Pegasusus: Alex??
A.Ham: Yes?
Pegasusus: I knew you wouldn't let them take your phone.
A.Ham: Never.
Pegasusus: Okay. WTF HAPPENED?!
A.Ham: Well it all started when I kindly allowed Burr to come on a road trip with John and I...
Pegasusus: And then you CRASHED THE CAR?
A.Ham: it was a BUG
pegasusus: You're an idiot
A.Ham: So I've been told.
Pegasusus: So how close are you to death?
A.Ham: Not close enough for you to start planning the funeral. I have a concussion, my left arm and my right leg are broken, and I sprained my wrist. John also has a minor concussion and both his arms broke. Burr only had two broken ribs.
Pegasusus: So should I come secretly pick you guys up?
A.Ham: You don't have your drivers license?
Pegasusus: Ha. You think that will stop me. Why do you think I'm John's emergency contact?
A.Ham: Well you don't need to come get is. I'll drive us home in a few days when we're released.
Pegasusus: Road trip fail
A.Ham: I'd call it a success
Pegasusus: What would be a fail?
A.Ham: idk prolly death
Okay 500 reads? Not okay? This garbage doesn't deserve 1?
Haha but srsly, any suggestions for what should happen next?
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