Opposite! Wally x Reader

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Y/n was far different from the other neighbors. They, unlike the rest, like to snoop into a lot of people's business. They like going around be all cute with the other neighbors. But their personal favorite is you guessed it, Wally. Well, Opposite Wally for specificity.

But for Opposite, he sees Y/n like they hate him or something. Y/n always hangs out with OG Wally more than Opposite. At first, Opposite didn't care. But after a while he started feeling more jealous of Y/n giving OG Wally more attention than usual.

One day, Opposite came to visit Y/n to maybe try to get their attention all on him this time. But when he arrived, he found
Y/n getting ready to go out...


"Hey Shortie, where are you off to now?" Opposite asked even tho he already knows. Y/n, surprised of Opposite coming out of nowhere, "Oh geez! You scared me Opposite!" Y/n said in a shocked tone. "Jeez! Your so Jumpy for no reason Shortie." Opposite said in a low tone as if in a bad mood. "Opposite are you okay?" Y/n asked in confusion of his tone. They were used to him always in a bad mood but this time, it looks like something pissed him off for some reason.

"Oh no! I'm fine! As if I'm not always like this!" He said in a very angry and loud sarcastic tone. Y/n was confused about this and was getting really uneasy about it. "Uhmm are you sure your okay Opposite?" Y/n asked again. "Oh I Thought It Was Obvious!" His tone getting angrier. "What is up with you Opposite!? Why are you so mad at me for absolutely no reason-!"


Y/n was cut off by Opposite yelling back at them with anger boiling in his stuffing. He realized what he said and shut himself up for once. Y/n was absolutely flabbergasted and looked at him with a smirk in their face. "Opposite.. Are you.. Jealous of OG?" They said in amusement. "Me? Jealous? Wha- I don't- I'm not jealous." He said denying their accusations towards him.

Y/n looked at him not buying his defense. "Really? Are you sure?" Y/n said in a teasing way. "Tch! Of course! You two are practically made for each other. You two have a lot more in common than we do anyway." He said trying to hide his jealousy in his tone. Y/n was more amused about this than they have ever been. "Opposite you know you can't lie to me. Now tell me the truth." Y/n said softly. Opposite just looked at them as if they were joking but with the look on their face he could tell that they were serious about it.

"Fine! Alright! I lied. Yeah, I'm jealous. So what? It's not like you like me the way I like you anyway.." he said displeasingly. "And why do you think that Opposite?" Y/n asked interested in where this is going. "Geez! Your so nosey you know." Opposite said visibly irritated by their curiosity. "Duh you know me." Y/n said in again a teasing matter. "Fine! Alright! Your supposed to my neighbor! Not his! Mine!" He growled.




"Y/n, I may be a pain in the *ss. And what Im going to say will be surprising and corny, cheesy Whatever. But you caught my eye the day you came to this sh*thole of a neighborhood. And yeah, this came out of nowhere, especially out of me. We had fun together, even tho I don't show it... But then that Blueberry short*ss came a long and swooped you out of your feet. And eventually, you started to hangout with him more than me. At first, I didn't f*cking care but then... Eventually, I started to feel left out I guess, you didn't want to hangout with me and I thought... You know... Maybe you don't like me anymore... And now.. it looks like you two got something going on so... Yeah... I said it... Now you know huh?... Now the cat's out of the bag... I guess I'll leave.. Don't want yourself missing a date with you and him now would you?..." He said displeasingly while trying not to show his sadness towards them.

Y/n was so shocked that they just stood there that is until he started to leave. Y/n came back to reality and stopped him from leaving. Opposite looked at them with a shocked and confused look. "What do you want now? Do you want to make fun of me for being so corny now? Or tell me to never come near you aga-!" Opposite was cut of with Y/n giving him a short kiss. Opposite looked at Y/n with a confused expression.

"I thought you like Blueberry Apple Lover instead of me?" Opposite asked trying not to show his flustered state. "He is just a friend Opposite. Sorry I made you feel that way." Y/n said in a soothing tone. "Tch! You think a sorry would fix it." Opposite said as if still mad at them. Opposite was still trying to process what is happening right at this very moment. The person, that he always had eyes for even if he didn't show it, was confessing to him.. It was to much to handle even for him.

"I know Opposite. Hmmmm... how about I call OG and tell him I'm hanging out with you for today. I'm sure he won't mind." Y/n said in attempt to cheer him up. Opposite was dumbfounded but agreed none the less.

"So what do you wanna do today Opposite?" Y/n asked happily. "Hmmmm... How about we paint together? How does that sound?" Opposite said. Y/n agreed happily.

"Hey Opposite?"


"What are we going to paint?"

"You can f*cking paint whatever you want as long as it looks sh*tting good okay?"

"Oh ok I'll paint your favorite fruit!"


"So that you can appreciate it hehe! What about you?"















Hi! I'm still alive!

Comment which au I should do next.
Take care and be careful~

-Coral Lovenight<3

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