(21) Dont Bother

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-Next Day, Day before your wedding- Your POV

I groaned as sunlight creeped into my room. I peeked an eye open and saw that the curtains were pulled back.

I sighed and closed my eyes again but bolted up as I realized that I pulled the curtains over the window, before I went to bed.

'Who came in my room, and pulled the curtains back?' I thought as I looked around my room.

I didn't have maids, well I did, I just didn't let them clean my room, they already have to clean the guest rooms, where Link and Dark are staying at.

My eyes landed on a figure, that was sitting next to my bed.

"Oh, your awake. That's good. Morning darling." Talon said smirking and kissing my cheek. I gapped at him as he stood up and rummaged through my clothes. "You were still asleep when I came in so I thought maybe I could wake you up to see beautiful sunshine... and of course me."

I shook my head slowly and muttered, "No. No it's okay... hey! Personal stuff over there!" I yelled getting out of bed and pushing Talon away.

"That was just your dresses!" Talon said confused. I nodded as I shoved the dress back into the drawer.

"Mhm. I'd rather wear a (f/c) tunic, brown rusted boots, and pants. No princess crap." I said shaking my head.

Talon smirked and stated, "Is that going to satisfy my parents, you wearing boy clothes instead of dresses, like a princess should?"

"Uh, for your information, girls do wear tunics, I don't have to wear a dress... and, no." I sighed as I snatched the (2/f/c) dress out of Talons hands. "Get out." I groaned as he smirked and stalked out of the room, and closed the door.

I laid the dress on my bed and stared at it. I groaned as I put the dress on and looked myself in the mirror.

It was (2/f/c) with (f/c) laced around the edges, it was tight showing the curves of my body. I looked down and it reached a little above my ankles. The sleeves cut off by my elbows. I stretched and hissed at the dress.

Man, is this really how girls feel wearing dresses, everyday?!

A knock sounded at my door and I opened it.

"What is it now?" I asked Talon.

"Forgot these..." He said holding up matching heels. I growled, snatched the shoes, and slammed the door in his face.

"What has gotten into him?" I muttered as I slipped the heels on. I groaned as I looked myself in the mirror.

Oh goddesses, am I going to puke?!

I gagged at the sight of me. I turned my back to the mirror and slightly turned my head around to look at myself.

Oh, goddesses...

At the back there were laces, criss-crossing half of my back and up, tightly.

'I am definitely leaving my hair down!' I screamed in my head.

I tried to walk to my door in the heels, stumbling along the way, but made it with a bit of success.

I opened the door and Talon was leaning against the wall next to my door.

"What are you doing?"

"Just waiting for you princess... *whistle* wow, you look amazing! Almost better than me!" Talon said chuckling and walking around me.

"Okay... can you please stop checking me out, and go down and eat?" I groaned as I wiggled around under his gaze.

"...Sure..." Talon said wrapping an arm around my waist and guiding me down to the dining room.

"You know I could walk by myself?!" I snapped as I tried to slip away from his grip.

"Ya right! In those heels?... You won't be able to take one step without me!"

I huffed in disappointment and just let him tighten his grip on me.

"Hey (y/n)- Whoa!..." Link said walking out of his room and stopping in his tracks. He blushed deep crimson and rubbed the back of his neck. "You-you, l-look amazing, (y-y/n)..."

I blushed as he stared into my (e/c) orbs, "T-thanks Link... You l-look nice to..."

I mentally face-palmed as he looked down at himself. He was wearing the same tunic as yesterday, but it was wrinkled up and his hair was a rats nets, he looked adorable. I blushed at the thought.

"Uh, t-thanks..." He smiled while rubbing the back of his neck. He looked down at my waist, where Talons arm was wrapped tightly around it. He looked up at Talon and growled. "We need to talk later (y/n)... Alone.." Link said, quickly walking back into his room.

I raised an eyebrow, and shrugged it off.

"Darling, are you paying attention to me?" Talon said.

"Huh.... Oh, no sorry. I was talking to Link..."

"You mean stuttering?"

"Shut up..." I muttered as I blushed in embarrassment.

We turned a corner and I saw Dark and Zelda arguing.

"You have to listen to me Zelda! (Y/n) is going to-...Holy..." Dark said turning his gaze towards me.

"Hey guys...." I croaked out as I waved a hand at them.

"(Y-y/n) you look... Oh goddesses. You, look like... like a goddess!" Dark stuttered.

"Th-thanks Dark..." I whispered. Dark smiled at me, but dropped it as he saw Talon, clinging onto me.

I looked up and saw Talon smirk, he tightened his grip on me, and looked down, facing me.

"We should go eat." Talon said pecking my lips. My eyes widen in surprise and I blush a light pink.

"She's mine you squirt!" Dark yelled as he made his way over to us, but was yanked back by Zelda.

She smiled at me and said, "You look amazing (y/n)... sorry about him." She said nodding slightly at Dark who was practically dragging Zelda with him. She smacked the back of his and yanked him away from us. "For the last time, he is not BEN!" Zelda yelled.

"BEN? What does he have to do with this?" I muttered.

Talon tensed up and led me to the dining hall.

-time skip, after breakfast-

"Talon, I'm going to take a walk... Alone..." I said as he walked up to me. He frowned as I pushed him away gently.

"...Fine. I'll be in my room... If you want alone time, with me." Talon said smirking.

"... whatever." I growled as I stomped away.

I traveled into the forest and went to the secret spring that I showed to Link, or Dark showed to Link.

I pushed the vines away and I saw the two meat heads arguing.

I giggled and laid my back against a tree and watched the two go at it.

"I wanted to tell her!" Dark yelled.

"Too late!"

"Your such a child! You always get in my way to have a chance with her!"

"Nuh-uh! Your the one that's always making the stupid moves!"

"It's your problem that you don't take a chance to flirt with her!"

"I flirt!... In a secret way..."

"So! Who are you guys trying to flirt with?!" I asked walking up to them.

Link yelped as Dark accidentally disappeared in a cloud of smoke and reappearing behind Link.

"N-no one!" Link said quickly.

"Mhm... I don't know a name by 'No one'... Care to explain?" I teased.

Dark groaned and quickly stepped away from behind Link. "Can we just get on with what we were supposed to tell you?"

"Sure... What is it?"


"What about him?" I asked suspiciously. "And if it's about me saying yes. Forget it. I'm doing this for my people!... wow I never thought I would say that."

"Well... kinda... You see Talon, isn't really Talon... Its actually BEN, in disguise." Link said.

"What? Dude, stop being in your own world and imagining things and tell me what it is."

"It's true! We saw BEN kill Talon!"

"But Talon is alive. His body is still walking around the castle grounds!"

"BEN took over his body-" Dark started but I cut him off.

"Stop!... I thought you guys would support me in this and not make up lies to get me to say no?... I thought you were on my side?... I thought you were my friends?..." I whispered, as a tear rolled down my cheek. Link and Dark flinched at what I said and tried to come near me, but I moved back. "You guys don't have to come to the wedding... actually, don't even bother. You might just crash it... and if you do, forget about me being in your life!" I snapped as I ran back to the castle.

"Just like Zelda. She doesn't listen." I heard Dark mutter.

Links pov

I felt hot tears slip down my cheeks.

We shouldn't have just brought it up so quickly...

I ran after (y/n), Dark behind me. But by the time we got there, (y/n) was already in the arms of Talon... aka BEN.

He smirked at us and held (y/n) tighter. She wrapped her arms around his waist and cried into his chest.

BEN/Talon looked down at her and pulled her head up and kissed her dead on the lips.

My heart shattered, and the tears spilled even more. At my side, Dark looked like he was about to murder someone.

(Y/n) was surprised at first, but ever so slowly, melted into the kiss.

Dark growled and I quickly dragged him away, where there were no people around.

Hey guys! I hope that you guys liked this chapter and want to do some damage to Bens face... But for some reason.. I don't, but at the same time I do!

Also, I really like when Link stutters, I think it's adorable!

That's it! Bye guys!


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