Chapter 4:

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Reiko POV
Crap...should I have said that? I mean that scary looking teacher probably wouldn't have let us do anything without proper introductions sooo here we are...great.
"And yes to confirm any suspicions you have Bakugo Katsuki is our biological father" my twin said while staring at the younger version of our dad who looked absolutely shocked.

Bakugo POV
WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF OK FIRST OF ALL- these random kids just walk into our classroom and now they're claiming to be MY kids?! This is ridiculous but...I'll admit they do look A LOT like me however I do see something strange...oh no- don't tell me they're also-

Katsuo POV
I looked at my young dad, he's probably connecting the dots as to who our mom is, I'll just wait until he asks since I am NOT doing that again.
"Wait so who's the mom?" Asked a green haired boy in the back.
I looked at my sister as if saying 'Ok your turn' she sighed and said.
"Our mother or second father that we consider to be our mom is...Todoroki Shoto although with our appearances I thought you guys would've already guessed that much." She said while gesturing to our hair and eyes.
Then it seems as though everything clicked for everybody even the teacher. Finally...
"Ok'm going to sleep, interrogate these two if you get bored. Good night." Then the teacher who's name we still don't know by the way crawled into his sleeping bag like a caterpillar and then was out like a light.

Todoroki POV
Oh my god...I HAVE KIDS WITH MY CRUSH??!? Calm down Shoto's fact it's amazing but I shouldn't act too happy I'll just put on my signature confused face.

Reiko POV
Mommy looked confused, oh well might as well get to know these guys even though we already know exactly who everyone is hehe
"Do you guys have any questions for us?" I asked hoping we wouldn't have to just stand there in an awkward silence for the whole time.

"What are you guys' quirks?" That same green haired boy asked, I identified him to be Izuku or Deku.
"Oh well I have Ice/Fire zoo and my brother had Ice-Splosion." Everyone is even more confused GOOD JOB REIKO

Katsuo POV
Good grief
"Basically my sister can create any animal she has a clear mental picture of out of fire or ice, not both and I basically have the same quirk as our dad but instead of fiery explosions they're made out of ice, makes sense?" I asked hoping that they'd get it seeing as I don't really understand our quirks to begin with.
Then a boy who I assumed was Eijiro asked "Show us!" Everyone hummed in agreement so I looked at my sister for approval she nodded and so I made a small explosion in my palm. I heard gasps of excitement echo through the room then quiet down as my sister got her quirk ready.
She held her hands close together and closed her eyes, a small blue light appeared and then BOOM! Just kidding- a cute ice bunny was sitting in her hands. Squeals of adoration were heard mainly from the girls as they wanted to touch it. Causing my sister to explain a drawback to her quirk
"While these animals can walk and run around I don't suggest other people besides me and mom to hold them since they still keep the same temperature as the material in which they were made out of, in other words you'll be holding a block of ice and that's not very pleasant if you aren't used to it. Katsu would know."

I rolled my eyes and everyone nodded, some pouted like Ashido but they quickly recovered when Peach put the bunny down and it hopped around the class. Everyone observed it from their seat until it hopped onto mom's lap. He was startled but then picked it up in his hands like Reiko did. He pet its  head and smiled a bit.
"Sooo you guys have Bakugo and Todoroki as parents how's life?" Asked Denki, I'll assume he meant how life is with them as our parents so I'll let sis do all of the talking!

Reiko POV
Andddd that's my cue to speak
"It's great! They don't argue as much anymore as far as we're concerned and dad has never yelled at us well um...besides that one time when Katsu tried to hold a fire kitten I made and burned his hand. Funniest memory ever. Mom is super chill all the time except when dad contradicts him in that case resulted in dad being banned from the bedroom for a week. And that's how we learned to never argue with mom unless we WANT to die." I concluded this speech and watch as the teens faces contorted with amusement. Dad was embarrassed and mom was smirking pridefully. Maybe Katsu was right this IS going to be a fun experience!

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