Chapter 5; Pilot (4) (important a/n's)

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Hi! I just wanted to inform you that this is the last chapter of this book and I just need everyone to read the a/n at the bottom of the book and give an opinion... thank you!

Bella's POV:

Gabe and I head back into his room together, we went back to where we were before but instead he grabbed a football that was on his bed and I just laid on by back across the foot of the bed. Mrs. Miller came in a second later.

"What are you doing?" She says cautiously, it's not really normal for us to not be bouncing around

"Thinking" we reply at the same time

"No really" She says, not believing us

"No we're serious" he replies

"It's about Jake" I finish

"Do I want to know this? Ask yourselves, if your sure I want to know this" She asks

"You do" Gabe says

"Okay, shoot" She says

"Amanda doesn't even like Jake" Gabe says, moving from his bed to Zach's

"Don't you two ever grow weary of torturing that child?" Mrs. Miller asks

"No" we reply at the same time

"But Mrs. Miller, Amanda told us, more like him, that she likes somebody else" I continue

"Somebody else? Who?" She asks, Gabe just gives her a look saying 'dude-it's-literally-me-lmao'

"I mean I can't blame her" He says, making me giggle a little bit and he just winks at me 'cute but not the time'

"Amanda really said that?" Mrs. Miller asks

"I swear on Bella and I's future car, license and registrations. Mom, this chick is hormonal" Gabe says

"Dude! Seriously?" Bella yells, obviously she was kidding, knowing that they were telling the truth, but of course Gabe had to 'out-joke' her

"Don't 'Dude' me when your tongue was down my throat 10 minutes ago" Gabe came back

"That's a straight lie and we both know it" I retaliated

"Okay kids calm down, let's go settle this" Mrs. Miller shut us up and she ran downstairs to settle this mess

~ Time Skip ~

Jake, Zach, Gabe and I were all stand at the door listening to Mrs. Miller talk to Amanda when of course she had to bring up boys being like puppies and Zach and Gabe got on the ground and starting acting like dogs.

Jake tries to 'shh' them but of course it doesn't work and I have to be the one to say, "shut up and let me listen"

The talk lasted a few more minutes, the guys and I laughing every once in a while when Mrs. Miller came out the door, pushing us with it. She looks at Zack, Gabe and I like she's mad for a second then she smiles at us and we do this really weird high-five sequence.

~ Another Time Skip ~

Gabe and I were up in his and Zach's bedroom cuddling and talking, Zach was... actually I don't know where Zach was oh well... Anyway we were laying down and talking about rumors and stuff at school

"There's no way they got back together!" I say

"Seriously, I heard Jane talking about it today in my gym class" he answers. And that's how it goes for the next 5 minutes until we hear Jake running up the stairs screaming, "Hey you guys! Come here quick! Mom's growing a moustache!"

"We aren't getting up to go see right?" I ask, I was entirely too lazy and comfortable to get up

"Nope, definitely not" Gabe responds

~ The Last Time Skip Of The Night ~

It was around 12:30 am and I couldn't sleep so I thought I would go into the kitchen to go get something to eat, When I get down there I see Mrs. Miller eating a half finished cake

"Hey, what are you doing up?" Mrs. Miller asks

"Couldn't sleep and my boyfriend and best friend fell asleep on me"

"Oh, you want some cake?" She offers

"Sure" I get a fork and take a bite of the cake, and before I even think about it I say, "Thanks Patricia, this is great" and she looks at me like she just won the lottery, "Okay now when are you gonna call me mom?" She asks, I just laugh and respond "Baby steps, baby steps"

Hey Lovelies!!

So as you can tell I finished the first (and only) episode of 'Do Not Bring That Python In The House' so here are my options, I can end the book here or I can try and be creative and make new episodes, I NEED OPINIONS

Best Wishes,


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