Chapter 2

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"Lionblaze!" Graystripe yowled in the middle of the ShadowClan battle.

They were horribly loosing the fight. Blackstar had already lost a life.

"There are too many of them and not enough of us!" Graystripe yowled.

Lionblaze nodded.
He weaved his way to Blackstar.

"Blackstar! There are too many! You must take your cats and leave!" Lionblaze yowled.

"Never!" Blackstar hissed, "ShadowClan will die rather than flee."

"So be it." Graystripe said, "Lionblaze, let's leave!"

Lionblaze and Graystripe ran away from the ShadowClan camp, only stopping to get Sorreltail. It was too late for Spiderleg and they couldn't find Thornclaw. The three remaining cats ran towards ThunderClan camp.

Lionblaze glanced back, 'is that the end of ShadowClan?' He wondered.

Ivypool crept through WindClan territory.

"Blossomfall? Birchfall?" She hissed.

"Ivypool!" A mew came from under a nearby bush.

"There you are! I've been looking for ages!" Ivypool hissed.

Mousewhisker, Birchfall, Blossomfall, and Thornclaw were all ok.

"It was Thornclaw's idea to hide here." Mousewhisker said.

"You must help me fight off dark forest cats!" Ivypool led the small patrol to WindClan.

Ivypool gasped at what she saw. WindClan camp had completely been overrun with dark forest cats. Harespring was leading some survivors out of WindClan camp.

'We are too late..' Ivypool thought, 'WindClan is gone..'

"Yowl!" Ivypool whirled around to see Thistleclaw snap Birchfall's neck.

"Birchfall! No!" Ivypool said.

"This is what happens when you betray the dark forest." Thistleclaw hissed.

"No!" Hollyleaf who was nearby shouted leaping on Thistleclaw.

"Help!" Another cry come from Hazeltail and Whitewing who were pinned down by dark forest cats.

Whitewing looked horrified as she witnessed her mate's death. Ivypool slashed a clawed against the nearby dark forest cats.

Ivypool, Mousewhisker, Thornclaw, and Blossomfall were too busy being attacked by the dark forest warriors once WindClan left to watch or help as Thistleclaw attacked Hollyleaf, there was no chance of helping her.

Once Hazeltail and Whitewing were freed, Ivypool yowled, "Run! Back to ThunderClan!"

As the ThunderClan cats ran, she asked Whitewing, "Berrynose?"

"No" Whitewing answered plainly.

"You heard the cat!" Ivypool heard Tigerstar yowled from behind them, "to ThunderClan!"

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