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After trivia time with Jasper was over, the family took to the wine tasting. Tatum had sipped from multiple glasses and quickly decided her favorite was champagne. Jasper had declined every drink he was offered, except for apple juice, which he snuck to Avery.

The three traveled together until Henry had stopped by and stolen Avery claiming he needed some 'grandpa time' with Avery. Jasper has quickly dragged Tatum to the open space where couples were dancing. They went into a slow-paced sway, just talking with each other.

"Okay," Tatum says, holding her hands behind Jasper's neck as they swayed. "As much as I love this, why are you here?"

"I thought you would enjoy this surprise," Jasper teased, leaning down to whisper in her ear. He rubs his nose into her hair, taking in her scent. "Because my woman is 18 and I love her dearly."

Tatum giggles involuntarily as Jasper's hand pinches her side oh so softly. "But what if someone sees you?"

"The Volturi have no reason to be suspicious of Madrid, especially vampires in it. Also, nothing can stop me from seeing my woman."

"You love that phrase."

"Of course, "Jasper says, leaning down to whisper in her ear again. "I thought we clarified this before I left?"

She lets out a breathy chuckle, pecking his cheek repeatedly, "You are special, that's for sure."

"You've had too much champagne, that's for sure."

Jasper wraps his arm around Tatum before picking her up, bridal style. He walks over to Avery, Henry, Grandma Seraphine, and Aunt Elena with her in his arms, "She's gettin' tipsy. I'm just going to take her to the room."


"I'll keep the door all the way open," Jasper says before Henry can try and pull an excuse. "If it helps, Avery can come with."

"How will you even get in the room?" Henry asks, trying to find a reason for Jasper not to take his daughter.

Jasper gestures to the key card in one of his hands, finding it difficult as he was still holding his love. "She gave it to me after her 3rd cup."

Henry huffs before Grandma Seraphine places her white, wrinkly hand on the grown man's arm. She gestures for Jasper to go ahead with Tatum and Avery, "Thank you for coming, dear."

"Thank you for informing me of it," Jasper says, winking at the old lady.

The cowboy quickly disappeared before he could watch his possible future father-in-law burst. The family watched in shock and impression as he ushered Avery while holding Tatum in his arms. She was curled up, resting her head on his chest. The three were almost at the room before they heard it.

"YOU TWO CONSPIRED BEHIND MY BACK?!" Avery giggled madly as his grandpa wined. "HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER?!"

Jasper had to chuckle, it was actually Grandma Seraphine who reached out to him. She had asked her daughter, before the whole mishap, what Dr. Cullen's number was. Her excuse was that she had a 'pain' in her right hip. It was really her neighbor Craig trying to ask her out. She had kept the number safe until she needed it.

So, when Tatum told everyone that she had a boyfriend, Grandma Seraphine had to act surprised when she already knew. So, she had called Dr. Cullen a day before she had left France. Grandma Seraphine bought Jasper's ticket even after Carlisle said he could easily cover it. Tatum might not have known, but her grandma was nearly all-knowing. ;)

Jasper hands Avery the keycard so the excited kid can open the door. Jasper uses his foot the prop open the door. He makes sure Avery's inside before letting go of the door and walking in. He had to admit, the room looked very nice. Jasper carefully lays Tatum on the bed, she had been dazed for a little and it was obviously her first time being tipsy.

"Hey, Jasper?" Tatum asks. Her lover hums in response, walking to reopen the door all the way. "How long are you guys going to be away?"

Jasper hesitates. He strides back to her bed and helps Avery on it. He lays down next to Tatum and allows Avery to lay on top of him. He speaks quietly so that no one but the three of them can hear what he says. "Well, darlin', we don't want to be away. However, Carlisle thinks that we'll have to wait another 150 years before going back to Forks specifically."

"Where will you go in the meantime?" Tatum asks, reaching up to play with Jasper's hair.

"Probably Denali, Alaska," Jasper says, watching as Avery cuddles into his chest. "Have you gotten any responses back from your colleges?"

Tatum sighs, "They're supposed to be in the mail by the time we get back."

"So you applied to University of Washington, UCLA, Brown, and Norte Dame," Jasper states, looking to her. "I have a good feeling that-"

"Please don't tell me that Alice saw my answers!" Tatum squeals, not wanting to spoil her surprise.

Jasper chuckles, "She did, but I told her not to tell me."

"Can we skype when I get them?"

"How about we do something better?" Jasper hints. Tatum looks at him in confusion. "Alice said that if everything goes to plan, we should be back the middle of March."


"BUT, that's only if everything goes to plan."

"It better go to plan then," Tatum says, pouting. Jasper chuckles and leans over to kiss her forehead. He looks to as Avery sleeps on his chest. "Have you ever wanted kids?"

"WOAH WOah woah, darlin', you are tipsy and we are not having this conversation," Jasper says, kind of startled from her question.

"I'm just saying," she says innocently. "Did you ever want kids?"

Jasper takes a deep breath, "I did at one point, but after what happened, I knew it was impossible. Although, I think bug takes that place for me."

"You think of Avery as your son?"

"As much as I think of you as my wife."


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