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They should've known that something big was planned since those few weeks it's been quiet. Michael, Josh, Ricky, and Shawn have been planning something. Not something big enough to get them thrown in jail, but enough to ruin Ashton and Luke's relationship. The plan was set in motion when Ashton received a detention. They all knew Luke would wait for him to get out. That was just the beginning.

They watched them carefully over the weeks, learning their daily routines, so that they could find the perfect moment to strike their plan. Those few weeks were when they would meet up daily to figure out their plan, to set it into motion, and to plan when and how to do it. Today was the day.

When the final bell rang, they all knew Ashton would meet Luke at his last class and they would walk to the detention room. Then Luke would go to the library for almost an hour then would wait on a bench outside the school.

About 30 minutes until detention was over, that's when they all walked to where Luke was sitting outside. "H-hey guys. Do you need something?" Luke asked. They all shook their head as they surrounded him on the bench.

"So, you and Ashton are getting pretty serious huh?" Michael asked. "Um, yeah we a-are." Luke answered skeptically. "Did he tell you his secret yet?" Ricky asked. "Secret? What secret?"

"Aw, he doesn't know. Poor thing." He mocked. "I guess he doesn't like you enough to be honest with you." Josh added. "Y-you're lying. He doesn't have a secret. He would've told me." Luke defended which made them all laugh. "You know, the old me would've let Ashton tell you, but the new me doesn't really give a shit anymore." Michael spoke. Then Ashton walked out of the building.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" He spoke. "We were just chatting with Luke here. No harm done." Ricky smiled. "Yeah right. Let's go Luke."

"Oh wait. Ashton, aren't you gonna tell Luke your secret?" Shawn asked. "Ash, please tell me they're wrong. Please tell me you don't have a secret." Luke begged while looking in his eyes sorrowfully. "Go ahead Ashton tell him. Tell him the secret you've been hiding for so long."

"Are you really hiding something?" Luke asked not wanting to believe it, but when Ashton nodded he didn't know what to believe. Luke let go of his hand and looked at him disappointingly. "Just leave me alone please." He spoke so quietly Ashton could barely hear it. "I don't even wanna know what it is." Then he walked away.

"Why do you guys always have to mess with us? You just can't stand that I'm actually happy." Ashton laughed with annoyance. "I mean, what did Luke even do to you guys? What did I do to you guys?" He asked with anger evident in his voice.

"You wanna know what Luke did to me?" Michael asked. "He's the reason why I went to fucking church camp! He's the one who told my parents about my sexuality! I've had to lie to them when I came back so they wouldn't have to send me back again!" Then he stormed off. "I never liked you because you took my position as QB on the team, it should've always been mine, you should've never had it." Josh spoke as he went with Michael.

"You've never even seen it huh Ash?" Ricky started to speak. "I never liked you and Luke together because I have been in love with you ever since freshman year! After every party when you were drunk, I was always the one taking care of you. Me. Not Luke, not even Michael. Throughout everything, I was there for you. Me!"

"Luke should've always been mine. You shouldn't have gotten in my way. Now is my chance to get him back." Shawn harshly spat.

This was all part of their plan. They were trying to destroy their relationship, say their reasonings and just leave. Not to start a fight, not to do any of that. But to leave. Leave Ashton with thinking of their reasons.

He was standing alone on campus, wanting to scream, yell, cry, and punch something all at the same time. He didn't know what to do. He had no one to go to. He drove and drove until he was right outside town, where no one and nothing was near. He screamed as loud as he could, while punching his car, which he managed to leave a tiny dent.

After he was doing screaming and punching, he climbed back into his car and just sat there. He let the tears flow out as he leaned his head on the steering wheel. He cried until no tears would come out anymore. He took that as a sign to leave and go see Luke.

He drove back into town and down the familiar neighborhood then parked in front of his house. After that he walked up the steps and in front of his door then knocked.

"Hi Mr.Hemmings, is Luke here?" He asked. "Now isn't really a good time Ashton." He frowned. "Mr.Hemmings, I don't want to be disrespectful or anything, but I really need to see him. It's very important. Please." Andrew nodded while letting him in. "He's on the roof."

Ashton climbed up onto the roof and Luke was sitting where they were when they came up there. "Go away." He spoke not even turning around. "Luke please. Let me explain." Ashton begged while sitting next to him. "O-okay." Luke trembled. "Okay, if I'm gonna tell you, you have to look at me."

Luke hesitantly looked at Ashton's hazel eyes. The blue in his eyes was a perfect giveaway that he's been crying which made Ashton feel like crap and feel so guilty.

"Okay, my name isn't actually Ashton Irwin. That photo that was taped to your locker...she was my sister. My real name is Liam Grover. The only reason Ricky and Michael know is because they were with me when it happened. Our parents are friends. So, my dad was apart of a very known and dangerous gang, he was sort of the leader. Michael's and Ricky's dads were apart of it too. He had me and Addy do his work sometimes only when it wasn't dangerous. Usually we'd just deliver or pick stuff up. But one day, my dad pissed off another gang which led to so much rivalry and people getting hurt. So the leader of the other gang knew me and Addy did pick ups or deliveries, their plan was to kill us both, but I couldn't go with her that day because my mum was in the hospital at the time and I wanted to go visit since I hadn't been in a while. Addy didn't come with me because her and my mum were never close, they would always argue and fight. No one knew about her death until the leader of the other gang, sent us her head. That's when everything went to shit. Everyone in our gang was in so much danger, we all had to move and change our name. My dad had friends that are police officers and he paid them to make sure that it never resurfaced, so that no one would know. I couldn't talk about it because my dad told me not too and to be honest, I didn't want to talk about it, it still hurt me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I thought if I told you, you'd never want anything to do with me or you'd be scared to even look at me." Ashton explained.

"Ashton, I'm so sorry that it happened to you. I understand why you couldn't tell me, but I just wish that you were the one to bring it up. And I could never be scared of you now that I know who you are." Luke reassured. "But..., it's a lot to take in. Can you give me time to think?" Ashton nodded,"Of course."

"Go to Calum's place, I don't want you sleeping out on the streets. He won't mind, I'll text him to let him know you're coming." Ashton kissed the top of Luke's head softly before leaving.


Luke didn't go to school for the rest of the week, he didn't want to. He didn't want to see Michael, Ricky, Shawn, or Josh. He didn't think any less of Ashton, he just needed time to understand all the details. Nevertheless, he still texted Ashton as well, just for him to know that he's not mad at him. Nothing will ever change what they have. Today was the first day in a week, they'll be seeing each other. Both were nervous, nervous that their relationship wouldn't be the same anymore.

Luke waited downstairs for Ashton to knock and when he finally did, his heart started beating faster as he headed towards the door to open it. Ashton didn't know what to do, he didn't want to cross a line, but Luke embraced him in a hug, which Ashton happily hugged back. "I've missed you." He spoke. "I missed you too Ash."

"So we're okay?" Ashton asked. "Yes. I'm sorry it took long for me to process everything, it just didn't seem real at all." They both sat down on the couch, getting comfortable next to each other. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're still here." Ashton smiled. He slung an arm around Luke's neck while he rested his head against his chest. "Hey wanna do something fun?" He asked which Ashton rose an eyebrow curiously. "Shower." Luke pointed towards him and acted like it smelt.

"That bad huh?" Luke nodded. "Sorry, but if we're gonna cuddle, I want you to smell good." He smiled. Ashton laughed,"Alright, wanna join?"

This time, Luke didn't hesitate to say yes, he didn't feel uncomfortable anymore with Ashton. He was really proud of himself and how far he's come along.

"Make sure you clean yourself really good. I mean like really really good." Luke stated as he let the water flow all over his body. "Okay babe, I know I stink, but you don't gotta keep reminding me." He chuckled as he was letting the water go all over him now.

What was supposed to be just a regular shower turned into them blowing bubbles at each other, then making soap beards, then to then heatedly making out.  Luke was pressed up against the wall while Ashton rubbed his hard on against Luke's. His lips traveled everywhere on Luke's body, it started with just his neck, but then Ashton was running out of room. Then he used his hand to rub Luke's member, but after, his kisses started getting lower and lower until Ashton was on his knees with his hard on in his mouth.

Luke gripped his hair tightly when feeling how good Ashton's mouth was. As his head bobbed back and forth, a moan escaped the blonde. Those moans made Ashton moan which made his mouth vibrate onto Luke's dick, that made him even louder.

"A-ash, I'm gonna finish." He trembled as the warm liquid shot out and hit the back of his throat. Luke was panting afterwards at how good it felt, that's when he knew he had succeeded. "How'd that feel baby?"

"Good." He panted. "Can I try?" He added. "You sure?" Ashton asked, but Luke nodded undoubtedly.

Once Luke had it in his mouth, a couple bobs in and Ashton was a complete mess.  He may was even louder than Luke was. He clutched Luke's hair tightly more and more each time his sensitive spot was touched. It was such a different and good feeling than all the other ones he had before. He loved it. He craved it. He never wanted it to stop. "Holy shit Luke, feels so good." He moaned.

But sadly, all good things come to an end. It finished rather quickly, but maybe that's because Luke's mouth works wonders. Soon, he felt a warm substance touched his throat just like how it did with Ashton.

"How was I?" He asked shyly as he stood back up. "Wonderful." Ashton breathed out with a smile. They exited out of the shower while changing into more comfy clothes. They got settled downstairs with the TV on when his dad comes walking through the door looking a bit down.

"Hey dad, what's wrong?" Luke asked. "Um, I got fired." He explained. "What why?" His dad sighed,"I guess his son, Michael I think his name was, said bad things about me to his dad. I'm just gonna go to bed. Good night guys."

"Your dad worked at the Clifford Hotel?" Ashton asked while Luke nodded. "I'm sorry." He said sympathetically. "It's okay, but I guess I gotta start working at the library again."

"Let's not worry about that right now, okay? How about, we relax tomorrow and then on Sunday, we'll go to the library for you job. How does that sound?" Ashton suggested. "Sounds great. Thank you Ash." Luke smiled.

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