Who's talking about traitors now?!? The one who agreed to come with us and before that, train to be a dark forest warrior!!" Hawkfrost growled back.

"I never came here because of the dark forest!" Ivypool growled.

"They why did you?!?"

"You know foxdung well why!!"

"When you have the courage to admit it, find me!!" Hawkfrost left the den.

Rustypaw followed him, not really know what was happening.

Ivypool turned to leave too.

"You should be nicer to my son, it's all because of him that you're here and no ones killing you!!" Tigerstar growled.

"I know." Ivypool whispered then exited the den.


Ivypool walked out of camp with Rustypaw, no need to sneak around anymore.

Ivypool's fur was still bristling from the conversation she had with Hawkfrost just a moment before.

"Are- are you ok?" Rustypaw asked nervously.

Ivypool let her fur lay flat.
"Yes." She hissed.

"Ummm." Rustypaw gave her that I-want-know-more-but-I'm-not-going-to-ask look. Ivypool had seen it a lot.

Ivypool sighed, "Hawkfrost was my mentor when I first joined the dark forest."

"You were a dark forest member before this?" Rustypaw gasped.

"Spy." Ivypool corrected him.

"Oh....." Rustypaw started.

"Do you want your first solo assignment? Good. Go bring back at least four pieces of prey. Bye." Ivypool interrupted.

"Ok great!" Rustypaw said, heading off towards the forest.

Ivypool turned around and headed back to camp.


Ivypool walked into the dark forest camp. Then Shredtail and Thistleclaw walked over to her. 'Oh no.' She thought.

"Hey, scum, I'm hungry. Get me some fresh-kill." Thistleclaw sneered.

Ivypool glanced to see the pile only a fox-length away.

Ivypool sighed. 'Not this again...'

"Yeah, mousebrain." Shredtail joined in.

To Ivypool's surprise, Sparrowfeather walked over.

"Leave her alone, foxdung!" Sparrowfeather hissed to Shredtail.

"Wha...." He started before Sparrowfeather turned and walked away towards Snowtuft, clearly mad at him.

"Sparrowfeather!" He called to her as she followed.

Ivypool stood dumbfounded.

"Now, I'm going to say it one more time..." Thistleclaw started.

"What's going on here?!?"
Ivypool turned around to see Hawkfrost.

"She isn't-" Thistleclaw started before Hawkfrost ran over and clawed him on the nose and ear.

Thistleclaw backed up nervously. Hawkfrost growled. Then Thistleclaw snorted and left.

"Uhhhh." Ivypool started, Then Hawkfrost started to leave, "wait!"

Hawkfrost turned around.
"What?" He asked.

"Um, sorry, and uh thanks." Ivypool stuttered.

"Anytime." He replied.

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