Day After Date

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"Hey sunshine" "Hey handsome" he had his arms around my waist to I turned to face him. I yawned into his neck then left my head there "Hey we better get up" "Why? What's the time?" "8 am" I sighed then kissed him "Do we have to?" "Unless we both want to be fired yes" I sighed again then Mouse got out of bed and lifted me up. "Where are we going?" "I'm carrying you to the bathroom"  "Why?" "Because if I didn't you wouldn't get out of bed" "That's true" I smiled and Mouse put me down. I did what I needed to and put my hair in a high ponytail then walked out of his ensuite
"Your bag" I smiled and took out my last outfit. "I need to put something new in here" I smiled and took out my truck uniform that was taking up half the bag. "Oh, I've not worn this in ages" I took out my skinny jeans, black turtle neck top and long grey blazer jacket and got changed. I threw my truck uniform in then Mouse handed me my stuff from last night. "Thank you" I reached up and kissed him. I grabbed my black high heeled boots and put them on. "You look beautiful and I'll carry your bag" I smiled "Thank you" I grabbed his hand and we walked out to the living room.
"You play?" "No, I couldn't get rid of it" "Mind if I" "No go ahead" I smiled and walked over to the piano and sat down on the piano stool. I only knew a couple of songs so I played my favourite Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Mouse sat down next to me halfway through.

"That was amazing" I turned to face him "Thank you" I kissed him "What do you want for breakfast?" "Just some fruit and coffee" "Well I'll make coffee and there is some fruit on the island" I smiled and walked to the island and took an apple.
 I watched Mouse make the coffee "I could get used to me, you, Mya and our own little kids running about this house" "So could I" I smiled "Coffee to go" I smiled and took a sip of the coffee "I love you" "I love you too" I walked around to him and hugged him. "I want to have kids with you" I put my arms around his neck "I want to have kids with you as well but shouldn't we ask Mya if she wants a brother or sister" I looked up at him "Probably but that's a conversation for when I have some wine" I smiled "Ok let's go to work before we are late" I pouted "I don't have to go" "I'll carry you" "Fine" I took his hand and grabbed my coffee before we walked out to his car.
"I love you" "I love you too" I smiled then kissed his cheek "So how about you come over tonight and we talk to Mya about what we spoke about last night and this morning" "Yeah sounds good" "Watch a movie although I think it will be frozen because that's all she watches at the moment" He chuckled "We can probably find something else to watch" "Hopefully" I chuckled then took a drink of my coffee. 

I opened the door and got out "Want your bag?" "Nah I'll get it after" "Ok" I took Mouse's hand and we walked into the district
 "Halstead" "I'll catch up" "Ok" I kissed Mouse and walked over to the front desk. "Morning Trudy" "Morning Katrina I have a little gift for Mya" She handed me a little teddy bear with a leather jacket on and a badge around its neck "It's like Jay" "Yeah it is" I smiled "Thank you Trudy" "Don't worry about it, Halstead" I walked over to the gate and put my hand on the scanner then put my pin in. I pulled open the gate and walked up to the bullpen.
"Halstead" "Not again" I muttered under my breath "Yes Hank" "Can you help Mouse" I nodded "Of course" I smiled and sat down at my desk. I put the teddy bear on my desk "Where's Jay?" "Not in yet" I took my phone out my pocket and phoned him. "No answer" I signed onto my computer then pinged his phone, "It says he's on the road here but not moving" "Who would he be with?" "Mya, he was babysitting while I went out last night" "Stopped for coffee or something" "Donouhgts maybe" I smiled weakly then my phone rung "Jay" I breathed a sigh of relief "Hey don't worry I got a flat and I'm waiting for someone to come and fix it" "Don't you have a spare?" "No I used it and I forgot to get another" "OK how's Mya?" "Shes fine playing with her iPad" "Ipad?" "Ok, I should have asked bu-" "Jay I'm not mad I was going to get her one but we haven't been shopping yet" "Ok so I can live" "Only if you bring us doughnuts on your way in" "Fine" "I'll tell Voight" "Thank you I love you" "I love you too big brother" I hung up then looked at Mouse "What's up?" "He got a flat and he's waiting for someone to change it he's bringing in doughnuts on his way" I smirked then looked at Ruzek "Process of elimination worked out who it is" I smiled and walked over to him then whispered in his ear "Watch out that's the lieutenant's sister" I smirked and walked to Voight's office and knocked on the door.
"Come in Halstead" I opened his door and walked in.
"Hank Jay has a flat and he's waiting on someone coming to fix it" "Thank you Halstead" I nodded "Door closed?" "Yes," I walked out and shut the door. "Halstead someone is downstairs for you" I nodded and walked downstairs "Oh great" I let the gate slam behind me
"What are you doing here James" "I came to see you" "And I forgot about you when I left you were never there for me I have a family here now and I don't want to lose all that because you showed up" "I'm sorry I just wanted to see you while I was in town" "How did you find me?" "There's only 3 Halstead's in Chicago" I sighed "Me and my brothers" I muttered under my breath "Katrina" I turned around "Where's your brother" "He got a flat why?" "We got a case" "Ok I'll be up in a minute" "You ok" "I'm fine Ruzek can you send Mouse down?" "Ooohh" "Ruzek just go" I sighed and turned back around to James "James you are my ex for a reason and I moved here for a reason" "I know and I should say you look better than the last time I saw you" "I was a drug addict then" "Yeah I know and that's why I said you look better" I felt arms around my neck
"Hey, handsome" "Hey sunshine" "Can you go get my duffel bag?" "Ok" I turned around and kissed him then looked at James "Ok you can go now James" "I have to say I'm sorry about the past" "James I don't care" "Mommy" I smiled and picked Mya up who was running at me "Hey sweetie" I kissed her head "Go and I don't want to see you back here" I turned to Jay "Hey" "Hey" I hugged him and he kissed my head "Who was that?" "An ex from my past but there's no need to run a background check I know what will come up" "And what's that?" "Possession of a class a and b drug with intent to supply, possession of an armed weapon, armed robbery and a lot more" I kissed Mya's head and Mouse walked back in with my duffel bag "Thank you" I took it and put it over my shoulder and walked up to the bullpen.
"The Halsteads are back" I chuckled and sat down with Mya on my lap and my duffel bag on the floor next to my desk "Mya Trudy gave me this for you" I handed her the teddy bear and she hugged me "Can I keep her" "Of course you can say thank you to Trudy before we go" "Ok mommy" I picked Mya up and put her on my seat. "Ok so we responded to a call the day before yesterday and it matches this guys motive I wasn't inside but Cruz got trapped in the bedroom with a young boy" "Ok so can we get 51 in?" "I can possibly get Cruz, Severide and Casey in" I looked at Ruzek when I said Severide. "What Severide?" "Kelly why?" "Just so we can phone him" "I'll phone Cruz" "I'll phone Severide" "I'll phone Casey" I nodded and took my phone out my pocket and phoned Cruz "Halstead what's up?" "Cruz, can you come to the 21st?" "Sure but why?" "You know that fire where we rescued a little boy" "Yeah the one where you ignored Caseys orders" "Yeah the one where I ignored Caseys orders but because I did we recused a little boy" "Ok point taken I can be there in 10" "Thanks Cruz I owe you one" "That you do Halstead" I smiled and hung up and put my phone back in my pocket "Cruz will be here in 10" "Severide 5" "Casey 10" I nodded "I'll go tell Trudy" I jogged downstairs and up to the front desk.
 "Trudy if Cruz, Severide or Casey comes in can you phone up please" "Yes, of course, it will save me walking up those stairs" I smiled "Thank you, Trudy" I jogged up the stairs "Jay you were late so I forgot to ask" "What?" "Can we get a piano?" "Why?" "So I can teach Mya to play" "Can you even play?" "Of course I can play I'm amazing at playing it" "That she is" "Thank you Mouse" I smiled "No go buy a house and put a piano in it" I pouted then my phone rang. "Katrina Halstead" "Halstead Severide is here" "I'll be down" I jogged downstairs and opened the gate "Severide" I smiled and he walked over "Ok why am I here all your brother said was come to the 21st" "I can't explain I'm not police" I smiled and put my hand on the scanner and put my pin in then pulled the gate open and walked up to the bullpen "So I'll leave you with Ruzek" I smirked then kissed Mya's head and sat on my desk.
 I pushed my chair out of the way and started typing. My phone rang and I grabbed it "Katrina Halstead" "I have Joe Cruz" "I'll be down now" I jogged downstairs and I held the gate open "Cruz" "Halstead how are you" "Tired" I chuckled and walked upstairs "I'll leave you with Atwater" I smiled and walked back to my desk
"Katrina Halstead" "Halstead Casey is now here" I sighed "Coming" I walked downstairs and held the gate open with my foot "Casey good to see you" "Halstead Mouse didn't tell me what was happening" "I can't say" We walked up the stairs "And Casey I will leave you with Jay"
 I walked over to my desk and grabbed the sheet of paper "Ok so while we were waiting for Cruz, Severide and Casey I got a ping on D'anthony's phone, pulled all the numbers he called in the last 24 hours" "Sister and employee of the week" I smiled "All the calls were made to the came numbers, a cell phone registered to a Lucky M Pawn and Loan in Gage Park" "Ok so we know that he phones the same numbers" I nodded "Ok let's go get the people he keeps phoning and try and get something out of them" I nodded and they all left. "I'll walk youse out" I smiled and walked down with Casey, Cruz and Severide "Thank you guys for coming and helping" "Don't worry about it Halstead" I smiled and walked back up to Mouse.
I sat on his desk and kissed him "So what do you want for dinner?" "I don't know what does Mya want?" I turned to Mya "Mya what do you want for dinner sweetie?" "Can we have pasta?" I turned to Mouse and nodded "Yeah sure" I turned to Mya "Can I see your iPad please" "Ok mommy" she handed me her Ipad and I set the screen time so it was 2 hours on 2 hours off "Ok you have an hour left" I handed her Ipad back to her. "Ok, so pasta for dinner and then a movie" Mouse nodded "I could send Jay to Will's" "You can't do that it's his house" "Half of it is his house I pay half the rent" I smirked "Or we could go to mine and Mya could sleep in the spare bedroom" "How far away is your bedroom from the guest bedroom?" "Far enough" I smirked "I'll get Jay to drive us home I'll pack an overnight bag for both of us then drive to yours but you will need to buy frozen" I smiled "Sounds good I'll make pasta for you coming" I nodded "Oh your house will become a toy zone by the end of tonight" "Oh well that's the fun of having kids" "And your house is spotless" "So was Jay's before you got Mya" "It still is. He tidys every couple of hours I can tell I didn't get his genes because I'm a messy person" I chuckled "I could tell that by your bedroom" "Yeah well get used to it because I'm just as messy as Mya" I smirked "I think I signed up for that" I smiled and intelligence was walking up.
"Ok paperwork because that guy confessed in the car" I chuckled "Bet you that was fun" I picked Mya up and put her on my hip "Mommy" "Yes sweetie" "Can we have garlic bread as well" "How about you ask Mouse" "Mouse can we have garlic bread" "Of course we are going to have garlic bread" I kissed her head "Ok what's happening tonight do I need to babysit?" "No, you don't we are going to Mouse's" "With Mya" I nodded "So you can bring someone back to ours" "Oh no" I looked at him "Ok I'll be there at 5 am tomorrow morning" I smirked "You struggle to get out of bed at 7 for work I doubt you will be up at 5 am" "Ok point taken" I bounced Mya up and down. "Ok let's go" I nodded and grabbed my duffel bag and threw it over my shoulder "I'll text you when I leave" I nodded "I'll text you before I leave" I walked over to him and kissed him. I walked down the stairs next to Jay "I'll catch up" "Ok" I walked over to the front desk "What do you say to Sargent Platt?" "Thank you for the teddy bear" "It's ok Mya" I kissed her head "I'll see you tomorrow Trudy" "Bye Katrina" I smiled and walked out to Jay's car. "I'll put Mya in" I nodded and Mya moved from my arms to Jay's. I threw my duffel bag into the back then climbed in the car.
"So what did you and Mouse get up to last night?" "What does it matter to you" A smile grew on my face thinking about last night "Youse did something" I looked out the window "You did" I smirked "And so what" "Ok" "Ok there is a 6-year-old in the car" I looked at him seriously "I'll be quiet" I nodded "You better be" 

I opened my door "I'll take Mya she's sleeping" I nodded and grabbed my duffel bag and walked into the house "Where?" I dumped my duffel bag on the floor "Sofa?" he nodded and put Mya on the sofa then turned to me. "So why are youse really staying at Mouse's?" "So you can go out and bring someone home" "Doubt that will happen" I shook my head "Well I'm going to pack a bag for Mya and I" "Ok" I grabbed my duffel bag and walked to my bedroom. 
I dumped my duffel bag on my bed. I took out my uniform and clothes from last night and walked to the bathroom and put them in the laundry hamper then walked back to my bedroom. I took out my extra uniforms and put them in the drawer with my uniforms in. I dumped my work boots on the floor next to the door then looked through my wardrobe. I picked out 2 outfits so I had one for tomorrow and one for after shift. I grabbed a gym outfit and put it in. I picked shoes that would go with both the outfits and with my gym outfit. I grabbed my duffel bag and walked into the bathroom.
I dumped my bag on the floor and grabbed my hair stuff and makeup stuff. I also put in hair stuff for Mya and my wash bag just in case I don't come home tomorrow night and I come home to grab my uniforms. I put my hair stuff and makeup stuff in my duffel bag then shut it and walked out to the living room.
I dumped my duffel bag on the floor "So your bag is ready let me guess 6 outfits" "No 1 gym outfit 2 daily outfits and 3 pairs of shoes" "3 pairs of shoes?" "1 for gym, 1 for 1 outfit and 1 for the other outfit" he shook his head "Ok so I need to go get Mya's bag ready" Jay threw me a duffel bag "Use mine" I nodded "Thanks" I walked threw to Mya's bedroom.
I packed Mya's bedroom with an outfit for tomorrow and a pair of pyjamas for tonight. I also put in a couple of her blankets and toys to help her sleep better in an unknown home. I grabbed a couple of toys and put them in her bag and closed it then walked out to the living room. "I put her Ipad on charge and put a few of her toys in another duffel bag I had lying around" I dumped the duffel bag on the floor "Thank you" "Don't worry about it I put your purse, phone charger and a jacket in your duffel bag because I know what you are like" "Aren't you a good brother" "Oh and fluffy is in your bag" "Ok" I smiled then hugged him. I took my phone out of my back pocket.

Mouse    Katrina

Hey sunshine I'm done at work now
Hey handsome I'll be over shortly I'm just waiting                                                                                                  on Mya waking up
Ok be safe on your way over here and 
message me before you leave and just
come into the house

I will, I love you 💕💕
I love you too 💕

"Stop messaging him and just go see him" I shook my head "I'm waiting on Mya waking up" "I'll put your 3 duffel bag in the car and you wake Mya up" I nodded and walked over to the sofa and crouched down in front of Mya. "Hey sweetie time to wake up" "Mommy" "Hey I'm here" she wrapped her arms around my neck and I put my hands on her back and picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. "Let's go out to the car then go see Mouse" "Ok mommy" I kissed her head and walked out to the car. I put her in then buckled her in "All 3 duffel bags are on the seat next to Mya" I closed her door and turned to face him "Thank you" "It's ok you are my little sister" "Go out and have fun" "I will go out" I smirked "I'll see you tomorrow" "Yeah you will be safe little sister" "Be safe big brother" I hugged him then got into my car and drove to Mouse's house.

"Mommy" "Yes sweetie" "Where's Fluffy?" "In mommy's bag" "Ok mommy" I got out the car and walked around to Mya's door and unbuckled her then lifted her out. I grabbed Mya's bag's and threw them over my shoulder. I closed the door and took Mya's hand. 
I opened the door "It's just me and Mya" "Ok I'm in the kitchen" I walked into the kitchen with Mya hidden behind my leg
"Got enough bags?" "One is toys and one is clothes both for Mya" I smirked, "Where's yours?" "In the car, I'm not on duty so I wasn't carrying 3 bags" "Pass me your keys I'll go get your bag" I handed him my car keys "Get comfy" I nodded and took the 2 duffel bags off and put them on the floor. "Mommy, why are we here?" "So uncle Jay can go out tonight" "Ok mommy" I smiled and grabbed the duffel bag with toys in and opened it "Go play" "Ok mommy" Mouse walked in and put my duffel bag down next to Mya's.
 I jumped on the counter and watched him cook. "You just going to sit and watch?" "I can't cook so yeah I'm just gonna sit and watch my handsome man cook" I smiled and he walked over and stood in front of me. We both leaned in and started kissing I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him in closer. "Mommy" The words of Mya broke us apart "Yes sweetie" "Come with me" I looked Mouse weirdly then jumped down and she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room.
She pushed me onto the sofa then sat next to me "What's wrong sweetie?" "Mommy, can I call Mouse daddy?" My heart sunk to my stomach the fact that she just asked that made my heart full "You can call him whatever you want" I smiled and kissed her head "Where's Fluffy?" "Shall we go get him?" she nodded and we walked through to the kitchen.
I crouched down and opened my duffel bag and grabbed Fluffy "There you go" "Thank you mommy" I smiled and watched her run off I jumped on the counter "Everything ok?" "More than ok" I smiled "Dinner will be ready in 5" I smiled and he walked over and stood in the same spot as before. We started kissing again then I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him in closer again. "We can finish this later" I nodded and kissed him once more "Should you call Mya?" "Nah you can do it" I smirked "Mya dinner is ready" "Comming daddy" I smiled when she said daddy "Did she?" I nodded "That's what she wanted me for" I kissed him then jumped down and walked to the table and sat down.
 "Mommy, how much?" "We'll see how much you eat first" "Ok mommy" I smiled and we started eating "So Mya do you want to watch frozen?" I looked at Mouse "Yes yes yes" I smiled then mouthed the word 'Sibling' to Mouse and he nodded. "Mya do you want a sister or brother?" she nodded her head as fast as she could "Ok calm down" I

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