lai guanlin | my mistake

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THIS IS FOR eatjinpartner !! PLEASE ENJOY 💖


"Guanlin!!" i shouted to him when he came back home and i rushed to him.

"oh hi Floree..." he said and looked down.

"do something happen?" i asked him, feeling worried.

"no, i mean, i messed up big time on stage..." he said and sat down on the sofa.

"yeah, i saw on the live broadcast, but it is not that big of a problem, the only thing that matters is that you enjoyed yourself on stage." i told him and patted his back.

"true, but i really made a lot of mistakes..." he said and sighed.

"stop blaming yourself Guanlin, it's not your fault, everyone makes mistakes okay?" i consoled him.

"anyway, go and bathe, dinner is almost ready too." i said and pulled him off the sofa and pushed him to the toilet and he smiled at me.

i went to the kitchen and continued cooking.

after awhile, he walked out with wet hair and a towel around his neck and he walked towards the kitchen.

he put his chin on my shoulder from behind and sighed.

"ugh..." he sighed.

"still disturbed?" i asked him and turned around and wrapped my arms around him.

"kind of..." he said and hugged me back.

"you know what, you must have made a mistake cause you are tired, you should rest." i said and held his hand and brought him to our room.

i sat down on the bed and he sat beside me and rested his head on my shoulder. we stayed like that for awhile before i felt him yawn.

"you see, you are tired, so stop blaming yourself." i told him.

"i am half upset about my mistake and half upset because my manager scolded me for being so careless." he said.

"of course your manager wants you to do well right? stop being so hard on yourself." i told him, feeling pitiful for him, but that's his job, and the entertainment industry is tough.

"learn from your mistake." i said and i wrapped my arms around him and he lied down on my shoulder, facing me and i cuddled him like a baby.

i rested my cheek on his head and kissed him.

"i guess you don't have to eat..." i said and laughed at him.

"mmhmm." he answered.

"aren't you hungry?" i asked but silence followed.

i looked at him and he was already sleeping like a baby.

i gently lifted his head of my shoulder and took a pillow and put it under him then covered him with the blanket.

i looked at him fondly as he was in deep sleep, before kissing his forehead.

"sleep tight, my Guanlin."


- c h a r l o t t e

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