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October 7th

There she sat, sipping on her coffee, waiting for that certain someone to show up. It had been a surprisingly warm day for Forks, Washington. So, that meant Tatum pulled out some shorts and a t-shirt. 

She was ordering her a glass of water when he finally showed...with a friend.


She shakes their hands and sits back down, thanking the waiter when he brings back a glass of water. She looks at the two of them as they scooted into the other side of the booth. She took a sip of her water before placing it back on the table and looking at the boys.

"Jacob. Paul."

"So, they left town?" Paul asks suddenly. Tatum nods. "Are you okay?"

Truth was, she didn't know. Last time she saw Paul, he had slashed her shoulder open. Now, it was all right. Majorly scarred, but all right. She looks at Paul and shrugs before looking at Jacob.

"I need her to be distracted," Tatum says. "I don't love her or anything but I do care about her well-being."

"You can say it," Jacob says with a smirk. "She's growing on you."

"Nope, she isn't. I still find her extremely abrasive."

Paul and Jacob share a look before nodding. They would keep her distracted from the Cullen family. They would keep her away from vampires and all that shit. She trusted them to. She needed them to.

"Then it's a deal?" Tatum asks, putting her hand out. 

"It's a deal, princess," Paul says, grabbing her hand and kissing it. She rips it away from him.

"Just because he's gone doesn't mean I'm available."



After 11 months of searching, Mrs. Fernsby told the police department to stop Bailey's case. The only problem was that she didn't warn her family about her decision. They had to find out from a call. Tatum was furious. Mr. Fernsby was numb. Avery had no clue what was going on but he copied his aunt's actions and stomped around the house. 

The three waited for Mrs.Fernsby to get back from her day shift at the hospital to confront her. But, thing is...she never did come home. 

All they found was a note hidden under her pillow.

Henry and Tatum,
I'm sorry but I had to leave. I never meant for it to be like this. I was so depressed after Bailey died that I had to find some way to exert my sadness. I met someone. He and I have been going for almost a year. Henry, I never wanted to hurt you. I love you, but it just isn't enough. You aren't enough for me. William and I are moving somewhere warm. I'm pregnant, Henry. I don't know how, but my 55-year-old body is carrying a baby. Tatum, darling, I'm so sorry that all of this is being put on you. I wish you the best of luck, my child. 

Love, Edina Biune

That was the final tick. She had changed her last name. Again. Tatum was beyond pissed. She looked at her dad and noticed the tears streaming down his face. She takes the letter from his hand and crumples it up. 

"I'm going to take Avery to bed, then you and I can talk."


"Dad, she isn't in our lives anymore. It'll take a while but we'll find a new normal without her. Who cares about her anymore?" Tatum says, hugging her dad as he sobbed. She had never heard her dad cry before, so of course, it made her cry.

"I do! I loved your mother, Tatum!"

"But I love you more. Avery loves you more! So, focus on the ones who stay for you, not the ones who give up when it gets hard."

"But you're too young to have all this pressure on you!" Henry Fernsby exclaims with another sob.

"I don't know. I'd say I'm pretty badass, I mean I did take after my dad."

It took them a couple minutes to dry their tears but they eventually did.

"I'm the badass dad," Mr. Fernsby says, wiping his tears away.

"Hell yeah, you are."

"I'll let it pass this once," he says sternly, pointing towards her foul mouth. She nods with a sad smile before hugging her dad once more.





"Hello?" Tatum asks, groggily picking up her phone. She hears a soft laugh come from the other side, her smile appears once again.

"Did I wake you darlin'?"

"Just a little," she says, looking towards her dad who had crashed on the couch next to her.

"Mhm, and how was your day?" Jasper asks into the phone. Tatum could just imagine his small smirk as he paced the room, talking to her.

"You may wanna sit down," Tatum says with a sigh. She runs her hand through her hair. "I got some hot fucking tea for you."



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