It was an ordinary day full of looking after her children. Raziya was less fussy as the days went all, she still clung to her mother as all small babes did. Her little sweetheart, her sweetling
Ayse full of Curiosity, had her dark eyes on everything and everyone. She would intensely look at everyone who came within sight, mahidevran sometimes felt as if her little girl was searching deep within her soul. Mahidevran would often call her, her little angel, the peaceful sultana.
Mustafa full of energy would never go a day without running around, he attended all his classes and was doing well in them. He was passionate about learning the arts of sword play and hand to hand combat.
To the little lions disappointment, his father said he was far to young for such lessons. He would learn when he was older
Ibrahim personally informed her that he would teach her boy many languages and different cultures. He would be the most well educated prince. Her pride and joy.
The following afternoon, mahidevran had set up a little tent like setup, she would enjoy the weather with her maids and children. It had been cold recently, still was but not that cold that she couldn't take her little sweetlings out for a while.
An hour went by and mahidevran order her maids to take her children inside, Mustafa was attending his first horse riding class and would be back any minute.
She had ordered Gulsah to bring hot beverages, her son and Ibrahim who was with him would need them. They had been out for long .
Gulsah came with hot drinks and food, she set them on the small table and waited next to her sultana.
Mahidevran had carefully selected her wardrobe that day, she was wearing a pale green dress with fur lining as well as a thick green shawl to protect her from the cold. Her jewelry was also carefully selected emerald jewelry set with emerald pins pinning
some of her hair to the side.
Her perfume a soft lavender scent, she was often Complimed on her scent
of choice and took Pride in choosing the perfect one.
As she sat enjoying her well deserved alone time she poured
some hot tea in for herself. Taking small sips she took in her surroundings,
The day had grown more colder than expected. She would wait for her
then take him indoors after he had eaten. Maybe a short nap would do
Them all good.
What she didn't suspect or expect was the sultan joining Ibrahim and
Mustafa, he came wearing a thick coat and holding his son in his arms.
Ibrahim was also dressed in something similar, his focus on the little
" next time I will ride all by myself! I'll best you and Ibrahim in races"!
mahidevran laughed getting up, once they reached her she quickly but
Gracefully bowed and then offered the still hot food to them. She poured in
Hot milk for musafa and handed it to him. She also offered him roasted
nuts which he refused.
The sultan and Ibrahim took some tea and sat down talking, mahidevran
" Mustafa I'm glad you had fun, but it's very cold and you need to take a
Warm bath then take a nap. You've been up since before sunrise"!
The little prince pouted and begged his father to 'save' him.
But his father agreed with her and sent him off with gulsah, he would be
Fast asleep in minutes she thought amused.
Ibrahim bidded his goodbyes and left after informing the Sultana that
Mustafa would spend one afternoon a week learning to ride a horse. Mahi
noted it with a smile and watched him leave, she was also getting colder
The more she thought about her warm chambers the more she wanted to
Be in them, under her warm covers.
" with your primission my sultan, we hope to see you soon" she said as
She retreated, but was stopped
" mahidevran, walk with me. We have much to talk about"
So she was forced to walk around the garden with him while he attempted
small talk, it was alright at first however she would rather be in her
" Mustafa seems more egar to play rather than study" he said suddenly, his f
Facial expressions slightly amused and his arms behind his back.
" your majesty, he's a young boy not a man. It's quite normal for him to
Desire to play rather than study. But I can assure you that he is putting in
effort for his studies". The sultan nodded and kept walking, the silence was
Soufficating almost. Twisting her rings she attempted to remain relaxed.
" I should leave now, my children would be wondering where I am. You
should be aware of how clingy Raziya has gotten " she jested in the
attempt to lighten the tense mood.
The sultan surprisingly offered to escort her and so they went, he came in
to see his daughters, they along side Mustafa were fast asleep.
Turning to her he said in a matter of fact tone
" prepare for tonight" then he left
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