Chapter 75

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They planned for a year.

There were arguments and debates over every little detail, but they eventually agreed on everything. Or compromised at least, because why did they really need ten thousand peonies, Jennie? A thousand would be enough. And why did they need to invite everyone they knew, Lisa? The whole office didn't need to come. But eventually, it was all planned, and dresses were picked, venues were rented and chefs were hired.

It was a busy year, but looking back on things it had been a good one. If it wasn't for the little scar on Lisa's abdomen from the scrap of metal that had pierced her side, it would be impossible to know what she'd been through. That year had been full of small steps of recovery, and then big ones, until she slept through the night almost every night, and she slammed a cupboard shut without wincing as a flashback came on. Jennie learnt to relax during that time, because Lisa wasn't going anywhere anymore, and she was safe, and better than ever.

The first big change was Lisa going to work with Chaerin. It started once a week, because Jennie had suggested that instead of Chaerin coming to therapy in National City, they should move it to Metropolis. They spent their Thursday's catching an early flight into the city, and Lisa would work with her mom all day, until it was time for therapy and dinner. It was a good arrangement at the beginning, and soon enough, Lisa found herself catching more flights to Metropolis – even when Jennie decided that she didn't need to go to therapy with her mom anymore.

The next came when Rosé and Jisoo got married. It was a quick affair with both of them deciding that they couldn't wait any longer, and why did they need a big wedding anyway? With a phone call one afternoon to tell Lisa and Jennie they were getting married tonight, Jennie quickly arranged as much as possible. It was conveniently planned so that Yuri was in town, and the five of them made their way to the registry office, and watched as Rosé and Jisoo said their vows and slipped rings onto each other's fingers. Not that she needed it, but it reinforced Jennie's decision to marry Lisa even more; she wanted that piece of paper and the ring and the smile full of love and joy as they were pronounced wife and wife. Then they moved to Metropolis, getting a head start on Jennie and Lisa's move, and Jennie helped them find a comfortable apartment in the city, and a good buyer for their old apartment – they didn't need to know that she was the buyer.

As their own wedding neared, boxes started piling up in their apartment too, ready for their own move to Metropolis. Chaerin had backed up her personal belongings and moved to one of the family's city homes, leaving the estate ready for the two of them when they got married, as promised. A few weeks before the set date, the only thing left for Jennie and Lisa to do was get married.

And the day soon came.

They were having the wedding in France, like Jennie had first suggested. In the south, so the weather would be nice and the countryside beautiful as it flowered for the summer. Both of their families came with them, along with their closest friends, making it a small, private affair. It was just perfect though, and they spent the week leading up to the wedding drinking the best wine in the region, and relaxing. Jennie and Lisa were a little bit stressed about the perfect day, but at the end of the day, it would be perfect either way. They were together, safe and happy, and they would be married by the end of it.

Still, as Jennie and Lisa sat alone on their balcony the night before, there was a flutter of nerves in both of their stomachs.

Lisa quietly laughed, lifting her head up off Jennie's chest as she looked up from the small twinkling lights in the surrounding village. "Your heart just sped up, what are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about tomorrow, of course," Jennie laughed, brushing the hair out of Lisa's face and pressing a kiss to her brow.

"I hope you're not getting cold feet," Lisa joked, and Jennie gave her an exasperated look as she took a sip of wine.

"I'm not the ice queen I once was," Jennie reminded her. "That me, for sure. Although, if I think about it, probably not when it comes to you. After all, I let you sit down at my table in that café."

"Oh god, that seems like forever ago," Lisa softly exclaimed, sounding slightly nostalgic. "Can you believe it's been two and a half years?"

"It feels like only yesterday," Jennie murmured. "But if feels like a lifetime ago at the same time."

Lisa lifted Jennie's hand on her shoulder and pressed a kiss to the palm. "So much has changed, but I still love you more than ever."

"I love you too," Jennie murmured, smiling as she closed her eyes for a moment. "But, it's time to say goodnight."

"Always the traditionalist," Lisa sighed, rolling her eyes as she drained her wine and stood up. "Come on then, give me a kiss goodnight, Miss Kim."

"Of course, Miss Manoban," Jennie laughed, hesitating for a moment. "Are you sure you want to hyphenate? I know you convinced me that we should, but you know I'd be more than happy to just have your name."

"Are we really going to debate this again, the night before our wedding?" Lisa asked, raising her eyebrows as she gave Jennie an amused look. "Your family and your name doesn't mean the same thing to you anymore. I, for one, would be proud to have it and to make a new name for ourselves with both of our last names. Plus, you can't not have a Kim in the Kim estate."

"It's a house, Lisa. Who are we, the bloody Starks? There doesn't need to be a Kim in the Kim estate," Jennie laughed, before giving Lisa a loving smile. "But, as long as you're sure you want my last name too, that's fine."

"I want every piece of you," Lisa told her, leaning in for a kiss. "Always."

"Well, I guess I'd better make sure I'm there tomorrow," Jennie joked, and Lisa let out a quick laugh.

"I think Rosé and Jisoo would hunt you down if you tried to escape now," Lisa smiled.

"Well, it's a good thing I only run from my problems," Jennie snorted, rolling her eyes, before reaching out to cup Lisa's face in her hands. "I know it's supposed to be bad luck to see the bride before the wedding... but if you need my tonight, just call, okay? Some silly superstition isn't going to take all this away from us."

"Some silly superstition? I know for a fact you'll be wearing something old, new, borrowed and blue tomorrow," Lisa laughed. "And so will I."

"Tomorrow then," Jennie promised, leaning up for a kiss. And then another one, before pulling back and walking inside. She walked Lisa to the door, and after another kiss goodnight, and another 'I love you' she was alone.

Stood in the middle of the room, Jennie looked around. She wasn't tired yet, and although she knew she should go to bed soon, there was one more thing she had to do. Walking over to the desk in the corner, she pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and smoothed out the page as she held the pen over the paper. Hesitating, Jennie didn't know what to write. There were no words to describe how much she loved Lisa. There was so much she could say about tomorrow, that she didn't even know where to begin. After a moment, she smiled to herself, before putting pen to paper.

To my beautiful wife, Mrs. Lisa Manoban-Kim,

By the time you're reading this, we'll already be married – or at least I hope we are, because I'm writing this the night before, and it's going to be really awkward because you just promised you'd be wearing something old, new, borrowed and blue tomorrow. I know you'll be there though. I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle tomorrow; I know for a fact that it will be the best moment of my life, and I know that all the planning and arguing over the small things will be worth it.

I hope that I'll be a good wife – I really do. I would give you the world if you wanted it, and all I can promise is that I'll love you unconditionally for the rest of our lives. It may not have been an easy road to get to this point, and if that's anything to go by, our marriage will be a smooth path. All I know is that every day I'll love you more than yesterday, and that's enough for me. You are more than enough for me, and your love is more than I can ever be deserving of. You're all that's good in this world, and every time I look at you I can't believe that you're real - I can't believe that you're mine. If there's one thing I can do for you, it's make sure that I'm worthy of your love, and to cherish you forever. That's I promise that I fully intend to keep, because you're the best thing that's ever been mine.

I think tomorrow it'll be as clear as I can make it, but I love you. I really do. More than anything else in the entire world. I know that we spent so long waiting for you to come to start the rest of our forever, but tomorrow it truly does start as the two of us together as one. It seems surreal somehow, that the day is finally here – a part of me thought it would never come, but we've fought so hard for this, and I'm full of relief that it's actually happening. I never once doubted you, of course, but we've never had the best luck. Although, the fact that we met is enough proof for me to believe in luck.

Out of all the café's in our city, and all the cities in the country, and all the countries in the world, we ended up in the same one at the same time. I said before that I didn't believe in fate and soulmates, and I don't think that I ever will, but you were right when you said I believed in science. There may not be a higher power working hard to throw us together, but the entire order of the universe has aligned itself over and over again to bring us right to this very moment. It wasn't fate or destiny trying to make it happen – it was just the way things were supposed to be. It was the order of the universe, it was always meant to be, one way or another.

Tomorrow, the universe will align again, and we'll be joined together.

Love always, your devoted wife,

Jennie Manoban-Kim x

Sealing the letter, Jennie sat back in her seat with a look of amusement on her face – it felt strange to write Lisa's last name before her own. After tomorrow, she would sign that name on everything, and there was a flutter of butterflies in Jennie's stomach at the thought. It was more than she could ever have imagined for herself – better than she could have ever imagined. Three years ago she'd been in a completely different place, and she never would have imagined things being this different, yet, she wouldn't change anything at all.

There was a knock on the door, drawing Jennie out of her thoughts as she stood up to answer it. Chaerin was stood on the other side, and she smiled at Jennie as she walked in.

"Ah, Lisa's already gone to bed has she?" Chaerin asked, realizing that Jennie was alone. "I was hoping you'd both be here."

"We can't see each other before the wedding," Jennie reminded her, and Chaerin laughed as she sat down on the sofa.

"I know, but I didn't think she'd leave your side until the last possible minute," Chaerin said. "No matter, I'll go and see her in a minute. Come and take a seat."

Jennie knit her eyebrows together in confusion, unsure where the conversation was about to go. Sitting down on the edge of the sofa, her eyes fell onto the two velvet jewelry boxes that Chaerin held in her hands. One was deposited in Jennie's lap, and she frowned slightly at her mom as she picked it up. "What is it?"

"If you open it you'll find out," Chaerin said, and Jennie rolled her eyes as she smiled at her mom. Opening the box, she looked down at a small silver hair comb encrusted with diamonds, and small sapphires in the shapes of flowers.

"It's been in my family for generations. I told you I'd sort out your something old and blue, so here it is. It's part of a pair, so there's one for Lisa too," Chaerin explained, opening the other box to show Jennie. "It'll go nicely with her eyes."

"Thank you," Jennie whispered, tracing her fingers over the stones as she examined it. "It's beautiful, mom."

"I never used to be sure if I'd ever get to give it to you for your wedding. Surprisingly, I love it when you prove me wrong, and you're so well at doing that," Chaerin laughed. Jennie let out a choked up laugh, overcome with emotions.

"Well I never used to be sure if you'd ever be at my wedding," Jennie admitted, giving her mom a wry smile. "I guess we were both wrong."

"Mm, well I'm glad that we were," Chaerin murmured. "How are you feeling?"

Jennie laughed, snapping the jewelry box shut. "Surprisingly calm. I feel like I've waited forever for this. Does that sound stupid? I'm not scared because I know this is the right decision."

"It's not stupid it all," Chaerin assured her. "Coming from the woman who had her reservations at first. You both deserve your happy endings – and a happy beginning to the rest of your life. I didn't think you would be scared though. I know you, and you would never go through with something this big if you weren't completely sure. That's how I know you're making the right choice – and because I don't think you could love each other more."

"I didn't think I'd ever hear you say something like that," Jennie snorted, and Chaerin gave her an unimpressed look, making Jennie smile.

"I better go and see my future daughter-in-law before she goes to sleep," Chaerin said, standing up. Jennie stood up and walked her over to the door, and they stood face to face for a moment.

"Thank you, mom," Jennie told her, and Chaerin wrapped her in a hug, holding her close as she pressed a kiss to Jennie's forehead.

"I love you. Get some rest," Chaerin told her, brushing her hair back before she disappeared down the hallway in search of Lisa's room. Lisa was spending the night in a room at the other end of the chateau, making sure that there was no way Jennie would cross paths with her tomorrow. Shutting the door, Jennie walked back inside and picked up the jewelry box again. She was touched by her mom's thoughtfulness, but not surprised, because Chaerin had spent the past couple of years doing everything within her power to make Jennie happy. It almost seemed too good to be true, that Jennie could have everything she'd ever dreamed of, yet here she was. She was grateful for every moment.

Slipping under the covers, Jennie slept alone for the first night in months, missing the warmth the radiated off Lisa's body like she was the sun. The bed was big, and it felt too empty without her, but one night apart was a good trade for a ring and a vow of forever. Jennie smiled to herself as she buried her face in the pillow Lisa had been sleeping on for the past week, comforted by the faint smell of Lisa's shampoo and perfume. As she drifted off to sleep, her mind ran away to thoughts of Lisa.


The click of a camera caught Jennie's attention, and she turned to raise an eyebrow at Jisoo, who shrugged as she walked in. "I promised Lisa I'd take as many photos as I could. I'm not sure why, seeing as you've got the photographer for the pre-wedding photos, but I guess she just wants the polaroids."

"Of course," Jennie smiled, looking back up at the woman who was doing her make up. It was nearly midday, and Jennie could feel her excitement rising. "How is she?"

"Excited," Jisoo said, giving Jennie a wide smile. "I think she's ready to walk down the aisle in her pyjamas if it means she can marry you sooner."

Jennie laughed, closing her eyes as the woman applied eyeshadow to her lids. "Well my dress is Valentino, so she'd better wait because it's going to be worth it."

"I'm sure she'll think it's worth it no matter what you're wearing," Chaerin said, sounding amused. "Although, I do love the dress."

"Mm, it was definitely my favourite," Jisoo agreed.

"Is Rosé almost ready?" Jennie asked.

She heard Jisoo sigh heavily. "Never mind what everyone else is doing. You need to get yourself ready, and we'll all make sure we're picture perfect when you and your bride to be are ready to walk down the aisle."

If her eyes were open Jennie would've rolled them, but she just sighed. "Fine. You better be ready on time for once in your life, or this wedding is going to turn into the red wedding."

"Relax, Kim, I just need to put my dress on," Jisoo said. "I've already been beautified. I think it's actually time for a pre-wedding glass of champagne. What do you think, Chaerin?"

"Of course. I've already got the bottle chilling for a celebratory toast," Chaerin said, standing up and fetching the bottle. Jisoo popped the cork as Chaerin fetched three champagne flutes, which were soon filled and clinked together in a toast to Jennie and Lisa.


Lisa was stood at the altar, heart beating fast, as she waited for Jennie.

The church was small and picturesque, in the middle of the tiny town in the French countryside. It couldn't have been a more perfect place for them to say 'I do', and as Lisa patiently waited for Jennie to make it to her, she felt her excitement rise. Most people were nervous on their wedding day, but not Lisa. It felt like everything was falling into place, and she couldn't stop herself from smiling.

It wasn't long before the music started, and Jisoo made her way down the aisle, holding a bouquet as she smiled brightly. She gave Jennie a knowing smile, and Lisa smiled back as Jisoo took her place off to the side where Jennie would be stood a moment later.

And then the doors opened again, and then was Jennie, on Chaerin's arm as she made her way towards Lisa. She wore a white dress, and her hair was pinned back up an elaborate braided style. She looked more beautiful than ever, and Lisa didn't think she'd ever seen anything so radiant in all her life. The tears started instantly, and Lisa couldn't help herself. Even with the distance between them, Lisa could see tears in Jennie's eyes too, and her face split into a wide smile. It took almost all of Lisa's self-control not to run back up the aisle and just say 'I do' on the spot.

It felt like an eternity before Chaerin was placing Jennie's hand in Lisa's and taking a seat next to Yuri. Lisa's eyes hadn't moved off Jennie's face since she'd walked into the tiny church, and as they stood face to face, hand in hand, Lisa couldn't help but let out a quiet sob of laughter.

"You look beautiful," Lisa murmured, aching

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