chapter sixteen

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The sultan returned and a feast was held, they had meny dishes and servings. All his family was gathered apart from hurrem. The valide claimed that since she did not give the dynasty a heir or sultana yet she was not considered family. 

Mahi sat with Mustafa and Hatice, Gulfem sat next to her favourite sultana. She fed Mustafa who could hardly sit still. 

The feast lasted a few hours until the sultan left, he said he should visit the other pregnant hatun before tending to other matters. 

They all deported and mahidevran went to the bathhouse to wash herself before going to bed, she would have to wait until Tomorrow until the sultan would visit her. 

Her thoughts drifted towards the dress options she could wear. She had a new rose gold gown made since her other dresses wouldn't fit anymore. She also had a pink one. 

She'd have to wait and see, until then she'd get on with her night. 

She wore a new gold nightgown her hair in a loose braid. Mustafa was already asleep tucked in by gulsah. She kissed his cheek and got in as well. 

The next morning she felt sick, it felt absolutely horrible and she could hardly get out of bed until the afternoon. She had to visit the bathhouse once more and wore a more simple plain blue dress and no jewelry apart from the same crescent moon forehead necklace she always loved.

Hatice sultan kindly took Mustafa in until the afternoon meal time and even picked him up from his classes for her. 

Since her chat with Gulfem, the hatun and her grew close and formed a friendly relationship. It was Gulfem actually who visited her in the morning after Mustafa deported for his classes and fed her some food.  

In the evening it got worse, the midwife visited her a few times and gave her some medicine. She heard that the sultan called hurrem once more and her blood boiled! He didn't even come to see her yet and she obviously could not surprise him. 

She could hardly eat anything unless fed. She managed to eat dinner and her health improved.

Mustafa would often come to touch her stomach and talk to his soon to be sibling. He mentioned how big her stomach was and how he could sometimes feel the baby kick. She would laugh and humour him. 

currently she was sat in bed after visiting the valide, she had eaten some food and asked for some cherry soup. She had been craving it for days and it was the only thing she ate with satisfaction. 

The sultan had called her but she had made the gulsah inform Ibrahim that she was unwell and had been vomiting. She had a valid reason so he couldn't get angry. If he could spend two days ignoring his chief consort she could do the same. 

The sultan did come to her, he wasn't happy but couldn't be angry eaither. He gifted her a diamond bracelet. It was beautiful and she thanked him. 

He stayed with her and Mustafa that night until after the morning meal. Then he left for state matters and other things she didn't know of. 

Gulsah who had been her eyes and ears in the harem informed her of the gossip and fights to entertain her while she was in bed rest. Her due date was coming and it got harder to get up. She only left her chambers for short walks in the garden, to visit the bathhouse or other important things. 

Mustafa still ate with her and when she wasn't feeling unwell or tired they would have long conversations and he even helped her walk to the gardens once or twice. 

Her son was her pride and joy and she loved him to bits.

The next morning while on one of her short walks she came across the devil herself.  She was wearing a deep purple coloured dress and a ruby red necklace. She later learned from some girls in the harem, that it was a gift from the sultan. 

She had her hands on her belly and nigar kalfa was holding onto her, the dark haired kalfa was the witches ally it seemed. 

Mahi nodded at her politely and left the other women giving a small smile. It was strange to not argue within sight of each other. But both women heavily pregnant seemed to make a mutual agreement: no more drama until after the birth. 

On the way back however the most horrible pain took over her. She could hardly stay upright. Her entire body on fire. Her maid and gulsah rushed her towards her chambers. Her baby was coming. 

mahidevran  screamed and yelled. She felt as if her insides were being torn apart, sweat poured down her face as she threw her head back in agony. 

She had been in pure agony for the past thirty minutes. She didn't even know who was in the room with her, all she could hear was the midwife as she clawed at gulsahs hands screaming and cursing everything and everyone. 

Thirty minutes went by then an hour, and another hour until she had been in the birthing bed for three whole hours, the midwife then said she could see the head and urged her to push. 

Tears streaming down her face she pushed biting down into her lips until she bled. Someone put a cloth inside her mouth after wiping her lips. 

"Come on sultana! A few more times, just a few more"! Someone urged her as she tried with all her might. 

It was absolutely hell, until she heard cries and the midwife proclaimed the child's birth. She felt relief. 

Until another sharp pain came across her. She went through hell once more. Screaming in agony and pain. Biting down on the cloth and crying out for her mother 

She didn't know who her mother was, or how she looked. But at this moment she would kill to feel her embrace. A warm motherly touch. 

Another two hours went by and she delivered another baby. 

She had twins, two perfect twins. Her angels had finally arrived 

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