Chapter 32

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Lilypetal's POV

Well, one Dark Forest patrol has already thought better of messing with the likes of us... I thought, still concentrated on trying to catch my breath after the exhausting skirmish that had ended only moments earlier. It's great... yet I'm having a lot of trouble seeing it as a victory. We're nowhere close to being finished yet...

I then took a deep breath, shifting my gaze to look out into the forest above. ...and neither am I.

The first wave of the Dark Forest cats had swarmed in just as the ThunderClan patrols had dispersed and left for their assigned Clans. It was clear that these Dark Forest cats had come with a mission - leaping into our camp, claws outstretched without a moment's hesitation, and pouncing at the first cats that they saw.

Dens seemed to be shredded within heartbeats, and my heart had sunk having to see so much blood and cats being sent to the medicine den in such a short amount of time.

And although the wave had been trying and brutal, it had been quick, and the Dark Forest spirits had seemed to disappear and flee as quickly as they had made their appearance.

But despite the grueling fight that had already taken place, I found that two good things had come out of its aftermath - no cat had been gravely injured, for one. Most wounds had already been tended to, Jayfeather and Leafpool being the legendary cats that they were.

And secondly, amidst all of the Dark Forest cats I had seen, there was a certain cat that hadn't been among them. And it had better stay that way until I'm able to slip out...

I then let out a sigh as I quickly padded over to the nursery – one of the many stops I was making in my circulation around the camp. But now is not the time to do that, I told myself, ignoring a certain tug of urgency that I'd been feeling as soon as I'd found out the Dark Forest cats were in the forest. I will be able to see... things through very soon, but I want to stand by my Clanmates for as long as I possibly can tonight.

I then crawled through the den's entrance... or rather, what was left of it. This plan is in no way a selfish action... but I'd sure be making it one if I didn't fight alongside my friends at all before making my escape, I thought. Soon, Lilypetal. Soon, but not now. He'll wait for you. You've made sure of that. "Hi, there!" I tried to purr cheerfully to Brightheart, who currently had her ginger and white tail wrapped around all five of ThunderClan's kits.

Brightheart returned the greeting, her blue eyes glowing with warmth. "Hi, Lilypetal," the she-cat meowed. She then let out a sigh. "Great StarClan, you're definitely a sight for sore eyes!"

I purred with amusement as I settled down in front of her, giving each kit a little nuzzle on the head with my tail. "Really? I'd think the wounds would be a bit unsettling," I joked, nodding to the large gash on my flank that had only just stopped bleeding. And after Brightheart and I shared another laugh, I flashed her a look of concern. "Is everything alright in here? Is there anything that I can do for you?"

Brightheart immediately shook her head. "We're okay as we can be, Lilypetal. Thank you," Brightheart breathed, her blue eyes revealing worry and wariness despite her words. She then returned a look of concern, giving me a nod. "Are you-"

"Wait!" I then couldn't help but purr with amusement as two tiny gray-and-white paws began to prod at Brightheart's flank, and Brightheart and I both shifted our gazes to see Lilykit looking eagerly up at the queen. "I need something! Can I ask Lilypetal about it?"

"That depends on what it is," the she-cat purred as she exchanged a humored glance with me. "Lilypetal?"

I shrugged back at Brightheart, taking a step forward and nodding to Lilykit. "Ask away, Lilykit!" I purred. "What's going on?"

Lilykit eagerly began to knead her little paws into the ground as she looked hopefully up at me. "Can you teach me a couple of fighting moves?" she mewed. "Please, just a couple? Then I can come with you and help you fight the Dark Forest cats!"

I exchanged yet another amused glance with Brightheart before bending down to lick Lilykit's small head. "Aw, I wish that I could," I meowed softly to her. "But you're much too busy already!"

I pulled away from Lilykit to see her staring up at me, her head tilted to the side. "What do you mean?"

"You're in here to protect Brightheart, aren't you?" I inquired to Lilykit with wide-eyes, lashing my tail towards the queen. "You can't leave. She needs you!"

Just as I had hoped, Lilykit's eyes immediately lightened up. "Yeah!" she squealed. "That's exactly what I'm doing!"

I then heard a sigh of relief, and when I looked up to meet Brightheart's gaze, I held back another mrrow of laughter as she seemed to mouth a "thank you" to me. I flashed her a warm, affectionate look before nodding back to Lilykit. "And I know that you're going to do it so well," I purred to her.

I then couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement as I recalled the promise that Firestar had made me just a couple of moons before. "And hey, maybe sometime soon, I will be able to teach-"

A yowl from the camp clearing interrupted my words. "Someone's coming!" I immediately recognized Dovewing's voice. "They're injured!"

"Oh, dear," I muttered. I flicked my ears, looking back at Brightheart and the kits from where I'd been looking outside. "I'd better see what's going on."

Suddenly having to push down a bit of panic, I then began to briskly make my way out of the nursery. "Bye, you all!" I called back.

I heard Lilykit's reply no less than a heartbeat later. "Bye, Lilypetal!"

I looked back towards the nursery one last time, giving Sorreltail and Brackenfur's kit one last warm look. Lilykit has so much spirit, and she seems so sweet, I thought as crawled through the nursery's entrance once again. And I might receive her as an apprentice in a few short moons!

I then couldn't help but let out a snort. Ha, imagine - Lilypetal training another Lilypaw! ThunderClan would sure have a lot of fun with that.

Gasps of horror and alarm broke into my thoughts, prompting me to run across the camp and join the group of cats gathered near the Highledge. I stood by Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight as I stared off at the camp entrance, nervously anticipating what Dovewing somehow already knew.

And just a few heartbeats later, I hated to see that the younger she-cat's premonitions had been right when Ivypool and Tigerheart of ShadowClan made their way through the brambles, the limp body of Hollyleaf in their jaws.

I had barely realized that my mouth had dropped open. "Oh my goodness..." I breathed almost inaudibly. I already found myself forcing back emotion, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to even bear looking to my side at Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, who had been seen as the fluffy black she-cat's parents for so long.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Dovewing running up to meet Tigerheart and Ivypool. "Jayfeather! Leafpool!" she then called out, looking back towards the medicine den.

I then simply watched, my legs beginning to shake as Firestar joined the three cats, taking on Hollyleaf's weight as Ivypool took a step back. Dovewing seemed to be speaking frantically to Ivypool, her green eyes wide with horror as Firestar and Tigerheart then gently tried to lay Hollyleaf on the ground.

I felt physically sick, and I actually had to close my eyes for a moment. With this battle, I knew that at least some cats would be injured, or worse... yet it's still just as painful to see. Oh, Hollyleaf...

My gaze then shifted back towards the camp entrance as I noticed the tortoiseshell pelt of Poppyfrost quickly trotting up to Ivypool. "Have you seen Cherrypaw?" the she-cat asked worriedly, her blue eyes wide. "Or Molepaw?"

Ivypool shrugged back at the older she-cat. "No. They could be anywhere."

"What about Emberpaw, Lightningpaw or Wrenpaw?" I pressed to the silver-and-white she-cat, Poppyfrost's question sparking my own worry towards my three kits. When I hadn't been helping to repair dens, checking in on my Clanmates, or... you know, battling evil spirit cats, my mind had been consumed with panicked thoughts of my family, and the thought of my three younger kits running around the lake territories by themselves had been driving me crazy. And what if they were to be found by...?

I then closed my eyes, not being able to handle that thought for a single moment. Great StarClan, I need to leave soon. Really soon.

I was then immensely disappointed to see Ivypool shrug and shake her head once again. "I haven't seen any of them. I'm sorry."

Just as I was about to probe Ivypool even more, I had to step to the side as Swiftflight stepped between Poppyfrost and me. "What?" the younger tom exclaimed, his gray-blue eyes dark and full of concern as he stared back at Ivypool. "You didn't pass Cherrypaw on your way back?"

He then let out a huff, shaking his head quickly before meeting the she-cat's gaze again. "You didn't pass them on your way back?"

"No, I didn't," Ivypool answered once again, her meow a bit sharper this time.

With that, I was surprised to see Swiftflight let out a distressed sigh and close his eyes. Before I could even ask if he was alright, he then whipped himself around, beginning to pace the area, as if Ivypool's words had made him incredibly uneasy.

Beside me, Poppyfrost seemed to be staring off at the dark gray tom, following his movements. For some reason, her blue eyes seemed to be glowing with satisfaction and ease. I wonder what could possibly be easing about Swiftflight's anxiety for his Clanmates? I joked to myself.

But my curious, lighthearted thoughts then vanished as Leafpool came into my sight, pelting across the camp from the medicine den, and I actually thought that I could hear the crack of my own heart breaking as the light brown tabby she-cat crouched down beside her daughter and began to lap at her cheek.

It was all already too much for my soul to handle, but nevertheless, I slowly padded up to stand just behind Leafpool, gently running my tail down her flank, hoping the gesture would bring her at least some comfort.

"Save her!" Ivypool was yowling to Jayfeather once I had come into earshot. "You have to save her! Hawkfrost tried to kill me, but Hollyleaf chased him away."

I heard Brambleclaw let out a hiss from just behind me. "Hawkfrost?" the dark brown tabby repeated, his fur beginning to bristle.

Swiftflight, who was doing his pacing just a couple of tail-lengths away, stopped in his tracks at the Dark Forest cat's name being spoken. "Hawkfrost did this?" my kin then asked, running up to stand next to Ivypool. His eyes were full of concern for his friend, but anger at what one of his former mentors had done clearly glowed there as well.

Ivypool closed her eyes and gave a slow nod. "I was fighting Snowtuft and Thistleclaw. I couldn't help her."

Dovewing put the tip of her tail on her sister's shoulder. "You carried her home," she meowed softly. "You couldn't have done more."


I, along with many other cats, whipped our heads back towards the camp entrance at the new voice. I couldn't help but feel immensely relieved to see one of my older daughters, Goldenshine, standing there with Dustystorm, Berrynose, Whitewing and Hazeltail just behind her.

The golden brown tabby she-cat scrambled across the camp. She had a nasty scratch on one of her sides, and one of her cheeks was bleeding, but she didn't seem to care in this moment. She ran up to meet me, and her gray eyes were wide with horror. "What happened?" she nearly whimpered, and my heart seemed to sink all over again just looking at my daughter's face.

I wrapped my tail around her, pulled her closer to me, and gave her a gentle lick on the head. "The battle happened..." I whispered softly. I then looked down at Goldenshine so that I could meet her gaze. "Hollyleaf sacrificed her own life to save Ivypool."

"Sacrificed her life? No!" Goldenshine nearly whimpered as she backed away from me, turning to look back at her friend. "No, you can't say that yet!" She then looked helplessly towards Jayfeather, and although the gray tabby tom was deep in concentration trying to help his sister, the look in his eyes made it clear of what was going to happen.

Goldenshine then let her head hang low. "No..." she then breathed, screwing her eyes shut. Just as I had done with Leafpool, I tried to sooth my daughter by stroking her flank with my tail, knowing that she was about to lose one of her oldest, closest friends. I then exchanged a dismayed glance with Dustystorm, who had walked up to sit next to his mate.

"Firestar," Dovewing then murmured, padding up to stand next to the ginger tom. "They've reached the woods."

My ears pricked with alarm, and I felt my heart nearly skip a beat, because I knew very well who "they've" meant.

But my fear was quickly replaced with sorrow all over again when I heard Leafpool's almost voiceless whisper. "Hollyleaf," she meowed softly, touching her nose to her daughter's cheek. I then saw her amber eyes briefly flash with alarm. "Hollyleaf?"

Her next words nearly made me topple over. "She's not breathing!"

No! No, no, no!

"She's lost too much blood," Jayfeather then murmured gently. "We couldn't have saved her."

I took a deep breath, trying to fight my own sadness as I let my tail drape across Leafpool's shoulders. I know exactly what she's going through, I thought, having to blink back emotion once again as I looked back at Hollyleaf's barely-moving figure, almost thinking that I could see Snowflight's white pelt lying there instead. The pain of it felt like a physical wound. It felt worse than that.

I then crouched down so that I was lying just beside her. But the support of my friends and family is what got me through it. "Oh, Leafpool, I am so, so sorry," I whispered to her. "I-"

I then cut myself off and stood up, whipping my head back to look at the entrance of brambles and gorse as the sounds of determined, fast pawsteps sounded from outside of the hollow.

I instinctively ran up to stand next to Goldenshine as my heart began to race. Well... there's the "they've"...

Behind me, I could see the rest of my Clanmates scrambling to get into position, and I could hear Firestar's yowl, "Prepare for attack!"

Beside me, I could feel my daughter's fur beginning to bristle, and she seemed to be casting my anxious sidelong glances. "Lilypetal?" she managed to murmur above all of the chaos ensuing.

"Yes, Goldenshine?" I replied to her, and I instantly felt an overwhelming amount of concern as I met her frightened gaze. For some reason, my motherly instincts told me that it was something beyond the Dark Forest patrol's entry, or the loss of her friend. "What's the matter?"

I began to twitch my tail nervously back and forth as Goldenshine looked away from me, hesitating, and the pawsteps of many cats were getting louder and faster. "I need to tell you something."

She then turned to face me, revealing her more hardened, determined gray gaze. "Listen, mother, I saw-"

A loud, violent rustle then came from the camp entrance. Goldenshine abruptly cut off her own words, and the both of us quickly turned towards the sound.

Birchfall and Blossomfall had burst into the camp clearing. They were both struggling to catch their breaths, and their fur was bristled out to make them look double their size. For some reason, Firestar was staring back at the two of them, his green eyes blazing with anger. As curious as I had been to hear what my daughter was about to ask me, now was certainly not the time

"How could you betray us?" the ThunderClan leader growled at his Clanmates.

"I thought you'd choose to fight on our side!" Dovewing then called out to them, more specifically towards her father.

I held back a gasp as I exchanged a shocked glance with Goldenshine. Birchfall and Blossomfall? Traitors?

"He did!" Ivypool then insisted, running up to stand next to her father. "He fought with me at the WindClan camp."

Birchfall nodding in response to his daughter's words. "We would never betray ThunderClan!"

I heard Goldenshine let out a gasp beside me as Mousewhisker then ran into sight. "We came to warn you!"

"We saw the Dark Forest patrol!" Blossomfall then meowed urgently, her blue eyes wide with urgency as she scanned them around the clearing. "They're coming!"

I then felt the slowest, coldest-feeling chill run down my spine as just heartbeat later, another figure crashed through the thorns of the camp entrance - a huge gray-and-white tom, his amber eyes filled with nothing but malice.

I instinctively stepped in front of Goldenshine as the Dark Forest warrior began to speak, his dark gaze locked on Birchfall. "We lost the WindClan camp thanks to you!" he roared back at him. "I'll save killing you till last."

Birchfall stared back at the faded warrior, his pale tabby fur beginning to bristle all over again. "Not if I kill you first, Thistleclaw! You tricked us!"

Then, almost as if Birchfall's words had been some sort of signal, many cats then burst into the camp, quickly turning the woven brambles to pieces.

I narrowed my eyes, concentrating as much as I could as I rapidly scanned my gaze around the clearing that was now overflowing with the Dark Forest spirits.

I was able to let out a relieved huff only after a couple moments of searching.

I then frantically looked beside me, hoping to ask Goldenshine what she had been about to say to me, or at least to wish her luck and say goodbye, but she was far behind me now, assisting Leafpool and Jayfeather in getting Hollyleaf's body out of the way.

Unfortunately, I knew that I didn't have the time to chase Goldenshine down, as much as I desperately wanted to.

So, I took a deep breath, bracing myself for even more bloodshed and strife. And may StarClan light my path.

Then, not letting myself hesitate for one more moment, I leapt into the battle, whipping my head around to search for a Clanmate that needed assistance, or a lone Dark Forest cat that maybe needed to be taught a lesson.

And just within moments, a white, scrawny-looking tom caught my eye just a few fox-lengths away from me. So, I went into a low crouch and slowly began to creep towards him.

Once I felt the time was right, I pushed off of my back legs and leaped forward, ready to sink my claws into one of the many cats who had taken so much time to get here for the sole purpose of vengeance.

But just as my front claws had been about to brush white fur, I let out a yelp of alarm as I was bowled over by a large, dark figure that nearly knocked the breath out of me.

I had been too taken by surprise to react on time, and this new cat was easily able to pin me to the ground. For a moment, I felt so dazed that I could barely tell who it was for a moment.

But once everything in my sight sharpened again, I let out a growl as I quickly realized who the cat was on top of me. I'd never met him, and I'd never known him, but with all of the stories I'd heard, I suppose I might as well have.

I immediately recognized the dark gray tabby pelt of Darkstripe - Tigerstar's most

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