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The whistle of the train shook me awake, as I look around and notice the bag with the dog tag on my side.

Maybe he slept in his side earlier. But where is he?

I grabbed my things and good thing, the maintenance guy earlier came.

"Excuse me, but would you mind looking out for this bag for a while? I think the owner has gone to the loo for a while." he agreed and I board off the train. I hailed a cab, and asked for him to drive me of to the Hetalia Academy, my alma mater, the place where I met Alfred.

The school looks the some, even though some parts of it were newly renovated. There's lesser students around since it's still summer. I greeted some proffesors, for example Roma, whom I've met while I'm standing in front of my old office. I asked if he would let me inside the office for awhile, which he granted. We had a chat for a while, but disturbed, when the current student president, asked for his presence. They've been kind enough to let me stay here till I want.

A lot of things remained as it is, for example, the locker where we kept the confiscated items, the small couch where I always sleep in, and my used to be desk. I sat back on my own chair, setting the bag I carry on the table.

"Its been for years Alfred. Four years since I last saw you, and a lot of things already happened." I leaned on the swivel chair and closed my eyes.

"The supposed to be our apartment, I'm living in it with a friend. Gilbert told her that I'm letting the other room rented, and he said it to her. Her name is Elizabetha, she's taking law in the same school I attend. The one where we'll supposed to go. She's a nice lass, takes care of me whenever I try to not sleep when running out of deadline. She cooks for the both of us, and clean the place whenever I don't have time to do it myself. If ever we're both free, I'm sure I won't mind dating her." I smiled sadly

"Though, just like what I've said, she's not free, nor I am. Her heart's owned by a student of BioChemistry, surprisingly, because the lad knows the keys and notes better than the chemicals. He's an Austrian, and I'm sure you'll laugh about how stiff he is. Even I sometimes find it irritatingly funny.

"Just like what I've told you, I'll take Architecture. I ace every subject, and there's a lot of sleepless nights. There's a lot of reason not to. But don't worry, my body's starting to get the hang of it. It's catching up." I took a deep breath, and a tear slid up as I smile sadly. This is so cruel.

"Last week, while eating lunch with Liz, I asked her that I'll just take a nap, and she'll need to wake me up twenty minute before the bell, and she did agree. But I didn't wake up at that allotted time. I woke up yesterday, on a hospital bed, with Liz on my side.--" I was startled by the touch on my cheeks. Warm hand, with that slight smell of roasted coffee beans and rain breeze. It made me open my eyes, and that face, I tried so hard to not forget no matter what, were right in front of me with a concerned frown.

"The doctor said that they can't explain what it is. It was almost the same with Narcolepsy, but it takes too long, and the longer I am asleep, my brain waves falls down with my heart beat.

They have no idea how this thing works, but they'll run a test and send it to their higher ups, to investigate." I leaned to his touch, missing this warmth. Maybe I'm having a delusion or what, but I'm satisfied with this.

"I didn't told anyone about this yet, and I begged the doctor and Liz to not tell on anybody, especially my family, because I want to know first about my state, I don't want them to worry. But its hard to face it alone. I do want to see you again, but I can't just leave yet.

"I need you Alfred. I've waited for you, and I really need you at my side this time." I closed my eyes and relaxed on the warmth of the hand on my face.

"I took too long aren't I?" he asked. Well, are illusions supposed to talk back like that?

"W-wait... Don't tell me..."

"I'm sorry I took so long." he smiled, and cried. "If I didn't acted on impulse that day, I should have been with you and you're happy with me." I jumped out of the chair and hugged him tight.

"Oh dear, your bloody alive!" I cried and after four years, I smiled again, with all of my heart in it.

"I'm really sorry Arthur. If I didn't became my heroic self on that plane, maybe the plane didn't have to crash. Maybe I'm there with you, on those four years, taking care of you, just like what I've promised. I know that by the time that I came back, I shouldn't hold on to you, because maybe, just like in movies, you've already found some lucky guy to love. But here you are, waiting for me. Thank you so much and I'm so sorry. This us all my fault." he hugged me tighter, bawling.

"Hush,love. Look at me. Oh Alfred, please look at me." God. Those blue eyes of his, they never stopped amazing me. These eyes and its owner, this is my savior, my oasis.

"I don't know exactly what you did, though I already have an idea, but if you didn't did what you have done, then there's a big chance that a larger number of humanity will die. You save those people who are in the same plane, Alfred. And if you didn't did what you did, then you won't be here when I truly need you."

After a month of search and rescue for those who are on board on that plane, the survivors did a testament about what happened. Ten armed guys hijacked the plane. Not just for goods ransaking, but they are ordered to crash the plane on New York. I've heard that Alfred's the one who made a plan to stop them, and he is also the first who communicated with them. At the end, it turned into a brawl, with some other passengers helping him, but a guy from the other group decided to fire their gun, which hit the pilot, and they accidentally hit another plane, while they're lost of control. The co-pilot was killed earlier, left with the captain, but after the events, no ones trained enough to fly the plane, and it ended up crashing into the sea.

They gave Alfred some award for his heroic deed, which of course made us proud, but no award, nor money could bring him back to us. That's what I've always thought back then.

I really hope that I'm not just dreaming, if ever I am, I so don't want to wake up.

"Arthur." I looked at him, though he changed a lot, I could still see the old Alfred of mine. Playful, optimistic, courageous, and loving.

"You're real, aren't you..." I've breathed out. I closed my eyes and lean towards him, his lips meeting mine. I don't care anymore on what will happen for the following days. As long as I'm with him.

"Welcome home, love."


"Let's go to the hospital! Come on!" he said as he drag me down the school's corridor.

"Alfred! I don't need to go to the hospital right now! I JUST GOT DISCHARGED! I don't need to be bloody there now!" I said, tugging my hands free.

"But!" He said, pouting, his eyes, tearing, looking like a kicked puppy.

"Oh dear, don't you dare use that face on me!" Then he sighed and turned back to normal.

"Anyway, who knew that you're alive and all?" I asked. He slowed down, thank God he's not dragging me anymore.

"Well,there's Matthew of course, our parents, the airline's crew, and you." he said while counting it on his fingers.

"Reminds me, how did you know that I'm here?"

"Well you see, I'm supposed to go back to our old house here, because they left some of my things there, so I took the train, and luckily, I found you! I came back from Mattie's call and some snacks when I saw you there, on the bunk I've left my bag in, sleeping in the most neck breaking position.

I'm so happy earlier that I just found you! Though I have an idea where I could find you, but to see you there, it must be fate! So I sat beside you, and repositioned you to my arms, so you could sleep well. Actually, I'm kind of amazed that after the ruckus earlier on the train, you didn't even flinc....h.....

Oh god! Are you sick earlier! Was that the reason why you didn't wake up?! Then we have to hurry! Come on! Let's go to the hospital!" and there he goes again, dragging my down with that inhumanly strength of his.

"ALFRED, YOU GIT! I'M A HEAVY SLEEPER! YOU NEED TO REMEMBER THAT! UNHAND ME!!" I kept trashing and pulling my hands off him, some students who's here's starting to stare at us. We even pass by Roma, whom I promise saw his eyes budge when he saw Alfred.

"Oh yeah! Artie! Let's scare the shit out of Gilbert! I've heard from Mattie that he's still in this city." that stopped me, and I could feel a grin creep on my lips.

"Not just Gilbert, Alfred. Francis and Antonio's still here too." I took a look at my watch, with the bracelet I received when we're in third year highschool, and checked the time.

"I know where they are right now, and its a good place to do some scare." A grin was copied on Alfred's face, and I can't stop but take that lips of his on me again.

"I love you, love." he smiled at me, heart warmingly. "Love you too, Iggy." and with that, off we go to Gilbert's house, ready to scare them, with our tangled hands, swaying as we walk down there.

------Okay... Omake part 2----------------

"I'll let that one pass this time."

"Aww... But its cute! Just like you!"

"C-cute?! I'm bloody sexy! I'm not cute!"

"Well, I agree. Four years did a great job. That gentle low voice really complimented your accent. You don't sound so shrill anymore."

"Since when did I ever sound shrill?!"

"Oh! It's still there! You need to work harder Iggy babes."

"Stop with those nicknames!"

"Hahaha! Try to catch m-- Arthur? Arthur! Are you alright?! Oh my god, do you feel sick? What the emergency hotline again.--"

"Got you!"

"What the--"

"I can't believe you fall for that. Of course I won't froze like a doll if I'm sic-- ack!"

"You made me worry..."

"A-alfred.... I-I- I.... Calm down... Alfred.. Alfred! Ahhh! Truce! What I did was to make a truce!!!"

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