(11) Problems

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Links POV

"We need to go after her now!" Dark said screaming his head off through my door.

"I know! Get the horses ready!" I heard Dark grunt and heard his footsteps echo through the hallway. It's been a couple days since (h/n) came back with no rider and Dark and I took this as a sign.

I strapped my bow and arrows on my back and sheathed my sword. I opened the door and practically ran to the stables.

I went into the barn and saw Dark standing next to Gladiator, Epona, and (h/n).

"Your ready?" Dark said.

"Ya- AH!" I yelped when a blazing arrow flew past my head and hit the barn wall. The fire quickly spread from the arrow. "Dark! Get the horses!" We both ran to the horses and grabbed the reins and ran out of the barn. I turned and the barn crumbled to ashes.

I turned back around and saw arrows flying through the sky. "We need to help Kokiri Village." I said turning to Dark, who was shaking his head.

"Ya. You do that and I'll go get (y/n)." Dark said getting on his horse.

"Dude no! What would (y/n) think of this? You save her, while I save a village. As much as I want to save her, she would be mad if we didn't save the village. One life for hundreds. That's what she always says."


"(Y/n) would have more respect and love for us if we saved them."



"You save her, I'll save the village." Dark got off his horse and took his sword out.

"We'll save the village together, then we'll save (y/n)." I took my sword out and Dark and I ran into the village.

"Who's attacking anyways?"

"Um... whoa. Is that Ganandorf's army?!" I looked at the men on the horses who were slaying innocent villagers.

"Yep. Come on let's go." Dark said running and stabbing men of Ganandorf's army. I ran and joined the battle.

"Link! Help!" I turned around to the voice and saw Sammy. Her yellow dress was torn and it was a little burnt at the bottom, and all around her arms and legs had cuts. I looked at her face and her cheeks were stained with tears.

"Sammy?!" She ran and jumped into my arms. "What happened?!"

"I-I was at m-my house and t-they came in and k-killed m-my m-mommy and d-daddy. I-I ran out of the house and hid. I-I then found y-you." She cried on my shoulder and she hugged my neck.

"Where's your brother and sister?"

"Th-they are h-hiding." She pointed to a bush where I saw two little figures hugging each other.

"Link! I need help here!" I heard Dark yell.

"Just a sec! I have to take these kids to Zelda!"

"Really?! Your saving kids!"

"Oh just shut up! Your saving a whole village!" I heard Dark grunt, but he didn't say anything else.

I ran over to the kids and they hopped on my back. I ran them over to the castle and found Zelda.

"Zelda! Can you take care of these kids?!"

"Ya. Of course." Zelda said nodding. I put the kids down.

"Okay guys. How about you become princesses and a prince?" I asked them and they nodded. "Okay Zelda." I carried the kids over to her.

"Wait. What's their names?"

"I'm Sammy! And this is my lil sis Cammy and this is my big brother Chris."

"Okay. Let's get you cleaned up." Zelda said walking into the castle. I ran back to Dark.

~Darks pov~

"Just die already!" I yelled at a soldier. I stabbed him and he finally died. "Now where is the captain?"

I turned and found the captain killing a villager. Normally I would be fine with this but if (y/n) cares for these people and doesn't want them to suffer, then I'll do my best keep her happy.

I ran over to the captain and kicked him in the side. He fell and he let go of his sword, which skidded a couple feet away from him.

I jumped on top of him and started pounding him. "Where is she!?"

"I don't know who your talking about?" He said smirking.

"Don't you dare play stupid! Where is (y/n)?! What did Ganandorf do to her?!"

"Haha. Your never going to see her again... Where do you think she is idiot?" He said coughing up some blood.

"Baka." I stabbed him in the heart and ran off to find Link. I looked around and saw he was running up to me.

"Dude? What happened to you?! It's like you were taking a bath in blood!" Link said.

"Just forget it. The army is all gone. Let's just get (y/n)." I said walking to the horses.

"I was like gone for ten minutes and you killed a whole army?!"

"Ya does that surprise you?!" I looked at Link and he didn't object.

"Nope...You going to wash up?"

"I'll do it when we stop by a stream or something." We climbed on our horses and guided (h/n) to Ganandorf's castle.

~your POV~

"Ah~! Stop please!" I begged Ganan. He was cutting me with his sword.

"Then give me the Triforces!" He said taking another swing, which cut my right calf. I fell down but didn't get far. The chains held me up and I never fell to the ground. The chains dug into my sore wrists.

"N-never! I'll protect Hyrule!"

"Weak!!! To save, you kill!!!" He kicked me in the gut and I fell against the wall. "Ugh. Vaati! Get in here!" I heard the door open and I looked up. Vaati came in and Ganan looked at me with pure distaste. "See if you could get anything out of her." Ganan walked out and Vaati approached me. He grabbed me by the neck and snarled.

"Let's see what I can do." He smirked and stepped back. He opened his palm and a yellow lightning ball appeared. He laughed evilly and started throwing them at me, repeatedly.


~after... all that~

Vaati grunted in frustration. I slumped against the wall breathing hard. I was bleeding a lot and had so many bruises.

"Why. Can't. You. Just. Cooperate!?" Vaati screamed.

"Cause I have something to live for." I whispered. Vaati screamed again and left the room. "... Where are you guys?" I whispered and silently cried.

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