Chapter 37

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Rustypaw watched as Eaglepaw glared at him.
'Probably thinking of which fighting move to use.'

Rustypaw wished he and his brother... Weren't trying to kill each other?

Rustypaw knew he wouldn't stop fighting until Tigerstar yowled the stop command. Rustypaw had one goal- survive without any serious injuries.

Hawkfrost and Ivypool arguing briefly distracted him.

"You can't let Rustypaw fight a trained apprentice! He could get hurt!" Ivypool hissed.

"Who's fault is it that he isn't trained? Oh I think his mentor!" Hawkfrost growled back.

"You know just as well that I can't train him!"

"Oh really?" Hawkfrost lowered his voice so only Ivypool and Rustypaw could hear him, "I know he's been sneaking out with you when your hunting for the past couple days!"

Hawkfrost turned around, started walking, and waved his tail to tell Sparrowfeather, Dapplepaw, and Streampaw to follow.

"Hunting." He told Sparrowfeather.

Eaglepaw took the advantage when he was distracted and somehow managed to pin Rustypaw down. It happened so fast, he could barley keep up.

"Too easy, kittypet." Eaglepaw hissed the insult.

'Good, maybe Tigerstar will be sataified.'

"Are you going to take those insults, kittypet?" Tigerstar taunted.

'Yes' Rustypaw thought.

"Get up, kittypet!" Tigerstar hissed.

With all Rustypaw's strength, he heaved himself so that he and Eaglepaw rolled down a hill.

By then Rustypaw had mastered the art of rolling down hills.

He hooked his claws into the ground, letting Eaglepaw roll into some bracken of which he got stuck in.
Tigerstar and Ivypool ran down to them.

"You cheated!" Tigerstar hissed.

Rustypaw knew it wasn't his fault Eaglepaw got stuck in the bracken.
'I was just trying to get him off of me!'

To his horror, Tigerstar raised a paw with its long claws gleaming in the sunlight. Ivypool ran into him before he could lower it on Rustypaw.

"You'll have to kill me before you hurt him." Ivypool hissed, standing in the way.

"Let's go back to camp." Tigerstar growled, ending the fight. 

Rustypaw couldn't help but notice the dirty glare Eaglepaw gave him and the hatred in Tigerstar's eyes.

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