Over a month passed by and Ashton's feelings for Luke grew. He was still confused as to what he was, but he knew that he is almost certain he likes Luke. Luke on the other hand, wasn't too sure on how he felt. On their first date, he enjoyed it, he really did. But the next day he saw Ashton with a girl. So he doesn't know anymore. Right now, Luke was in the library not wanting to see anybody at the moment. He saw Ashton was with another girl. Typical.
"There you are Luke." Calum spoke sitting next to him. "What's wrong?" Luke shook his head. "C'mon, I'm your best friend. Now tell me what's wrong." Luke sighed,"Well, anytime something happens between me and Ashton, he goes and flirts or does something else with other girls. So I don't really know."
"Do you like him?" Calum asked. "I don't know." He nodded,"I'll talk to him." Luke shook his head. "No, he'll figure it out. But in the mean time, I think I should try to forget about him." Calum nodded,"Well, Mike's throwing another party, you should come to get your mind off of things."
Ashton then entered the library which is weird because he never comes in the library. "Hi Luke." Ashton smiled. "I think you should leave." Calum stood up. "No. I want to talk to Luke." Calum shook his head. Luke gathered his things and began to walk out. "Luke what did I do?" Ashton asked. "You tell me." Luke shrugged. "I don't know what I did." He frowned.
"Figure it out." Luke walked out having Ashton run after him. "Wait, what did I do?" Ashton looked into his blue eyes with true sincere. "I think you should just forget about me." Luke walked away catching up with Calum. Maybe this party is all he'll need to forget him.
Ashton couldn't forget Luke even if he wanted to. It was impossible for him to forget someone who means so much to him in the short time they've known each other.
Hours later they were all at the party. Ashton being surrounded by girls, like always. Not that he minded. One girl was on his lap making out with him. Their tongues down each other's throats not caring if it grossed other people out.
But the only reason why he was making out with that girl is because hes trying to forget Luke. It wasn't happening though. He didn't like the kiss at all. Ashton didn't like the girls lips. He liked Luke's lips. He would prefer Luke's lips over any other lips any day.
As the party went on Luke found himself talking to another guy. It wasn't Cooper, thank god. His name was Josh. They've been talking for most of the party. Josh said something to make Luke laugh and it caught Ashton's attention. He wasn't happy. He thought if he made out with more girls his mind would be occupied. Boy was he wrong.
Ashton tried kissing her more forcefully to get his anger out but it didnt work. When Josh tried to kiss Luke that's when Ashton lost it. Ashton stormed over there forcefully shoving him away from Luke. "Ashton what the heck?!" Luke yelled. "Don't touch him." He warned. "What are you? His dad? You can't tell me what to do!" Josh spat.
"Well I'm telling you what to do now! So don't fucking touch him!" He rose his voice causing a crowd to form around them. "Leave him alone. Or else." Ashton threatened. "Or else what?" Josh pushed. Ashton swung a punch to Josh's face knocking him down to the floor. Josh stood up tackling Ashton to the floor. "Ashton stop it!" Luke tried breaking them up, but it wasn't happening. Michael came around breaking them both up. While Luke walked outside needing fresh air while having Ashton follow behind. "What the heck was that all about Ashton?" Luke spoke. "He was gonna kiss you." Ashton huffed in madness. "So? What do you care? We're not together."
"We could be." Ashton smirked smugly. Luke looked at him in disbelief, but with a slight blush. "Y-you're crazy Irwin." Luke whispered taking a step forward to Ashton. "Yeah, crazy for you Hemmings." He winked causing Luke to blush even more. Ashton snaked an arm around Luke's waist bringing him closer. "S-stop." As much as Luke loved being that close to Ashton he couldn't go on with it.
"Tell me what I did wrong Luke. I can't fix it unless you tell me." Ashton pleaded. "Every time something happens between us t-the next day I see you with girls all up on you. A-and it makes it confusing to me because one day you act like you actually like me, then the next day you do that. S-so, I don't know Ashton."
"I'm confused as well Luke. Confused on who I am and what my feelings are. I don't know how to deal with this because this is the first time anything like this has ever happened." Ashton spoke. "Well until you figure yourself out, I-I think it's best if you just forget about me." Luke spoke and walked away. "Wait!" Ashton called, but Luke didn't wait.
"But I just can't fucking forget him. Why can't I forget him? Why is it so hard?" Ashton asked. "Well maybe because you like him." Michael spoke crossing his arms. "I-I can't. I just can't." He shook his head. "And why not?" Michael pressed. "Well c-cause my parents won't be happy about it and—" Michael cut him off,"Okay hold up. Let's not think about your parents or anyone else at that matter. What do you what to do?" He asked.
"I-I...I don't know." Ashton sighed. "Well, what do you feel when you're around him?" Michael asked. "I don't know." He sighed in defeat. "Look, I know this is all new to you, but try." Ashton nodded,"Whenever I'm around him I get this warm feeling I-I can't really explain it but I like it. A lot. He makes me nervous whether he knows it or not. He makes me feel all tingly inside and I don't know man. I just like hanging out with him and being near him." Ashton smiled, while Michael smirked,"Well I think you do like him."
"I've known him for a month. Don't you think it's too early?" Michael shook his head,"No. A month is the right amount of time to develop feelings for someone. Maybe even more time. Maybe you're bisexual?" Michael suggested. "I don't know cause I don't like kissing girls though I do it often, but I don't like it. It's dull and doesn't make me feel anything. But with Luke it's a different story."
"Okay so you're gay." Ashton frowned,"But I can't be." "Why not?" Michael asked. "Because my—" Michael cut him off once again,"Because your parents? Don't worry about them. They would love to see their son happy so they'll be fine." Michael assured. "I hope you're right. But how do I show Luke that I like him?" Michael thought for a minute. "Well you can't be kissing girls just for the fun of it anymore. Just show him you care and that you're not going anywhere. No matter how many times he says to leave him alone. Don't stop trying." Ashton nodded.
"Luke, can I talk to you?" Ashton asked. "N-no. Leave me alone." Luke whispered as he walked the halls trying to avoid all the stares and dirty looks. "Please." He begged. Luke stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Ashton. Luke's blue innocent eyes met Ashton's dark hazel ones. "What's there to talk about? Obviously you won't change. Just...forget about me." Luke spoke lowly.
"Can't you see? I'm trying to change. And stop fucking telling me to forget about you when I fucking can't!" Ashton rose his voice and punched the locker harshly. To everyone's surprise, he left a dent in the locker leaving everyone speechless. At that moment everyone was eerily quiet. "You're bleeding. Y-you gotta go to the nurses office." Luke spoke. "No. I'm fine." Ashton spoke stubbornly. "Come here." Luke gripped his wrist bringing him to the boys restroom.
"If you won't go to the nurses office at least let me help a bit." Ashton nodded. Luke cleaned Ashton's cuts the best he could. It was a bit time consuming and it took up most of the period so they just waited until it was over. "Can we talk now?" Ashton asked. Luke bit his lip hesitantly,"Fine."
"Luke, I-I—" He paused. "I li—" Ashton got caught off by the bell ringing. "I gotta go Ashton. My class is on the other side of the campus. I can't be late. Tell me later." Luke walked out of the restroom. Ashton was going to tell him that he likes him, but of course something had to get in the way.
"Did you tell him?" Michael asked. "No. The fucking bell rang when I was going to." Ashton rolled his eyes. "And that's gonna stop you?" Ashton scoffed,"Well maybe that's a way of the universe saying we're not meant to be." He frowned.
"You'll never know unless you try again." Ashton nodded. Ashton told Luke to wait at school until he got out of detention so they can talk. Luke waited and waited but Ashton never showed. Luke scoffed knowing he should've never agreed. Ashton got held up by his friend Tyler.
"Hey Ash, wanna smoke?" He asked. "No. I have somewhere to be." Ashton denied. "Are you gonna go with your boy toy?" He mocked. "He's not my boy toy." He denied. "Are you sure? Cause you've been spending a lot of time with him lately. Man, he's got you whipped." Tyler snorted. "Maybe he does." Ashton agreed. "But I have to go. I'll see you around." When he got to the spot where he was supposed to meet Luke, no one was there. He groaned to himself madly and went home.
"Why can't he just leave me alone?" Luke complained to Calum. "Maybe he doesn't want to leave you alone." He shrugged. "Well he should." Luke rolled his eyes. "Do you even want him to stop?" Calum asked. Luke hesitated. "I'll take that hesitation as a no." Luke was going to protest but he couldn't because Calum was right. "Tomorrow you're gonna talk to him." Calum commanded. "No. Cause if we start talking I'm sure I'll get attached and if he hasn't changed? Then what? My heart breaks? That's not happening."
"C'mon give him a chance. Mikey says that he's gonna change for you." Calum mentioned. "I'll believe it when I see it." Calum nodded,"You will. Just watch."
The next day Luke was trying his best to avoid Ashton. But that didn't go well because Ashton always finds him somehow. "Luke, can we talk?" He asked. "T-there's nothing to talk about Ashton." Luke shook his head. "Yes there is, we need to talk." Ashton didn't stop following behind him. "No we don't." Luke continued walking. Ashton grabbed his arm, stopping Luke in his tracks. He turned him around. "What Ashton?"
"I need you to know that I'm changing. Changing for you." Ashton stated. "Yeah right." The blue eyed boy whispered lowly. "What can I do to make you believe me?" Ashton asked. "Nothing. 'Cause a guy like you won't change. Just please leave me alone." Luke pleaded and walked away. "You know I'm not gonna listen to you right?" Ashton smirked. Luke bit his lip to hide his small smile. Luke stopped in his tracks not turning around to face him.
"I kinda figured Ashton." Then he continued to walk to his class.
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