Chapter 25

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"What the fuck?"

The started yell woke Jennie up, and she shot up in bed, clutching the blankets to her chest. Rosé stirred next to her, slowly waking up, and on the other side Jisoo was staring at Jennie with confusion.

"Morning," Rosé mumbled, propping herself up and kissing Jisoo good morning.

"Well it's definitely an unusual morning," Jisoo spluttered. "I mean, I wasn't expecting to wake up spooning my girlfriend's sister's girlfriend."

"Sorry," Jennie mumbled, rubbing at her tired eyes. "My crying was keeping Rosé awake."

"Good thing I don't sleep naked," Jisoo laughed, pulling back the covers and getting out of bed. "That would've been awkward for everyone."

Jennie rolled her eyes and got out of the other side of the bed, waiting for Rosé to roll out so she could make the bed. The other two girls walked into the kitchen and Jennie listened to them pottering about, talking as they set about making breakfast. Jennie neatly arranged the pillows before slipping out of Rosé's room and walking down the hallway.

"Coffee?" Jisoo asked, holding up the pot and raising her eyebrows.

"Um, sure," Jennie replied, walking over to the kitchen and accepting a cup off Jisoo. Rosé was busy making eggs, and she looked over her shoulder at Jennie.

"Do you want cereal? Toast? Eggs on toast?" Rosé asked her, raising her eyebrows in question.

"I'm fine, thank you. I, uh, should get going, I need to go into the office," Jennie said, giving her a grateful smile.

"Christ, Kim, give yourself a day at least before you throw yourself back into it," Jisoo told her exasperatedly.

"I have a board meeting tomorrow that I need to prepare for," Jennie shrugged.

"At least have some breakfast before you go," Rosé told her, handing Jisoo a plate of toast. Jisoo sat down at the table to eat her breakfast, and Jennie followed her over with her coffee.

"I'll even share my granola with you, but only this once, so I'd take me up on it if I were you," Jisoo told her with a grin. Jennie rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Fine, I'll stay for breakfast," Jennie said, giving in to their fussing. She left her cup on the table and walked into the kitchen to grab something.

"What do you want?" Rosé asked her, sliding her own scrambled eggs onto some fresh toast. "Do you want me to make you eggs?"

"It's fine, I can make my own. Go and eat yours before it gets cold," Jennie told her, putting down two slices of bread in the toaster. She made herself some eggs and carried it over to the table. The three of them chatted as they ate, and things almost felt like every other morning, except for the empty space that Lisa usually occupied.

Jennie washed their dirty dishes whilst Rosé and Jisoo got ready for work, trying to keep herself occupied. Doing the dishes wasn't the best idea though, because it kept her hands busy but her mind free, and all she could think of was how Lisa would usually be sneaking up behind her, planting kisses on Jennie's neck as she tried to distract her.

She was stood next to the kitchen counter, dressed in yesterday's clothes and holding the photo album and letter carefully. Jisoo and Rosé reappeared, both halfway through getting ready for work. Jennie cleared her throat softly, looking at them both as Jisoo tucked her shirt in and attached her badge and Rosé sat down at the table to pull on her boots.

"I should probably go, so, um, thanks for breakfast... and for everything else," Jennie said slowly, not sure how to say goodbye. They both looked up and gave her a smile.

"No problem," Rosé said, standing back up and buttoning fixing the collar on Jisoo's shirt. "Just try and take it easy today, okay?"

"Yes boss," Jennie laughed quietly, knowing that she was going to throw herself into her work as much as possible so she wouldn't have time to miss Lisa, if only for a moment. When she got home she knew it would all come crashing down, so if throwing herself into statistics and blueprints would give her a small reprieve, she was going to take it.

"I, um, I guess I'll see you soon then," Jennie said hesitantly as Rosé walked her to the door. She wasn't sure when she would see Rosé again, but she assumed that Lisa had asked her to check up on Jennie every once in a while, so she figured that she'd see her maybe in a few weeks.

"Yeah, have a good day at work," Rosé told her with a smile.

Jennie smiled back sadly. She would miss spending time at the apartment with Rosé and Jisoo. In a way, she was losing everyone, not just Lisa. "Yeah you too," Jennie told Rosé, before peeking around her and waving to Jisoo, "bye guys."


By noon Jennie was already wallowing in her misery as she pored over the files in front of her. She'd highlighted a few of the issues she wanted to bring up tomorrow, but that was as far as she'd gotten. She couldn't help but think about what Lisa was doing. It would be night time in Afghanistan, and she should be arriving soon, if she hadn't already. Jennie wasn't sure how long it would be before Lisa could contact her.

The door to her office opened and Somin walked in with Jennie's lunch; a walnut and orange salad instead of whatever fried or sugary thing Lisa would usually bring her. Somin set it down on the desk for Jennie, giving her boss a concerned look before she turned to walk back out. It was no secret to Jennie's employees that she was dating Lisa, and Somin knew the circumstances of their relationship better than anyone else in the building.


Her assistant pulled up short at Jennie called out to her, turning around and looking at Jennie with a mildly surprised expression. "Yes, Miss Kim?" she asked, waiting for Jennie's request or comment.

"Can you please call my mother and ask her to have someone find some of my childhood photos and send them to me," Jennie asked her.

"Oh, yes, of course. Right away ma'am," Somin replied, rushing off to do Jennie's bidding. It was the first thing Jennie had asked her to do all day, and Somin was glad of it. She was very protective of Jennie, even if she only saw Somin as her assistant.

"And Somin," Jennie called out, stopping her again as she reached the door and turned back around. "Thank you, Somin."

Somin smiled at her and gave her a small nod before walking out.

Fifteen minutes later Jennie got a phone call. Her heart leapt at the sound of it vibrating, and she lunged for it, almost upsetting her glass of water in her rush. She was filled with bitter disappointment as she looked down at her mom's name lighting up the screen.

"Yes?" Jennie said icily as she answered.

"You could at least attempt to be polite," Chaerin replied coolly.

"I'm busy, I don't have time for idle talk," Jennie snapped, her temper flaring up already. She was too tired and emotionally drained to deal with Chaerin right now.

"Planning for the board meeting tomorrow, I know," Chaerin said, "I just wanted to call and let you know that I'll be in town tomorrow for the meeting, and I'll bring the photos you asked for with me."

Jennie paused for a moment before replying. "What's the catch," she asked suspiciously. She heard Chaerin's exasperated sigh on the other end of the call, but she didn't try and lie to Jennie.

"I'll give them to you over lunch," Chaerin told her.

"Lunch?" Jennie laughed, "you're going to blackmail me with lunch?"

"Oh really, Jennie," Chaerin sighed, "why do you have to see it as blackmail? Am I not allowed to ask for a favour as small as lunch with my daughter in return?"

After a moment's deliberation, Jennie sighed, agreeing that it was a fair trade. She really wanted those photos.

"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

She hung up without waiting for Chaerin to reply, and dropped her phone onto her desk. Putting her head in her hands, Jennie sat like that for a few moments, massaging her temples as she took a deep breath. The sound of her phone vibrating again elicited a heavy sigh, and Jennie went to click ignore before realising that it wasn't her mom.

This time the paperwork wasn't so lucky as Jennie rushed to answer the phone, knocking over the glass of water, and upsetting a stack of paper which fluttered to the floor, along with Jennie's phone. Jennie dived to the floor in a panic, scrambling to pick it up and answer it.

"Shit," she swore, shuffling the sodden papers into a pile and picking up pieces of the shattered glass as the video call connected. "Fuck."

"I thought you'd be happy to see me."

Jennie let out a breathless sob at the sound of Lisa's voice, tears springing to her eyes as she scooped up the phone. There she was, smiling widely at Jennie, even if she did look like she hadn't slept for days.

"Are you sat on the floor?"

"Oh God, oh my God," Jennie cried, fully sinking down to the floor as she drank in the sight of Lisa on her screen. "I'm sorry I'm crying, I'm just overwhelmed, and I miss you and I love you."

"I miss you and I love you too," Lisa laughed, her own eyes shining with tears, shifting slightly as she adjusted her position. "Sorry I couldn't call when I landed, this is the first free moment I've had since I got here."

"It's fine, I knew you'd have to get settled in first," Jennie told her, smiling at her through her tears. "I'm just so relieved to see your face; I can't stop thinking about you."

"I can't stop thinking about you too," Lisa told her, "on the first flight I cried the entire time. In the end I had to borrow two sleeping pills off the lady next to me so I could knock myself out. I thought I would never stop."

"Oh yeah? Well I ended in bed with your sister and Jisoo because my crying was keeping her awake," Jennie laughed, wiping at her eyes. "Thank you for the photo album and the letter, by the way. They only made me cry like a thousand times more."

Lisa laughed and Jennie's heart leapt at the sound. She would never take it for granted ever again. "I bet Jisoo was thrilled about that when she woke up, and I'm glad you liked it. I just-, I wanted you to have something to hold onto, something where I'm still with you."

"I know. It's perfect, thank you. I'm holding you to your promise that you'll be back to fill up the rest of the pages," Jennie warned her.

"Of course," Lisa laughed.

"Seriously though, Lisa. I swear to God, you better come home or I will fly there and kill you myself," Jennie threatened.

"I wouldn't put it past you," Lisa smiled at her, her eyes full of adoration. "And I always keep my promises."

"Good," Jennie murmured, gently tracing her fingers over the screen, almost as if she could touch Lisa. "Have you spoken to your mom and Rosé yet?"

"No, not yet. I was going to call them next. I just had to see your face first. I had to see if you were okay," Lisa whispered, giving Jennie a sad smile.

"I'm managing," Jennie told her, giving her a wry smile as she rolled her eyes at Lisa. They both knew she was trying to put on a brave face, but that's all it was. Underneath that she was heartbroken. "You should call your mom and your sister. Let them know you got there safely. I don't want to hog you."

"Every inch of me is yours, Jennie Kim," Lisa assured her, "but you're right, I should call them. I'll call you as soon as I can, I promise. Hopefully tomorrow."

"Call whenever, okay? It doesn't matter if it's four in the morning, as long as I get to see your face," Jennie told her.

Lisa laughed, her eyes sparkling behind her glasses and her nose wrinkling slightly. "Yes boss. I love you."

"I love you too. Please stay safe," Jennie murmured, a soft smile gracing her lips, "bye."

They both sat there for a moment, neither one of them wanting to hang up first and both of them waiting for the other to do it. Jennie let out a laugh, "we're not being one of those couples."

Lisa joined in with her laughter, before they both said goodbye and Jennie hung up, before they sat there for the next half an hour staring at each other's faces with longing in their eyes.

She felt better having spoken to Lisa, like she had just been reassured that everything was okay between them both. If she really tried, Jennie could almost pretend like she was just speaking to Lisa on the phone, like she usually did at work.

With a sigh, Jennie pulled herself up off the floor, and wiped at her eyes. She drew a compact mirror out of her bag and touched up her makeup, before looking at the ruined paperwork with dismay. It looked like her work for the day was done.

Jennie threw the paper into the recycling bin and closed her laptop, before stuffing it into her bag, along with her phone. She walked over to the door, yanking it open and walking out of her office. Somin looked up in surprise as Jennie walked out, leaping to her feet as she rushed to fetch Jennie's coat, seeing that she was leaving for the day.

"Thank you," Jennie said, giving her assistant a small smile. She knew even her perfect makeup couldn't hide her red eyes, swollen slightly from crying, and she knew Somin would have picked up on it instantly. She liked to think of her assistant as more of a distant friend. They didn't really hang out outside of work, but Jennie realised she actually liked her.

"You should go home, Somin," Jennie told her, smiling as she took the coat that Somin held out to her. "There's no need to stay here if I'm not."

"Oh, well I could always double check your schedule for next week," Somin offered.

"I insist," Jennie said. "Don't bother coming in tomorrow either. I'll only be here for the board meeting and then I'm leaving. Don't worry, you'll receive a full day's pay for today and tomorrow, just... go and enjoy your weekend."

"Well that's very kind of you, Miss Kim," Somin said, giving Jennie a warm smile. Jennie waved away her thanks, before saying goodbye and walking over to the elevator.


Jennie was sat in her office in her apartment, writing a letter back to Lisa. She quite liked the idea of them writing love letters to each other, it would be something to occupy her time, and she would be able to tell Lisa things that she might have forgotten during their talks.

My dearest Lisa,

I'm not sure if you were expecting a reply, but I have some things to say too, and like you said; some things are better said written down. So first of all I want to thank you for the past seven months. You don't know what a blessing you have been to me. Before you, it was like I wasn't even alive, I can't remember my life without you, it feels like a dream and now I've been woken up. You have painted my world a thousand different colours, and I don't care how cliché that sounds, it's true. You have made me appreciate the beauty of simple things like flowers and good coffee.

I know I'm not one to love someone easily, and I don't make it easy for someone to love me too. You've mentioned that a few times, and I feel like I need to clear some things up. When we met, I was stumbling through life, not knowing how to manage things or where I fit. Love seemed stupid and inconsequential, but then I met you. I told you that some people aren't built for love, that true love was the stuff of fairy tales, but I guess I was wrong. You were right when you said that you just have to find the right person, and I will be eternally grateful to you for showing me that.

I still remember my fortune cookie from that day at the Chinese restaurant; 'love is like oxygen; you need it to survive'. I guess that fortune cookies are right sometimes, because I don't think I could survive in a world without love. Well that's not entirely true – I don't think I could survive in a world without your love. I think your cookie was right that day too (in case you forgot it said 'a part of us remains wherever we have been'), because you walked right into my life and left footprints on my heart, and now you've wandered off with it, leaving pieces of you behind, in the photographs you've taken, to fill the gap. It's okay though, because I know that you'll bring my heart back whole.

This is getting a lot sappier than I thought it would, so I want to tell you one more thing. You're a hero at heart, I know that. You want to save people, that's who you are as a person, and I think that's why you joined the army, even though you don't believe in the war. But still, I want you to know that it's okay if you only save one person, and it's okay if that person is yourself. So please, if it comes down to it, save yourself. I know that that's a selfish thing to say, but please, for once in your life just be selfish.

I love you with everything that I am.

Jennie x

She folded the pieces of paper up, before slipping them into the envelope. Jennie had used the nice stationary that Chaerin had bought her when she became CEO of J-Corp, as if a gift would make Jennie more inclined to forgive her. She was grateful for it now though, otherwise she wouldn't have anything to write on, and she had to admit, it was nice stationary.

With a sigh, Jennie got up and grabbed a thick cardigan from her closet before walking out of her apartment and heading up to the roof. Carefully, she watered all of her plants, pulling a few weeds as she checked on her vegetables. After she finished, she stood on the edge of the rooftop, drinking in the sight of the city spread out before her, and then she looked up at the stars, smiling at the thought that Lisa would be looking up at the same stars whilst she was away, even if it wasn't at the same time.

Finally, the wind had chilled Jennie to her core, and she decided to go back downstairs. The elevator opened and her eyebrows rose in surprise as she took in the sight of Rosé leaning against the wall and Jisoo sat down, knees drawn up to her chin as she clutched a paper bag.

They both became alert as Jennie stepped out of the elevator, giving them a confused look. "Um, hi, how long of you been waiting here?" Jennie asked as she walked over to her door. "And how do you know where I live?"

"Only like five minutes, and do you really think it would be hard for a detective and a federal agent to find out where you live? We brought dinner. We figured we'd wait because you weren't at your office and you wouldn't be

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