"This doesn't makes sense. No one makes sense. Humans doesn't have any sense." I buried my face in my arms, pushing my tray aside.
"You're talking nonsense, da." Ivan said
"This is such a rucuss." Matthew commented.
"I thought they know something like that in a very first place." Francis added.
"Every student is either infatuated to you, wants to have a match with you, or scared of you, aru." Yao added.
"They're jerks. Even a lot more jerker than you, Arthur the jerk." Peter also added.
"You're being a jerk on your own way." Gilbert's comment was replied a pout, and Peter running off somewhere.
"I can't get over the thought that a stick in mud like you were once a badass kick ass deliquent." Alfred commented as he gobble his.... ugh.... I think that's his tenth burger.
"And so the students." Ivan said as he smile there like enjoying what's happening.
"If this would help, I'll apologize to you till I die. I am really sorry, Arthur-san. It's just that you look cool and cute at the same time that's why I can't help nit took the picture. I am sorry about what happened, but I am really sorry because at some point, I won't un-take the picture if I were able to go back time." Kiku, for the nth time, apologizes.
I don't know anymore.
"I'm wondering... The bad touch trio also once were delinquents like Arthur, but why is he having the hardest time with the whole thing? Even the administrators knew it aside from some teachers...." Alfred asked. I also want to know the answer. Why?
"Well, maybe because of their personalities." Yao said.
"Yeah. I think so too. The three of them were already troublesome up to until now, the only difference is they mellowed down." Matthew added and the Bad Touch trio thought about it for awhile before nodding to agree.
"Hate to admit this, but rosbif is also the strongest. Maybe that's also the reason why crazy stories about him were scattered all over the city." Francis said.
"But you know, if personality change is what we're talking about, Arthur also just mellowed down!" Antonio chirrped. Yeah, he's chirrping.
"Well, he did, obviously. And he did too much if the rumors were true." Matthew said.
"Unless they're not true." Ivan added with a smile.
"No! Half of them, if you set aside the exaggerated ones like the one of him almost killing Francis and reviving him just because killing a frog could be considered as animal abuse!" Antonio said, and if anyone could predict, I'm actually rolling my eyes on that.
"That actually happened Toni, but the words are just messed up." Gilbert said flatly.
"Uhmm. Then translating that, Francis begged for his life, and the animal abuse part, I could guess Artie used that just to mock him." Alfred looked at Gilbert and he nodded.
"Something close to that. I have no plan to actually kill him at that time, but maybe I looked like I will, so the frog cried, and I said I could only revive frogs not him, somewhere along there, and yes, I used that animal abuse line as an insult also somewhere along that time.... Right, frog?" and Francis nodded.
"Come to think of it, Toni is actually right. You're still violent, short tempered, foul mouthed, scary, and witty." Francis said.
"Well.... Maybe. But that old guy never uses his wits to think about what ifs. That's why I'm proud and ashamed of him at the same time." I said as I took a sip of tea.
"Yeah. I think the three of us, Berwald, Tino, Matthias, and your brothers would agree with that." Francis said which earned nods from Gilbert and Antonio.
"Ahhh... Being carefree and be the RULES literally. I sometimes miss those days. But I don't want to go back." Antonio said. Then I don't where my thoughts go, but there's a silence, then comically, the four of us sighed at the same time.
"I feel older than vati now." Gilbert mused. I was about to say something when something hot was poured down on me. I looked up, to see an almost familiar face, which is contorted into a happy and sorry face.
"Oh! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to--" he was cut short when I stood up, and there's a heavy silence on the cafeteria. I took my unmoved soup, all them waiting me to burst up. I knew it. I could even see, on the corner of my eyes that my friends were ready to stand up whenever I do something ridiculous, on the other hand, Allistor and my other brothers, even Peter whose with them, were fuming from what happened. Aware that this guy did this on purpose.
I placed the bowl of soup on his tray and smiled. I could feel the fear in those eyes, proven by the shivers him and his friends got. "You should take care next time. If you don't want anyone to get hurt." I hate this. Everyone know what those double meaning words are, and this impulse that I did will only make them scared of me even more. This is idiotic.
"Y-yeah..." then they scampered back to where their other friends are. I silently took my bag and head off the cafeteria. I could hear a "Don't. Let him be." from Francis, which is either for my brothers or Alfred. And I think that's a good decision for now. They shouldn't. Its not because there's a chance that I could hurt them, but because I don't want them see me melt on my knees, me being weak. My pride won't take that.
I took the office's key from my poket, good thing I always save some spare uniform in the office, for the unusual works like painting a banner or any odd job.
I locked the office and take my spare uniform with me on the bathroom. I took a short shower and change into those spare uniform. I lay down the couch, the towel I were suppose to use to dry my hair was covering my face, and above it were my left arm.
I did enjoy my life back when I'm still a leader of our group, where taking territories were just a game, and having fights are nothing but ways yo spend some free time. The group was another family, the enemies are friends in a different sense. I do have some regrets, that's why I did my best to never do it again or fix it with all that I could do.
Then why do they have to react like that? I feel so suffocated and alone whenever they treat me by the mistakes that I did, but already proven that I've learned from them. Just like what I've said, everything is senseless. This is ridiculous.
I shouldn't even be sulking in here in the office. I already did my part and it's their turn to accept what I could give. I don'y give a care if they don't want it, i'll give it with pleasure to those who will accept it.
So I sat up, put the towel hanging on mu shoulders, and started working with my papers.
All was quiet and serene, aside from those girls outside the window, who they thought that they're actually sneaking up some photos of me. But what would do me good if I snap at them. I'm trying my very best here to calm down. I won't snap--
"ARTHUR!!!" Six annoying voices came onto me, pinning me down the ground. The hell! I just took a shower!
"What in Queen's name are you lot doing in here?!" my voice bombard around the room, silencing and halting everyone, even those girls outside, except these six.
"Are you alright?" Alfred asked.
"Do wee brother want to cry?" Allistor asked.
"Here! Cry in big brother's arms!" William said.
"We made them--" James started.
"Pay, for you!" Jake finished.
"WHAT?!" what did they just do?!
"You shouldn't mind those jerks, Arthur!" Peter said.
"You smell like lemon... And roses..." Alfred said as he sniff my hair.
"Stop sniffing my brothe--"
"SHUT YOUR BLOODY TRAPS IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO SEW THEM SHUT FOR YOU!" I yelled, cutting Allistor from what he'll say, and successfully shutting them up.
"Get off me." I ordered.
"GET. OFF. ME." I said, clearly saying each word. And they did.
"Make a line in front of the desk." And like good soldiers, they did, by height. From my right, Peter, Jake, James, Alfred, William, and Allistor. I'm telling you, this is sooo hillarius!
"Your brothers are weird." Matthew said.
"Your brother is weird." I replied, earning a pout full "Hey!" from Alfred.
"So, mind explaining to me what happened?" Francis step forward, with the guys who dumped the tomato soup on me. I just realized.
"You see, after you left, those six almost begged us to follow you, but like a good nemesis, I didn't let them." He smiled as I raise my eyebrow to him.
"For some reasons, your brothers said that if we didn't let them follow you, they'll break this guy and company's necks. Which is ofcourse, out of the question. So they kept insisting to follow you here, where I have no idea how they knew you'll go here. We'll I do have the hint, that you'll change your clothes and clean up. " He said, implying something with the last words, which I gave him a nod.
"Explain why do you know where in the whole campus I am going. Why here, not in the dorms?" I asked my brothers who just smiled at me like innocent little kids.
"Just because." the four of them said in unison. That started the staring contest. They knew I'm as stubborn that I won't let them get out off this without answering my question.
"Arthur, I can't feel my feet anymore." Peter said.
"Please tell me we're able to get a seat." Alfred said, almost whiny.
"Uhhh. We agree." other audience added, so I break off the stare.
"Fine. But we're not done about this." I said and they rolled their eyes.
"You talk like Mum." Allistor said.
"And that's William's job. No character overtaking!" My twin brothers said.
"Fine. So why are you all in the office." I asked them again.
"Ivan suggested that if they did something ridiculous, they'll be sent in the student council's office in no time." Matthew said.
"And these jocks are in here because?"
"Hitting birds in one stone! We beat them for you, and we'll be able to get you without any hardship! Simple!" Peter happily said, I wish he's not proud about it.
I let out a sigh, completely understanding now the situation.
"Do you have anything to say?" I looked at the jocks, and they looked at each other.
"We didn't do anything. We fought back for self defense." the one who dumped the soup on me said, gritting his teeth.
"Okay, so who started the fight." and like immature kids, they pointed at each other.
"Not including the soup incident," and I saw the jocks winced. "Who started it?" and like earlier, my family and Alfred pointed at the jocks, and the jocks pointed at them.
"Francis, is Ivan out there? Please call him for me." I saw them shiver, now I know who stopped the fight. The Sergeant of Arm officer.
"Da? Looking for me?" Ivan peeked at the door, his trusty pipe visible, making them stray away from the door.
"Since you stopped the pipe,"
"The pipe?" they asked in unison, making me realize that I'm being side tracked with that uneasiness on that pipe.
"Sorry, I mean fight." I cleared my throat and continued. "Since you stopped the fight, please tell me who started it, since I could trust your word with this."
"Well, if you want me to be honest, that would be you." he said simply.
"Arthur?" Allistor asked.
"Yeah! Well, if you look further, maybe Kiku? Since he's the one who took the picture? Then we'll go back to Arthur again, but this time with Alfredka. Then it could also be Feliks and Francis! Then if look really back then, it would be Arthur again, then who would be the reason of the rebelion, then the reason why you're alive, then the reason why your parents are alive... It's Father's up there's fault? Since he created humanity and he didn't do anything with the fight? Or maybe because he plotted the events in the very first place?" then he smiled again, unaffected by the looks he's recieving.
"That's almost like asking me if I'm Protestant or Christian." I simply replied, then sighed. I've been sighing all day, huh.
"Okay, let's settle this. Did any teacher saw the fight?" and they shook their head for a no. "Okay, then no punishment for the lot of you. Just don't do anything stupid again. Off you go." And the jocks did, except for my brothers, Peter, and my friends.
"I have a lot of things I need to do, so if you plan on staring at me all day, I don't care as long as you don't bother me. And Ivan, please do something about the paparazzi on our window." Ivan moved and some of them made theirselves comfortable in the office. Maybe next time, I'll put some "Personels Only" sign on the door.
"So why didn't you snap at them on the first time they did something to you." Allistor asked.
"He actually did snap. On the whole student body actually." Ivan stated after closing the curtains and opening the lights.
"Well, I just thought he'll give them a good hour long lecture or what." Francis said.
"But jerk Arthur, if you ever got angry at me like that, I won't ever forgive you." I took my phone and earphones out, selected my favorite playlist to play and continued reading and writing. Later on, I think I was too concentrated on the papers that I didn't noticed that there's only me and Alfred were left inside the office. Well that's after he took one off my earphones without an excuse.
"Hmmm. Good song. Lost Star by Adam Levine?" he looked at me and to tell you, its just an inch apart!
"Y-yeah..." is the only word I could muster to say. Because, to hell with romance stories, MY mind's have a short circuit.
Is his eyes always as blue like this?
"Please, don't see just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasy. Please, see me reaching out for someone I can't see...~" he sang as he look at me in the eyes. I could feel my cheeks heating up, just like how I could see some dust of pink in his as he hum. I'm slowly drowning, those blue eyes like ocean's water and the clear sky, too much for me, too beautiful for me.
"Excuse me" we both jumped away from each other as a knock and excuse were heard in the office.
"C-come in." I said, as I fix the papers on the table, hoping the heat on my cheeks would fade away.
"U-uhhhm.. I-i'll be going! I'm already late to my next class. SeeYouLater." he said as he hurry off as the door opened, showing Kiku on the other side.
"Uhmmm. Am I disturbing something? I am so sorry." he said, unable to look at me straight in the eyes.
"N-not really. Do you need something?" Iask, trying to compose myself.
"Ahh, you see, I'm here for the pictures..." he said with a scary glint from his eyes.
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