park woojin | drifted back together

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this story is requested by imyoungk !! sorry for the long wait too and i hope the story is okay as well❤️

your pov (you guys are 11 years old)

"yah, Park Woojin! where are you?" i called out, feeling frustrated that he would always win in the game of hide and seek.

and then i was greeted by silence.

"yah! i am angry! i am gonna go home!" i shouted again and stormed out of his room.

suddenly, i heard quick footsteps behind me and someone pulled my hand.

i turned around to see Woojin standing behind me, "don't go!!" he said.

"fine, i will stay." i said and pouted as he looked at me with a smile.

"let's go and build our fort in the kitchen!!" he exclaimed as he held my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen.

i happily skipped beside him and he laughed at me.

we took all the pillows from the sofa and from his room along with sone blankets and stuff toys.

we hurriedly ran to the kitchen again and build our fort.

"Captain Sparrow, where are we going?" i called out.

"we are going to Woojin land!" he said and i rolled my eyes.

"it is (y/n) land!! you said it was my turn this tine round!!" i said.

"arraseo, we are going to Woojin... i mean (y/n) land!!" he said.

"yah!!" i said and slapped his arm and we giggled.

"let's start on our journey!" he said.

(you guys are 18 years old)

"see you later eomma!!" i shouted to my eomma after alighting from the car.

she waved to me as i ran towards my friends.

"(y/n)!" DaEun shouted when she saw me.

"there is a new boy in school!" Eun Kyung told me.

"where?" i asked them as they pulled me into the school.

"there!" DaEun said as she pointed towards the boy in a red hoodie.

i took a look at the guy and he spun around, and my eyes locked with his.

"Park Woojin?" i said and continued to look at him.

in between us, the crowd was passing, but we still looked at each other, trying not to break our eye contact. (descendants of the sun feels😂)

"you know him?" Eun Kyung asked.

"um, no." i said but still looking at him.

someone tapped Woojin on the shoulder and he turned around, and then i followed my friends to their locker, but my mind drifting off to somewhere else, also known as Woojin.

"don't you find the guy quite cute?" DaEun asked me.

"uhh yeah." i nodded not even knowing what she was talking about.

"earth to (y/n)!!" Eun Kyung said and i looked at her.

"yeah, sorry i am a little tired today." i said and rubbed my eyes.

we walked to our class and i sat at my usual table and turned around to talk to my friends.

suddenly the door opened and i looked in that direction, and Woojin walked in.

our eyes locked and our eye contact did not break until he sat down cos i turned away from him.

i still could not believe that i would meet him again after so many years. he left our hometown as his parents was posted to another place and since then, i did not see him anymore. until today, so maybe he have shifted back.

the teacher walked in and he said, "class, we have a new student with us. please welcome Park Woojin."

Woojin stood up and bowed to us and did a little introduction.

i refused to look at him as it was just, a little awkward and i felt a little shy thinking about our past.

when he sat down, i purposely tried to take a look at him and dropped my eraser on my left so that i could catch a glimpse of him when i took it.

when i picked it up, i saw Woojin picking his eraser off the floor as well and he dropped it on his right, which means that we were facing each other. i looked at him and he looked at me and then i looked away.

"(y/n), can't you just smile?!" i told myself and sunk into my chair while i felt his eyes bore into my back.

lesson started and i was jus literally zoning out and i could not concentrate.

school felt like years today and i walked home alone.

i knew that Woojin lives near me so i was looking out for him if he might be behind me or something but every time i turned around, he would not be there.

but suddenly, i heard footsteps.

i turned around and saw Woojin behind me, with his headphones.

i stopped in my tracks and kinda wanted to wait for him so that i could talk to him but he seems oblivious and he did not notice me.

i decided to ignore him and walked to my house. i went up to my room and sat on my bed, feeling sore about the whole Woojin thingy.

"i have to talk to him." i told myself.

the next day in school, i ran towards the lockers to get my things and i saw Woojin beside my locker.

i muster my courage and tapped him on the shoulder.

"hi Woojin!" i chirped.

he looked at me and gave me a faint smile.

"what was that? i thought you used to be a chirpy sparrow?" i teased.

"look (y/n), i am in no mood for your jokes okay?" he said and walked away.

i stood there, stunned and shocked by his actions. i felt tears sprang to my eyes but i quickly wiped my tears away.

"jerk." i said to myself and walked to class, feeling upset.

that they when i went home, i laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling for a very long time.

i felt annoyed and embarrassed.

one week passed, and Woojin still did not look me in the eye.

two weeks passed, and nothing changed.

but after that, i could not take it anymore.

it was a tuesday morning and i was standing at the bus stop and i saw Woojin walk to the bus stop, and he stood opposite me.

i looked at him but he continued to look at his phone.

i tried to ignore him again but i told myself that i had to confront him and asked him why he was so cold.

throughout the whole waiting-for-the-bus wait, we shared a total of 8 glances, yes i counted.

when the bus came, everyone left, but i stayed and so did he.

i walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"yah Park Woojin, what is wrong with you?" i asked and he turned to me and looked me in the eye.

"yah! if you are me, you will feel angry too. when you saw me, can't you just smile i mean we used to be friends and smile won't hurt right? but every time i look at you, you just turn away, so i don't find a need to talk to you too." he said.

"if you were angry you can just tell me right, you don't have to be mad and tell me off and just storm away and leave me thinking at i offended you or something." i shot back.

"i mean, is not that i am petty..." he said but i cut him off.

"you are." i said and stormed off.

"wait (y/n) ah, i an sorry if i upset you but i obviously felt hurt that you were ignoring me..." he said and looked down.

"okay, i am sorry too but it was kinda awkward after meeting you after so many years and... i felt..." i said but stopped half way.

"what? shy?" he said and pinched my cheeks.

"no!" i said.

"and i am very handsome so obviously you will be shy around me." he teased.

"yeah yeah..." i said.

"you feel that way!!" he said and punched my arm gently.

"yah Woojin, you are still the same." i said and shook my head.

"whatever... friends?" he said and stuck his pinky out.

"yeah of course, best friend you mean." i said and we did a pinky promise.

"okay!! lets go to school!!" he said and put his arms around my shoulder and we walked to school together.

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