Chapter 22

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{ A half-moon after previous
chapter }

Lionblaze watched as dawn came. It had been a half-moon since Jayfeather has delivered Half Moon's prophecy and Reedwhisker had arrived.

Lionblaze thought of Squirrelflight, with new born kits, stuck inside of a dark musty den. Lionblaze was filled with energy when he was reminded what he was fighting for.

Leaping Down from the ledge where the hay was stored, Lionblaze assembled the cats together.

"In the past half-moon, we have rebuilt our energy and prepared for battle. Today, is the day. Every couple of days, Tigerstar let's their prisoners out for a moment to stretch their legs. While out of the dark forest camp, it will be the perfect time to ambush them. Our only chance is to save Squirrelflight's kits, in hopes that one day, one of them will defeat the dark forest. Whatever happens, we can not let the dark forest influence them. Now who's with me?" Lionblaze finally finished, out of breath from his long speech.

All the clan cats yowled in agreement, with Ivypool and his mate, Cinderheart, the loudest.


Lionblaze watched from outside of dark forest territory. Many many fox-lenghs, farther away than he could ever see, Petalfur was leading the kits out as Dovewing had informed them.

'Squirrelflight must be resting in the den while Petalfur takes care of the kits.' Lionblaze thought.

"Lead the way Dovewing." Lionblaze hissed.

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