They were on their way to the location from the tracker, Ashton felt different. Weird if anything, he didn't know why he felt different for this mission. All he wanted to do was go back home with Luke. That's all he ever wants to do in life. No matter what.
"You guys know what to do. Nothing new nothing different. You ready?" Ashton's dad asked as they all nodded. They exited the van, barging into the old wooden cabin carefully.
Again, there was nothing there, but making sure all the rooms were clear, Ashton set off a trip wire that was low to the ground. Smoke started coming out the walls and filling the room. Everyone started coughing, it was hard to see with the thick smoke covering everywhere.
Flash bang grenades were thrown into the room making everyone fall to their knees at the suddenly sound. Swarms of men came into the room blocking every exit wearing gas masks. Everyone started to feel dizzy, the room was spinning, then everything went dark.
Meanwhile, Victor scrapped up some more men and he's been working with them for the past months, plotting his revenge to the last detail, making sure everything was perfect and no one was to get in the way.
When him and his men came in the smoke filled room, the sight of them so helpless and not fighting back was almost boring to him, but he proudly smirked when seeing his plan is now moving forward, he has the upper hand now.
While they were all out cold, they started tying them to chairs all in a line next to each other, now all they had to do was wait for them to wake up. They would sit and wait there all night if that's what it took.
They were knocked out until the sun started to rise the next day, but still, Victor and his men sat and waited until each one of them woke up.
Of course, Ashton would be the last one to wake up, the rest of them kept struggling to break free, to do something. They've never felt so helpless before in their lives, it's weird. Soon, Ashton's head began to move and he woke up.
"Let the party begin." He laughed evilly. "You know, it's such a shame you didn't have Luke, I would've loved to have my fun with him. Tell me Ashton, how is he? I'm sure he's very good in bed, what a tight little ass of his. You're a lucky man." He mocked, smirking at how he got under Ashton's skin when he talking about Luke like that. Watching him trying to break free from the rope that held his wrists and ankles back.
"Don't you fucking talk about him like that." He threatened. "Or what? What're you gonna do? If I am correct, I am the one who isn't tied up. So I get to do what I want. You can't do shit and I know how much that bothers you."
"I wonder how long it'll take them to break free over at your house. Surely, Ricky and his dad can't hold them off long enough for Luke to run."
"What makes you think they'll listen to you?" Ashton's dad butted in. "Well, seeing as they listened to me this far and after all, Mason is my son and Shawn is my nephew. When I tell you he was mad when you killed his dad, he was finally on board with us. At first, he wanted nothing to do with it, then, you Ashton, killed his dad, he was more than angry to have his revenge."
"Enough talking. Let's have our fun. I think...we should let you get a taste of what you've been doing to my son and my nephew. If you thought we only had a tracker in that stupid little basement of yours, you're so mistaken." He chucked then suddenly swung his fist across Ashton's face.
Everything they did to Mason and Shawn, Victor and his guys did to them. Every one of them.
Soon, Victor held a knife in his hand. "You're not the only one who knows that trick." He started while pressing the tip of the knife directly on his arm. "You cut just right and you're fine." He started dragging the knife down his arm. "But...go to deep and you die." He put more pressure as the knife sliced his arm.
Ashton tightened his fist and clenched his jaw, anything to help the pain that he was feeling. "I knew Luke got it from you. The same thing you do when you know you're not gonna win, when you're in such deep pain. You try to hide it, but not from me. Cause I can see right through that façade you put up."
"Shawn sent me that video, of him having fun with your Luke. Wish there was more, would've loved to see that. You guys have your own fun with them. I'll be having a one on one conversation with Ashton."
Victor and with the help of a couple of his men, they dragged Ashton by the chair to another secluded room where there was a TV present. "I have something I know you would love to see." He spoke sarcastically as he pressed a button on the remote. "I have been watching you ever since I've heard you moved here. Then I saw you were getting attached to that pretty blonde of yours, then I knew what I had to do. I had to make Shawn uncover the truth, but when the truth didn't scare him away, I had to plan something else."
"Here. Look."
It was a video of Luke coming out of the shower, completely naked as he wrapped a towel around his waist to go back in his bedroom to find clothes.
"You have no idea how many times I've had fun just by watching this. And I have so many more."
He clicked another button changing the video.
It was him and Luke kissing each other on his bed. "How I wished that was me. Tell me, is he a good kisser? I bet he is and by the way his ass looks in those pants, I'm sure he was a good fuck too."
"I swear to God if you touch him, I'll fucking end you." He threatened, but not for long since Victor placed a piece of tape over his mouth. "This is a time for watching so shut the fuck up."
"Oh look at this one. You're gonna enjoy it."
It was the day after the party and it was still when they two of them didn't talk to each other. Ashton finally saw how Luke was. It wasn't a good sight to see.
Luke was wearing Ashton's jacket underneath the covers crying and asking himself what he did wrong. He knew Luke was sad, but never figured it was this much. In the video, Luke kept telling himself he was a bad boyfriend and that it was no wonder why he would choose Allie over him.
Ashton let a tear fall when hearing him say those things that are not at all true, but he couldn't do anything about it. He never realized the toll it had on him.
"Don't get all weepy with me Irwin. You haven't even gotten to the best part yet."
He pushed another button and it was the same day, but this time it was in Luke's bathroom. He was still crying as he paced around the room as if he was trying to decide what to do. Then he opened a drawer digging around until he found what he was looking for. That same piece of metal that he used when he was getting bullied.
All Ashton could think in that moment was 'don't do it Luke', but nothing could change what was on that video. When he was about to press it onto his skin, his dad knocked on the door. He looked at the metal once more before shaking his head and flushing it down the toilet. Relief washed over Ashton.
"I bet these are killing you." He laughed. "Let's continue."
Ashton never wanted to strangle a man so much before in his life, when he gets out of there, he will not stop until Victor is good and dead. No one will stop him.
Ashton never even realized how long Victor has been watching them, two days watching videos. Mostly of Luke which angered him by the minute.
"Boss, it's time. We need to leave now." One of the guys spoke as he poked his head into the room. "Well, I'll let you watch this." He said as he turned on the video again where Luke was crying. Victor tightened the rope once more before leaving.
What felt like an hour passed by, before the door opened again. "Come on Ash. We have a graduation to attend." Michael spoke as he untied Ashton.
Two days.
That's when it hit him, they were there for two days. He didn't even realize it, the only thing coursing through his mind was Luke.
"How did you get free?" He asked. "I always carry a pocket knife. Duh. I just had to wait until they all left." Michael answered as if it was the most obvious thing ever. He walked back into the living room where the rest of the guys were. "Are you all okay?" He asked. "We'll live. Not even a beating can stop us. Come on, we need to leave."
They went outside and they were thankful their van was still there, but one of their tires were slashed. "We need to change the tire and fast. Come on." Ashton's dad said as he pulled the spare tire out of the compartment while everyone watched cluelessly. "So you're telling me you guys can fucking hot wire cars and hack into things but can't change a fucking tire? Ashton get your ass over here."
There's always a first time for everything that's for sure. In all the times they had for his dad to teach him, of course he had to learn in the most time limited moments. It mostly consisted of his dad explaining everything to him, then yelled when he wasn't paying attention.
"Alright come on fuckers let's go."
They drove back to Ashton's house, relieved it was still standing and they all ran back inside. When they got inside, Ashton's mum and Ricky's dad we're both knocked out cold, just like they all once were. That similar smoke filled the air. "They're gone." Ashton's dad spoke with disappointment and anger mixed in his tone. "You guys go, we will figure this out. You better clean yourselves up before you go though, you know how your mum gets. Don't let this let you guys miss your graduation. They will be fine."
Ashton and Michael both cursed under their breath when they knew Ashton's dad knew he wasn't kidding when he said to clean up. They did their best to wash off the dirt on their faces, even managed to do their hair. With water, it wasn't the best, however, it looked somewhat decent. Then they had to change and bandage themselves up from any cuts on their arms.
They grabbed their caps as gowns and Ashton drove to the school. "What a fucking day. I never pictured graduation to be this chaotic." Michael laughed. They arrived at the school, seeing the long line of families entering the stadium and filling up the bleachers, they ran to where all the students were lined up to walk to their seats. But before they got in their places they had to find Calum and Luke.
"Luke." He suddenly spoke. He saw those baby blue eyes he has been dying to see for two days, those eyes that filled with disbelief when happiness when he saw Ashton. "Ash." He cried as he jumped in his arms while hugging him. "I'm here baby, I'm right here."
"I-I thought you were gone forever. I-I thought you died, I was so scared Ash." He trembled. "Don't worry Luke, I'm still here, I will always be here." Ashton assured as he wiped the tears on Luke's facing and hugging him tightly again, missing his presence so much.
"Cal." Michael breathed out. The same reaction Luke had, Calum had the same and Michael has never been more relieved to see somebody. "Y-you're alive. Luke told me what happened and I thought I lost you." Calum smiled when Michael wiped his tears. "I missed you so much Mike."
"Likewise babe. You have no fucking idea how long I waited to kiss you again." He laughed while crying some tears of joy of his own. "Well what are you waiting for Clifford." Michael smiled before kissing him so passionately, almost as if they were in a movie.
They would've gone longer, but the principal over the speakers stopped them. It was starting, their high school years were ending. This was it.
"You ready?" Michael asked Calum. "Always." He smiled as he left to his spot, but making sure he kissed him goodbye. Calum wished their last names started with the same letter, lucky for Luke and Ashton though.
"It's happening Ash. I can't believe it." Luke smiled. "I know, it's unbelievable."
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