Chapter 3

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Seoul National University

"Thank you." I took my order and look around. Now where should I sit?

I'm in the cafeteria since it's lunch time. I still have no friends around, or maybe I have but I don't know-


I look back and saw two girls running towards me, "Where the hell have you been?" Both of them hugged me.

Okay? Who are these people?


"We tried to contact you but your number is unavailable. Remember our plans of going to Thailand? You ditched us!"

Oh God.

"Anyway are you okay? We tried to check on you and went to your house but your parents said you're not well." Said the girl with wavy hair.

"I'm okay."

"I'm glad you are now. Let's go?"

We sat down on a vacant table. I tried checking their IDs to know their names but failed. I have bad eyesight.

Okay? Why the heck I suddenly have bad eyesight?

"It's the first time I saw you without glasses. Are you wearing contacts now?"

It must be the reason why I have difficulty reading the menu earlier. But the first month I got here, my eyesight was good.

Is my body changing again?

"You okay?" I look up and saw them looking at me with worried expression.

"Yeah." I lied.

After lunch, we separated our ways and went to our own classes. I am about to go inside when someone pulled me and kissed my forehead. What the fuck?

"I missed you." Who is this?

"Do I know you?"

"Oh come on!" I look at him from head to toe. He has good physique, but I can tell that he's a jerk.

"I thought you want us to get back together?"

I raised my brow. I've been staying for almost a year here and I have never received any messages nor calls from him asking about my state. It is clear that the past Ember is a fool.

"You need to go. I have no business with you anymore."

"Woah woah what? What did you just say?" He frustratingly scratched his temple, "I must have heard you wrong-"

"I have class. Bye." I walk past him and entered the class.

I still have lots of things to learn about the version of Ember here. The new information I got was that I have two friends named Yuri and Sasa, and an ex boyfriend who seems to be an athlete with no manners.

I can't imagine falling for that guy.

"What's this?" I asked my parents. I'm back from school and found that our restaurant is closed.

"What? Why?" I read the statement inside the envelope. A letter informing for the closure of the restaurant and for the transferring of place. Our village will be demolished and convert it into a hotel.

"The government bought the village that's why."

"What happens to us now?" They looked at each other.

"We're planning to go to our old house in Gimpo. But it's far from your school. Maybe it's time for you to get an apartment for yourself."


"I'm sorry honey it's the best thing we can do."

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