I really don't know what has came into my mind and now I could feel that she's uncomfortable with me, she's more awkward than before so do I. What have I done?
"It's all done. I'll clean this up now." I said and stood up, picking up the things we used for her project.
"I'll help you." She stood up as well and did what I am doing.
"Let's go? I'll drop you home." I asked her.
"No thanks. I mean, I'm capable of walking home." She answered.
Then can I walk you home?
No, May I walk you home?
Renjun what? I should walk you home...
"I-I'll walk you home, if it's okay with you?" I finally said it. But oh, what if she'll refuse?
"O-okay. How about my project?" She looked down the painting we did.
"You can leave it here, I'll bring it to your classroom tomorrow." I told her that went with a nod from her.
I smiled awkwardly as we both went outside the house. I sighed, how will this walk be? If we were awkward before, then how awkward can we be now? And this is Chenle's fault, not actually mine.
She was leading the way, I'm following her, my hands are on my back, watching her every movement. Waiting for every street lights that we are passing by to light her.
How I wish I was Donghyuck, he's the closest with her and they don't even become this awkward after all they do. Just that what happened last Saturday. So it made me think, do they usually kiss like that in the streets?
No, they are just friends, they won't.
I wanna talk to her but why can't I say a word? And until we got to her home, she stopped, turn her back on me as I stood there, meters away from her.
She smiled, a different one, not the smile I actually see from her everyday, "Thanks again Renjun, goodnight."
Should I bid my goodbye and goodnight to her now?
I walked towards to her, slowly, my hands still on my back, smiling ever warmly. I cleared my throat, my mouth can't seriously let out a word. I don't know, I'm nervous?
"Goodnight too, see you tomorrow, Seohyun." I said, patting her head. She looked down as she let out a small chuckle, cheeks are getting light red. She's now more cuter.
"Bye." She said, cutely and a bit shyly as she look up to me.
I waved at her, even though she's now entering her house, "I hope to see you sooner." I mumbled, started walking away.
"Seohyun!" I turned my back when someone shouted my name, it was Siyeon again. I stopped, waiting for her to reach me.
"Hey, Siyeon right?" I asked, coolly.
"Yeah, good thing you know my name, I'm overwhelmed." She answered, gesturing every word. Okay I'm not deaf, I can hear her so why gesture it?
"Let's go to our class together?" She started walking so I followed. "I heard there was a new student who's Chinese and her name is, uhh.. Heya? I don't remember.."
"Oh so...what's with her?" I asked not being really interested but I tried sounding one.
"You're friends with Renjun right?"
I halted by her words. No, don't act like this Seohyun.
"What's wrong?" She stopped and looked at me, confused. "Did I said something wrong?"
"H-huh? It's nothing, yeah we're friends, what about him?" I continued walking with her, acting coolly again.
"I heard they're classmates, they kinda hang out together this past few days and I always see them with each other every time I walk pass their room and every break time too. Don't you know?" She waited for my answer because I was in a long silence.
"I just heard that from you tho." I said before we split directions because her seat is far from mine.
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