When Luke got home, he just wanted to sleep forever and to just be left alone for good. But he couldn't. He had lots of things to do. He needed to work on his history project, essays, and his math homework. He missed Ashton dearly, but by doing all his school work, it was something to keep his mind busy and not thinking of Ashton.
That's what he did Monday, that's what he was planning to do on Tuesday too, but Calum insisted on coming over. Luke wasn't going to argue. He needed someone to be with him.
"You guys are so stubborn." Calum complained. "How? I'm waiting until he apologizes." He frowned. "Yes, but don't you want to be the bigger person and just talk to him?" Luke pondered for a moment. "No, not really. Maybe for something else. Not this though."
"I knew you were gonna say that. So me and Michael had to take matters into our own hands, since we basically have been from the start of your guys relationship. He's coming over. You guys are gonna talk it out like mature high schoolers." Luke mentally groaned. "Does he even want to? It doesn't mean anything if he doesn't even want to."
"Luke, just for once. Don't be so stubborn. Please." He pleaded. "Fine."
"Tell me why you can't talk to him first?" Michael asked. "Because he and Mason kissed. Why should I talk to him first when he did something wrong?" Ashton huffed. "Well what if he never talks to you first?"
"Then I guess we won't talk." Ashton stubbornly said. Michael chuckled,"You're actually so fucking ridiculous Ashton, you know that? You won't let it get that far and you know it."
"Can we just stop talking about it, please? I just want some food." Ashton groaned. "Alright let's go get some."
Michael wasn't going to get food, Ashton will be just fine starving for a bit. Once Ashton saw the familiar neighborhood he grew irritated and a bit anxious.
"What the fuck Mike?" He furrowed his eyebrows angrily. "Obviously you guys won't fucking fix this yourselves, me and Calum had to do something about it."
Ashton rolled his eyes. "I'm not getting out of this car." Michael scoffed. "Fine. I'll bring Luke to you then."
When Michael parked, he looked at Ashton who had no emotion on his face. "You coming? Or do I have to bring Luke?" Still Ashton sat there for a while, but then reluctantly climbed out.
Michael messaged Calum that they were there, so he opened the door for them to let them in. Luke was already sitting on his couch waiting nervously, he felt anxious about the whole thing, even more so when they made eye contact.
"We're gonna give you some space, so you guys can talk things out and stop being stubborn babies about this." Then Michael and Calum exited.
It was quiet, too quiet, not a good silence either. An awkward silence, until Luke couldn't take it anymore and finally spoke. "Why w-were you flirting with Allie at the party?" He asked with a sad tone. "I wasn't." Ashton replied bluntly.
"Y-yes you were. I saw her hand on you when you were supposed to be getting us drinks. Your hand was on her too. You didn't even back away." He said that last part with a bit more sadness in his voice. "No Luke that's not what happened. I was getting us drinks then she came to me. I think she put something in my drink because after a while I felt really dizzy. After I went to go find you she took me upstairs Luke. We didn't do anything I swear, I kept trying to leave, but I passed out on the bed. The last thing I heard was Calum come in. Calum said I was blacked out and she was still trying to do stuff to me. I only know cause I saw the note he left explaining everything when I woke up." He explained.
Luke felt pretty stupid at that moment. "That's all that happened?" Ashton nodded. "But please tell me why you and Mason kissed?" Luke gave him a weird look of confusion. "We didn't."
"Luke, I saw him leaning in, you didn't even try to stop him or back away."
"Ash, when I was waiting for you, he saw I was alone, so I told him I was waiting for you to come back with our drinks. But he offered to get me one and he was practically already half way there before I could even say anything, so when he came back he handed me my drink that was almost full. It was supposed to be water. It looked like water. But it didn't taste like it. I drank the whole thing. When I started feeling like everything was spinning really fast, I tried to find you. That's when I saw you and Allie. Mason was comforting me while I cried Ash cause of what I saw. That's when he tried to kiss me. I wasn't thinking straight after my drink, so it took me longer to realize what was happening, but I backed away before he could kiss me. We didn't kiss. I promise." Luke explained.
After Ashton heard his story, he began to chuckle. "So we've been fucking worked up over nothing?" Luke nodded while cracking a smile. "How come you didn't talk to me? I-I thought this was some way of you breaking up with me." Ashton frowned. "I was waiting for you to. Cause I was mad when I saw you with Allie." Luke responded. "I was waiting for you too." Ashton said with a light laugh.
"We really are stubborn." He added. "So we're okay?" Luke asked. "Yes. I'm so sorry, I was stupid and I should've talked to you. I should've listened to Calum."
"I'm sorry too. And I should've talked to you, I don't know why I didn't."
Calum and Michael walked back in. "Did you guys make up?" Calum asked, they nodded. "It's about fucking time. Now we can do our own thing. Later losers." Michael let out a sound of relief mixed with excitement while tugging at Calum's hand out the door.
"You know, for the past few days, I was worried that I was losing you. That this was your way of cutting things off with me and when I know it was because we we were both too stubborn, it made me realize how much I really love you Ash. And I know our life right now is a mess with everything going on, but I've never felt so safe and so secure with anyone else but you." Luke smiled at Ashton who probably had a bigger smile than he did.
Ashton tugged Luke closer to him so he could give him a hug. "Funny thing is, I felt like that too during the few days too. We keep each other balanced in a way, I don't know what I'd do without you if I'm being honest." Ashton smiled while resting his chin on top of Luke's head. "I can't believe we graduate in a few weeks. It's been a long school year." Luke pointed out.
"You're damn right."
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